Lab 4 - Coccidiosis of Cattle, Rabbit, Pig and Carnivores Flashcards
Which species affects the large intestines in rabbit?
E. flavescens
Which species has pinhead-sized nodules in the ileum?
E. magna
What is unsporulated?
What is found in the faeces of animals infected by Eimeria?
Sporulated oocysts
Which method is used for courting oocysts in the faces during an Eimeria infection?
McMaster method
OPG = Oocyst Per Gram of faeces
Where do calves usually get heavy infection with Coccidiosis?
In the feed lots and yards
Where does the sporogony of Eimeria zuernii take place?
In the external environment
At what age are rabbits most susceptible for intestinal Eimeria infection?
1-2 months
What form of Eimeria zuernii might appear sometimes in mucous faeces of calves?
Or meroziotes
What does the sporulated oocyst of Eimeria stedai contain?
4 sporocysts with 2 sporozoites each
What form of oocysts can be found in the fresh faeces on the course of E. stedai infection?
Which animal can be infected by E. intestinalis?
What do we see clinically when a rabbit has E. steidai?
Usually a sub-clinical infection
Which are the small intestine Eimeria species in the rabbit?
E. intestinalis, E. magna, E. irresidua
How do we detect an unsporulated Eimeria oocyst?
Flotation method
What is an unsporulated oocyst with regards to Eimeria?
Species of Eimeria found in the large intestine of the rabbit?
E. piriformis
Along with E. flavescens
Age of calves that get infected with Eimeria?
2-6 months old
How do you detect E. zuernii in the faeces?
Flotation test. See unsporulated oocysts.
Which species of Eimeria can appear as meroziotes in bloody faces?
E. zuernii of cattle
How many macro-gametes develop from 1 micro-gamont?
What does the sporulated oocyst of E. stiedai contain?
4 sporocysts each containing 2 sprozoites
What is affected in coccidiosis of carnivores?
Small intestine
Coccidiosis infects pigs of what age?
8-15 days
Coccidiosis of cat?
I. rivolta
Who is infected by E. steidai?
Which species affects the cattle?
E. zuernii
What can you find in fresh faeces?
Unsporulated oocysts
That will later sporulate in the environment
In which species can you find E. intestinalis?
What kind of extra-intestinal symptoms can occur during Eimeria infection in calves?
CNS signs: Opisthonus, nystagmus, tetanic convulsions
What species of Eimeria can appear as a merozoite in the bloody faeces?
E. zuernii
What does a sporulated oocyst of E. stiedai contain?