Lab Finial Wildlife Rehab Flashcards
Needle Sizing (gauge)
smallest gauge number has largest needle size
Volume on Syringes
60mL, 25mL, 20mL, 10mL, insulin syringes
Sizing of French Tubes
3.5, 5, 8, 10 (small to large)
Calculating medication and drawing it up
-weight (in kg) times dose divided by strength
Calculate Fluid Needs
-deficit…animal weight in grams times deficit = ml of deficit
-maintenance…animal weight in kg times ml/kg/day requirement = ml/day
-ongoing losses…ml/day estimate
How to draw fluids from a bag
-wipe off port w/ alcohol
-sterile needle only into the bag; change needle before administering
How/where to give SQ fluids to birds or mammals
birds: caudal to shoulders and inguinal area (caution air sacs)
mammals: loose skin dorsally
How/where to give a SQ injection to birds or mammals
birds: anywhere there is accessible skin (avoid directly over synsacrum/hips, neck/head
mammals: dorsally over shoulders, hips (avoid joints, tail, head/neck)
How to make a suspension from a tablet
gabapentin (100mg capsule) in 5mL grenadine
100mg/5mL = 20mg/mL
10mg table in 10mL of water = 10mg/10mL or 1mg/mL dilution
How to make a dilution from a liquid
1mL of enrofloxacin (100mg/mL) + 2mL of water
1mL times 100mg/mL = 100mg
100mg/3mL liquid = 33 mg/mL suspension
How to prepare a blood sample for centrifugation
-fill a micro-hematocrit tube w/ blood (3/4 full)
-place clay in one end, place in centrifuge (clay to outside)
-close top and spin
How to read a patient’s PCV
-packed cell volume
-blood in microhematocrit tubes, pack clay into one end, spin in centrifuge w/ clay to outside
-read the top of RBC’s on chart
How to read a patient’s TS
-same as PCV
-need to cut tube plasma is what you are reading
How to place a figure 8 wrap on a bird
-pass under the wind (as high in axillary space as possible), catch top of carpus (not too tight across patagium)
-used for fractured radius, ulna, or metacarpals
When to do a body wrap
-need extra stability and don’t want the wing to be able to rotate/move at all
How to place a Robert-Jones bandage on a mammal
-stirrups, padding, conforming gauze, stirrups up, vet-wrap
-used for tibia/fibula, radius/ulna, fractures, large wounds
How to use a stethescope
ear pieces toward your nose
Where to listen to the heart on a bird/mammal
-stethoscope hears valves closing
Bird: either side of the keel bone
Mammal: chest area
How to use the Doppler
-doppler hears pulsing of the blood
-place doppler gel on probe, place parallel to vein, sound will emit through the speaker
Identify parasites
roundworm, capillaria, coccidia, and non-parasites
How to set up passive fecal float
mix feces with fecasol, create meniscus bubble and place cover slip on top, eggs float within 10-15 minutes, place coverslip on slide and examine under microscope
How to enter fecal finding in RaptorMed
NPS, 1-4+, TNTC
How to set up a centrifuged fecal sample
-mix 3-5g of feces with 10-15mL floatation solution (Sheather’s sugar)…pour solution through woven gauze to act as a strainer
-pour the solution in a centrifuge tube, then place in the centrifuge and spin
-fill a pipette w/ Sheather’s sugar. then insert the pipette below the surface of the mixture and add until a meniscus forms
-place a coverslip on top of the tube, let stand for 10 minutes, place on glass slide, examine under microscope
Be able to identify medications
anti-biotics, pain medication, anti-parasitic medication
Identify and describe a fracture
-humerus, radius/ulna; femur, tibia/fibula or tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus
-comminuted, oblique, transverse, etc.
Possible Problems with Anesthesia Machine
-the isoflurane at the vaporizer is not turned on
-there is a leak in he hose exiting the vaporizer
-there is not enough isoflurane
Flow of Gas through Anesthesia Machine
-oxygen tank
-anesthesia vaporizer
-waste gas collector
A suspension made from a table should
not be given SQ