Lab 7. Examination for arthropods of veterinary importance. Lice, fleas (T) Flashcards
What is the name of the development for lice?
Epimorphosis (egg > 3/5 nymph stages > adult): insects
How big is an adult louse?
1-14 mm
How many larval stages of flea?
How does fleas develop?
By Holometamorphosis
In flea infestation, which are the clinical signs?
None of them
Correct: Restlessness, scratching, intense grooming, anemia, fleabite allergy, hot spot in dog
and military dermatitis in cat)
Which is true? (size of adult flea)
Adult flea is 1-6 mm
How big are the eggs of flea?
0.5 mm
Which is characteristic for a cat infected with fleas?
Miliary dermatitis
Which is characteristic for a dog infected with fleas?
Hotspots on lumbosacral and gluteal region
What is special about Tunga penetrans (jigger)?
Only the male sucks blood
Genus of the human flea?
Tunga penetrans
Genus of the rat flea?
Xenopsylla cheopis
What is the name of development for fleas?
Holometamorphosis (egg > 3-11 larval stages > pupa > adult): insects
Which gender are the biggest lice?
How are the eyes of the lice?
Reduced or absent
How many abdominal segments do fleas have?
10 abdominal segments
What does the cocoon of fleas contain?
One of the anoplura species of cattle is the Linognathus…?
How many spiracles do lice have?
Six pairs
How many abdominal segments do lice have?
9 segments
What is the blood-sucking lice species of cattle?
Linognathus vituli, Hematopinus eurysternus and Solenopotes capillatus
Which are the hosts of the blood sucking lice?
Which are the chewing/biting lice of humans?
It does not exist
Which are the chewing/biting lice of pigs?
It does not exist
Which are the chewing/biting lice of rabbits?
It does not exist
Which are the blood sucking lice of birds?
It does not exist
Which are the blood sucking lice of cats?
It does not exist
Which is the blood sucking louse of sheep?
Linognathus stenopsis, Linognathus ovillus and Linognathus pedalis
Which is the blood sucking louse of dogs?
Linognathus setosus
Which suborder does Solenopotes capillatus belong to?
Anopeura (blood-sucking lice)
Which suborder does Felicola subrostratus belong to?
Ichnocera (chewing or biting lice)
How do the lice spread?
By contact, phoresy
How many antennae does the Amblycera/Ischnocera have?
3-5 segmented antennae
How many antennae does the Anoplura have?
5 segmented antennae
How many nymphal stages do lice have?
3 nymphal stages
How long do blood sucking lice survive without a host?
1-4 days
How long do chewing/biting lice survive without a host?
1-2 weeks