Lab practical Flashcards
R/t dissection lab 13
Near or toward the back
What makes an animal an animal
Lab 9
Multicellular Locomotion
Tissues (to organs, to organ systems)
3 Germ layers (names of them)
lab 9
3 lab hazards
lab safety
biohazardous waste
R/t dissection lab 13
Close to a point of reference. No distal
lab 9
concentration of sensory organs (platy flatworm)
(Doral hollow) Nerve cord
Lab 9
1 of 4 characteristics of chordates
Nerve fiber tube that develops into the CNS
Runs along the back (unlike with other phyla who have ventral nerve chords that run along the belly)
lab 9
What you get (in early embryogenesis) when a single cell has divided into many, many additional, highly compacted cells that clump together against one of the inner walls, resulting in the formation of a hollow cavity opposite the clump
what b and logC represents
Island Biogeography Lab
log of the #of species you have when A (area) = 1
essentially, it’s a baseline # of species
R/t dissection lab 13
Relating to the hip region
Triploblastic animals
lab 9
animals that have all three germ layers
Khan lab 9
what you call a blastula (in early embryogenesis) that has formed it’s cell clump and blastocoel cavity
Null hypothesis
lab 10 arthropod bx
A prediction of what you should observe when/if the ‘alternative’ (aka ‘research’) hypothesis is false
Given by H0
Muscular post anal tail
Lab 9
1 of 4 characteristics of chordates
Tail (for swimming or wagging or shriveling into a coccyx tailbone)
Types of wastes bins
lab safety
sharps bin
biohazard bin
regular trash bin
Null hypothesis FAILS to be rejected if…
(Accept your alternative hypothesis if…)
(lab 10 arthropod bx)
Your data turns out to be random, after all
Determined by using a table to relate your chi squared value to your degree of freedom value, with respect to your experiment’s established p value and the table’s listed statistical significance threshold
parazoa character (lab 9)
describes animals that DO NOT have true tissues
t -test definition
spice lab
used to compare means (like from a bar chart) while accounting for sample size and spread of the data
lab 10 arthropod bx
Per Susan: a non-directional change in activity rate in response to a stimulus
Movement/motion (as in movement of a cell or organism)
2 types of cnidaria body types
lab 9
sedentary polyp
floating medusa
2 characteristics of protostome cells
lab 9
- they are NOT stacked directly on top of one another
2. they are determinant (removing any will cause the embryo to die)
4 things about platyhelminthes (platy-hell-minth-haze) phylum
(Lab 9)
Soft unsegmented worms (like flat worms & tape worms)
Oldest triploblasts
Undifferentiated cells (you can cut one in half and the 2 ends will keep growing)
Why we compared animals by phylum
lab 9
differences between animals at this level occur in the embryonic stage
non-logarithmic way to write formula for spices #
Island Biogeography Lab
where S = # of speices
C = S values when A = 1
A = area
z = rate of change