Lab VI Flashcards
Expiratory reserve volume
amount of air forcibly exhaled beyond normal breath (maximum amount of air that can be exhaled)
External respiration
exchange of gases between lungs and blood
inspiration reserve volume
deep breath beyond normal breath (maximum amount of air that can be inhaled)
internal respiration
exchange of gases between blood and tissues in the body
minimal volume
amount of air remaining in lungs even after collapse of lungs
Pulmonary Ventilation
Residual Volume
amount of air that can NOT be forcibly exhaled
instrument that measures lung volume
Tidal Volume
normal breath (in & out)
Total Lung Capacity
total amount of exchangeable and non-exchangeable air in the lungs
Vital Capacity
maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation (ERV) + (TV) + (IRV)
“Adam’s Apple”
thyroid cartilage
functional unit of respiratory system where gas exchange take place
process of listening to sounds of the body
the opening to the larynx
sounds of Korotkoff
sounds heard when taking blood pressure with a cuff
instrument used to measure blood pressure
“Wind Pipe”
Name the three portions of the pharynx
- Nasopharynx - behind the nose 2. Ovopharynx - behind the mouth 3. Larangopharynx - behind the larynx
Name the three pairs of tonsils.
- pharyngeal (adenoids) 2. palatine 3. lingual
Name the three largest and unpaired cartilages of the larynx
- thyroid 2. cricoid 3. epiglottis
Name three arteries that can be used to measure the pulse rate.
- temporal 2. coratoid 3. braccial
What is the normal range for the pulse rate in adults?
60 - 100 beats per minute
Given a patient’s blood pressure, determine the following: Diastolic Pressure
Diastolic: 80
Given a patient’s blood pressure, determine the following: Pulse Pressure
pulse pressure: 40 (120-80)
Given a patient’s blood pressure, determine the following: Systolic Pressure
systolic: 120
Why are the larynx, trachea, and bronchi made of cartilage rather muscle or bone?
Bone is too stiff. Muscle would collapse. Cartilage is strong but flexible.
Be able to identify in a “forward facing” torso the following structures:
a. alveoli b. bronchioles c. bronchi d. cricoid cartilage e. diaphragm f. epiglottis g. lung h. parietal pleura i. pleural cavity j. pulmonary (visceral) pleura k. thyroid cartilage l. trachea
amount of air forcibly exhaled beyond normal breath (maximum amount of air that can be exhaled)
Expiratory reserve volume
exchange of gases between lungs and blood
External respiration
deep breath beyond normal breath (maximum amount of air that can be inhaled)
inspiration reserve volume
exchange of gases between blood and tissues in the body
internal respiration
amount of air remaining in lungs even after collapse of lungs
minimal volume
Pulmonary Ventilation
amount of air that can NOT be forcibly exhaled
Residual Volume
instrument that measures lung volume
normal breath (in & out)
Tidal Volume
total amount of exchangeable and non-exchangeable air in the lungs
Total Lung Capacity
maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation (ERV) + (TV) + (IRV)
Vital Capacity
thyroid cartilage
“Adam’s Apple”
functional unit of respiratory system where gas exchange take place
process of listening to sounds of the body
the opening to the larynx
sounds heard when taking blood pressure with a cuff
sounds of Korotkoff
instrument used to measure blood pressure
“Wind Pipe”
- Nasopharynx - behind the nose 2. Ovopharynx - behind the mouth 3. Larangopharynx - behind the larynx
Name the three portions of the pharynx
- pharyngeal (adenoids) 2. palatine 3. lingual
Name the three pairs of tonsils.
- thyroid 2. cricoid 3. epiglottis
Name the three largest and unpaired cartilages of the larynx
- temporal 2. coratoid 3. braccial
Name three arteries that can be used to measure the pulse rate.
60 - 100 beats per minute
What is the normal range for the pulse rate in adults?
Diastolic: 80
Given a patient’s blood pressure, determine the following: Diastolic Pressure
pulse pressure: 40 (120-80)
Given a patient’s blood pressure, determine the following: Pulse Pressure
systolic: 120
Given a patient’s blood pressure, determine the following: Systolic Pressure
Bone is too stiff. Muscle would collapse. Cartilage is strong but flexible.
Why are the larynx, trachea, and bronchi made of cartilage rather muscle or bone?
a. alveoli b. bronchioles c. bronchi d. cricoid cartilage e. diaphragm f. epiglottis g. lung h. parietal pleura i. pleural cavity j. pulmonary (visceral) pleura k. thyroid cartilage l. trachea
Be able to identify in a “forward facing” torso the following structures: