landforms Flashcards
plains are
large grassy flat areas with soil suited for agriculture often found in the interior of a continent
a coastal plain is
a type of plain found near the ocean that is lower in elevation to the sea level than the land around it
a marsh is
a type of coastal plain that is grassy wetland flooded with water
the continental shelf is
the part of a continent that extends into an ocean
plateaus are
flat raised areas made of horizontal rocks that have been lifted by forces within the earth
a folded mountain is
a landform that is formed by forces in the earth that squeeze rock layers, causing them to fold
unwarped mountains are
landforms that are formed by blocks of the Earth’s crust that are pushed up by forces within the earth
fault-block mountains are
landforms that are made from huge tilted blocks of rock sperated from other rocks through faults
volcanic mountains are
landforms that are formed when molten material reaches the surface of the earth and piles up into a cone shape
a fault is a
large fracture made in rock in which vertical movement occurs
examples of volcanic mountains include
mount st Helens in Washington and mount shasta in california
examples of fault block mountains include
the grand tetons in Wyoming and the sierra Nevada in california
mountains create their own
highest mountain in the world is
mt everest
the highest mountain peak in the United States is
an example of a folded mountain is
the Appalachian mountains along the Canadian Rockies
example of unwarped mountains include
the Black Hills and Southern Rocky Mountains
mount st Helens in Washington and mount shasta in california are examples of
examples of volcanic mountains
the grand tetons in Wyoming and the sierra Nevada in california are
examples of fault block mountains
the Appalachian mountains along the Canadian Rockies are
an example of a folded mountain
the Black Hills and Southern Rocky Mountains is an
example of unwarped mountains