Lab 9 (cont) Flashcards
The lumbar region of the vertebral column consists of _ vertebrae identified as L1 to L5.
Well equipped for weight-bearing.
lumbar verebral column
A typical lumbar vertebrae is identified by its size; a massive body; a short, hatchet shaped the spinous processes and a ________ vertebral foramen
The sacrum of adults consists of _ fused sacral vertebrae.
These fused vertebrae provide strong _____ for the pelvic girdle.
The concave anterior smooth surface of the sacrum faces toward the ______ cavity
The lateral surfaces of the wing shaped alae of the sacrum articulate with the ileum of each hip bone forming the _________ joint
Sacroiliac joint
The coccyx of adults also consist of fused vertebrae. It includes 3-5 five fused coccygeal vertebrae that form the triangular _________
In females, the coccyx points _____ or leave to allow the passage of a baby during birth while in males have points ______
inferiorly; anteriorly
The sternum is a flat bone that lies in the middle of the midline of the body and formed the anterior wall of the _________ cage
thoracic cage or boney thorax
The sternum consists of three fused bones:
the manubrium, body and xiphoid process
The clavicles (of the pectoral girdle) and the first pair of ribs articulate with the ______, While the following nine pairs of ribs articulate with the body of the _______.
manubrium; sternum
__ pairs of ribs from the sides of the thoracic cage.
All of the ribs attach _____ to the thoracic vertebrae.
The first 7 ribs have a direct _____ attachment to the sternum.
The remaining 5 ribs attach indirectly to the ______ or not at all.
Consists of bones of the limbs, the pectoral shoulder girdle and the pelvic hip girdle. The pectoral and pelvic girdle serve to attach the bones of the appendages to the axial skeleton.
The appendicular skeleton
The bones of each arm articulate with the pectoral girdle, which consists of:
2 clavicle and 2 scapula
is an S-shaped bone; blend and smooth on the medial sternal end and flattened on the lateral acromial end.
Clavicle or collarbone
The medial end of the clavicle articulates with the _______ of the sternum and the lateral end articulates with the ______ process of the scapula.
Manubrium; Acremonion
The clavicle serves as an anterior brace which helps to prevent dislocation of the _______.
A large, triangular bone located on the posterior aspect of the thoracic cage
The scapula or shoulder blade
The arms are brachium consists contains a single bone:
The humerus
make up the forearm or antebrachium.
The ulna and radius
Consists of eight carpal bones and the hand contains 5 metacarpal bones and 14 phalanges.
The wrists or carpus
The largest and longest bone of the upper limb, extending from the shoulder to the elbow.
The humerus
The proximal end of the humerus, the rounded head, articulates with the _____ _____ of the scapula and the distal end articulates with the _____ and ______
glenoid cavity; radius and ulna
The forearm consists of the:
ulna and the radius
In anatomical position, the _____ is on the medial side and the _____ is on the lateral side. (Forearm)
ulna; radius
The proximal end of the ulna articulates with the humerus. Distal does not articulate directly with the carpal bones, but with a:
disc of fibrocartilage
The _____ end of the radius, the head is a rounded plate-like structure with a thick margin.
The head of the radius articulates with the:
humerus and the ulna
Distally, the radius is expanded to articulate with:
Carpal bones of the wrist
The wrist contains eight small ____ bones, arranged to rows of 4 bones each.
The 5 ______ bones form the frame formed the framework of the body of the hand. These bones are identified by Roman numerals I to V, beginning with the lateral metacarpal bone.
These bones are relatively long and cylindrical and the distal ends formed the knuckles.
Lateral metacarpal bone
The metacarpal bones articulate approximately with the _____ of the wrist and distally with the _____ of the fingers.
carpals; phalanges
The metacarpal bone which forms the _____ has a wide range of movement. This is due to the saddle type of joint between this metacarpal and its associated carpal. It is called opposable because of the ability to oppose the thumb to the fingers. This gives a human hand its dexterity and manipulative ability.
The _____ are the finger bones. An individual finger bone is called a phalanx.
Each finger is composed of 3 phalanges:
The proximal phalanx, the middle phalanx and the distal phalanx
The thumb has only _ phalanges, the proximal and distal phalanx.
There are __ phalanges in each hand.
A strong boney ring attached to the sacrum of the vertebral column.
The pelvic girdle
The ring is composed of two hip bones or coxae which unite anteriorly at the:
pubic symphysis
Originally, each coxa consists of three separate bones:
the ileum the ischium and the pubis.
As development progresses, these bones ____ to form one solid bone.
Their names, however, are routine for purposes of identification.
The coxae, the sacrum and coccyx form the:
bony pelvis
The thigh contains a single bone,
the femur
The kneecap is formed by
the patella
The _____ and _____ make up the leg.
tibia and fibula
Consists of 7 tarsal bones in the foot contains 5 metatarsal bones and 14 phalanges.
The ankle or tarsus
The femur is the _____ and _____ bone in the body, extending from the hip to the knee joint.
longest; heaviest
The proximal end of the femur, the head, articulates with the ______ of the pelvis. The distal end, formed by the lateral and medial condyles, articulates with the ____ of the leg.
acetabulum; tibia
The patella is a triangular _____ bone, located anterior to the knee joint.
Located anterior to knee joint within the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle, providing an attachment point for both the quadriceps tendon and the patellar ligament
The medial and larger bone of the leg. It serves to transmit the weight of the body from the femur onto the foot.
The tibia or shin bone
A long, slender bone on the lateral side of the leg. It is not a weight-bearing bone and does not enter into the formation of the knee joint.
The fibula
The ankle is composed of _ tarsal bones.
The ____ is the tarsal bone which articulates with the Tibia and Fibia.
The ____ is the large, strong heel bone.
5 metatarsal bones extend from the tarsal bones to the ball of the foot, to form the _____ surface the sole
These bones articulate with the phalanges or toe bones. All toes, with the exception of the big toe are composed of _ phalanges. The latter is comparable to the thumb as it is composed of only 2 phalanges.