education news entertainment changes in us Flashcards
by 1914, most states required children to have t
around 1900 schools began practicing a new set of educational ideas and beliefs that was ______ by ____
progressive education, John Dewey
progressive education
is that you should learn by doing and have hands on learning and together working, allowing one to easily work with other members of society in the future
the 1863 Morill Act
granted states land they could sell to raise money
states used money from the Morill Act
start schools called land-grant colleges(they accepted women, others no)
by 1910 almost 40%of American colleges were composed of
Booker t Washington attended ______ and founded the _______
Hampton Institute, Tuskegee Institute in Alabama
colleges such as ________ and ______ provided higher education for African Americans
Hampton Institute, Howard University
scientist George Washington Carver joined the _______ in 1896 and his research changed _______ with hundreds of his products coming from ______
Tuskegee staff, agriculture, peanut
1881- Andrew Carnegie said he would
build a public library in any city that would pay for it
two new approaches to writing
regionalism and realism
focuses on the lives of ordinary people
focuses on a particular region of a country
who wrote about city slums
joseph crane
who wrote about miners and hunters in the northwest
Jack london
who described upper-class easterners
edith wharton
first African American writer to achieve fame
paul laurence dunbar
_______ wrote a series of books for young adults
Horatio alger
paperback books appeared in
the late 1800s
Joseph pulitzer grabbed readers’ attention in newspapers by
having illustrations, cartoons, and bold titles
william randolph hearst developed
yellow jounalism
yellow journalism is characterized by
the exaggeration of dramatic parts in a story
most influential of ethnic and minority newspapers
chicago defender
what grew in popularity for ones entertainment
spectator sports
ehich spectator sport was the most popular
by the early 1900s the ____ and ____ leagues were formed
first world series took place in
football was popular and developed from
the english game of rugby
the first college football game win 1869 was played by
rutgers and princeton
basketball was invented
in the 1890s as an indoor game for students by Dr. James Naismith of Springfield massachusetts
wealthy people played golf and tennis in
pirvate golf
bicycling grew in popularity after the
“safety: bicycle (two air filled rubber tires not penny farthing)
a vaudville show is
a type of theatrical show with dancing, singing, comedy, and magic acts
the most popular show in the 1900s was _____ followed by. ____
vaudville, circus
in the 1880s, thomas edison developed
“moving pictures”
The first movie theaters wer called ______ because ______
nickolodeons, it cost a nickel
1800s- american art and music reflected influence and styles of
american painters had ____ themes int e=their works
Frederic remingt portrayed in his arton
the american west(cowhands and native americans)
winslow homer painted
southern farmers, adirondack campers, and stormy sea scens
the impressionist childe hassam painted
scenes of life in new york city, its landscapes along with new england countrysides
john phillip sousa compose many
marches (the washington post, the stars and stripes forever
african american musicians in new orleans developed
the first important jazz compose was
jelly roll morton
related to jazz is
ragtime music
the leading ragtime composer was
pianist scott joplin
amon the world finest orchestras were
the symphony orchestras of new york, boston, and Philadelphia
great singers and conductors from all over the world came to perform at
new york’s metropolitan opera house