Lab Exam 1 Flashcards
What objective lens should only be used for oil immersion and bacteria spears?
What should you do to put away a microscope?
- turn nosepiece to empty slot
Lower stage to lowest position
What objective should you use the course focus knob?
10x ONLY; go all the way up until clear
The circle of light is
The field of view
When should the iris diaphram be closed?
When the specimen is dyed lightly ; it’s more translucent
Which micropipetters have yellow tips
P-20 & P-200
P-20 range
P-200 range
20-200 microliters
P-1000 rang,e
100-1000 microliters
P-1000 tips are
Why do we release the plunger slowly?
To prevent liquid from splashing up and contaminating the shaft
- reduce air bubbles
What angle should you hold a micropipetter?
Always straight up
Why should you wait -2 seconds before withdrawing tip from the liquid?
To ensure the right amount of liquid is picked up ( correct volume)
What is the purpose of the second stop?
To expel the remaining liquid
Where do slides go?
In the used slide box of water
Where do coverslips go?
Broken glass box
What needs to be done before placing slides on the lab cart?
Remove the ink and any writing
What do you place on the back counter?
Sterile/ clean supplies
- micropipetters
- tip boxes
- prepared slides
What does contaminated mean?
Unwanted microorganisms; when a pure media has more than one microorganism present
How do you label a plate
Initials, date, section, description of experiment
Where do you label a peri dish and why?
On the bottom where the agar is - if you lose the lid you can still know what you are working with
Pure culture
Only one microorganism
Killing all microorganisms
Where does broken glass go? Contaminated?
Regular = Broken glass box
Contaminated = biohazard bag