Lab 2 Practical Muscle innvervations and actions Flashcards
Splenius Capitis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami C3-C5
Splenius capitis action?
A=Laterally Flex head and rotate face to side: bilaterally extend head.
Splenius Cervicis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami C5-C7
Splenius cervicis action?
A= Laterally flex and rotate neck; bilaterally extend neck
Iliocostalis Lumborum innervation?
N= Dorsal rami lower T, all L
Iliocostalis lumborum action?
A= Extension, lateral flexion, rotation of L spine; lateral movement of pelvis
Iliocostalis thoracis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami T1-T6
Iliocostalis thoracic action?
A= Extension, lateral flexion T spine
Iliocostalis cervicis innervation?
N= dorsal rami T1, T2; rarely C8
Iliocostalis cervicis action?
A= Extension, lateral flexion, rotation LOWER C spine
Longissimus Thoracis innervation?
N=Dorsal rami T and L nerves
Longissimus thoracis action?
A= Lateral flexion T spine and ribs;
bilaterally act in extension of T and; L spine,
hold T and L spine erect,
Lateral movement of Pelvis
Longissimus cervicis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami C4-C8; T1-T2
Longissimus cervicis action?
A= Lateral flexion of neck; bilaterally extend neck
Longissimus capitis innervation?
N= dorsal rami C1-C3, sometimes C4
Longissimus capitis action?
A= rotate and laterally flex head; bilaterally extend head
Spinalis Thoracis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami T and upper L
Spinalis thoracis action?
A=extend T spine
Spinalis Cervicis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami C
Spinalis cervicis action?
A= Lateral flexion and rotation of C spine; bilaterally extend neck
Spinalis capitis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami lower C, upper T
Spinalis capitis action?
A= Lateral flexion and rotation of head; bilaterally extend head
Semispinalis thoracis action.
A=Extension, rotation, and lateral flexion of upper T and Lower C spine; bilaterally extend T spine.
Semispinalis Cervicis innervation?
N=dorsal rami C6-C8
Semispenalis cervicis action?
A=extension, rotation and lateral flexion of C spine; bilaterally extend neck
Semispinalis capitis action?
A= turns face to side, bilaterally extends head (Neck inadvertently)
Rectus capitis posterior major innervation?
N= Suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Rectus capitis posterior major action?
A= Turns face to side; bilaterally extends head.
Rectus capitis posterior minor action?
A= Extends head
Obliquus Capitis superior innervation?
N=suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Obliquus capitis superior action?
A= lateral flexion of head; bilaterally extends head
Obliquus capitis inferior action?
A= turns face to side
Quadratus Lumborum innervation?
N= Ventral rami T12, L1-L3 or L4
Quadratus lumborum action?
A= Steadies origin of diaphragm;
when pelvis is fixed, it will laterally flex the L spine
bilaterally extends the L spine
stabilizes and depresses the 12th rib.
Serratus posterior superior action?
A=elevate upper 5 ribs in inspiration
Serratus posterior inferior innervation?
N= Intercostal nerves ventral rami T9-T11
subcostal nerve ventral ramus T12
Serratus posterior inferior action?
A= draws lower 4 ribs down and back’ forced inspiration
Longus Colli action?
A=Flexion and extension of neck, rotation to the contralateral side.
Longus capitis innervation?
N= Ventral rami C1-C3
Longus capitis action?
A= flex the head
Longus colli innervation?
N= Ventral rami C2-C6, sometimes C7
Rectus capitis anterior innervation?
N= ventral rami C1,C2
Rectus capitis anterior action?
A= flex the head
Serratus posterior superior innervation?
N=intercostal nerves, ventral rami T2-T5
Rectus capitis lateralis innervation?
N= ventral rami C1,C2
Rectus capitis lateralis action?
A= Laterally flex the head to ipsilateral side
Obliquus capitis inferior innervation?
N= suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Anterior scalene innervation?
N= ventral rami C2- C6
Rectus capitis posterior minor innervation?
N= Suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Middle scalene innervation?
N=ventral rami C3-C8
Semispinalis capitis innervation?
N= dorsal rami C1-C6
Posterior scalene innervation?
N= ventral rami C6-C8
Semispinalis Thoracis innervation?
N= Dorsal rami T1 -T6
Multifidus innervation?
N= dorsal rami C3-C8, T1- T12, L1-L5, sometimes S1
What nerves innervate the following muscles Frontalis belly epicranius, corrugator supercilii, superior auricular, and temporoparietalis?
Temporal branches of facial nerve
What muscles does the temporal branches of facial nerve?
1) Frontalis belly Epicranius
2) Corrugator supercilii
3) Superior Auricular
4) Temporoparietalis
What innervates the orbital part orbicularis oculi, and palpebral part orbicularis oculi?
Temporal and Zygomatic branches of Facial nerve
What muscles do the temporal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve innervate?
1) Orbital part Orbicularis oculi
2) Palpebral part Orbicularis Oculi
What innervates the procerus, compressor naris, dilator naris, and depressor septi?
Superior buccal branches of facial nerve
What muscles do the superior buccal branches of facial nerve innervate?
1) Procerus
2) Compressor Naris
3) Depressor Septi
4) Dilator Naris
Levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, zygomaticus minor, zygomaticus major, levator anguli oris, and buccinator is innervated by what nerve?
Buccal branches of facial nerve
What muscles does the buccal branches of facial nerve innervate?
1) Levator labii superioris,
2) levator labii superioris alaeque nasi,
3) zygomaticus minor,
4) zygomaticus major,
5) levator anguli oris,
6) buccinator
Orbicularis oris and risorius is innervated by what nerve?
Buccal and mandibular branches of facial nerve
What muscles do the buccal and mandibular branches innervate?
1) Orbicularis Oris
2) Risorius
Mentalis, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris are innervated by what nerve?
Mandibular branches of facial nerve
The mandibular branches of facial innervates what muscles?
1) Mentalis
2) Depressor Labii Inferioris
3) Depressor Anguli Oris
Levator Palpebra superioris, Superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique are innervated by what nerve?
Oculomotor nerve
What muscles does the oculomotor nerve innervate?
1) Levator Palpebra superioris
2) Superior rectus
3) Inferior Rectus
4) Medial rectus
5) Inferior Oblique
The lateral rectus is innervated by what nerve?
Abducent nerve
Superior oblique is innervated by what nerve?
Trochlear nerve
Posterior auricular, and occipitalis belly epicranius is innervated by what nerve?
Posterior auricular branch of facial nerve
What muscles do the posterior auricular branch of facial nerve innervate?
1) Posterior auricular
2) Occipitalis belly epicranius
What innervates temporalis muscle?
Anterior and Posterior deep temporal branches, mandibular division, trigeminal nerve
What innervates masseter muscle?
Masseteric branch, mandibular division, trigeminal nerve
What innervates medial pterygoid muscle?
Medial pterygoid branch, mandibular division, trigeminal nerve
What innervates the lateral pterygoid muscle?
Lateral pterygoid branch mandibular division, trigeminal nerve.
What innervates the anterior scalene muscle?
Ventral rami C2-C6
What innervates the middle scalene muscle?
Ventral rami C3-C8
What is the action of the Frontalis belly epicranius?
Pulls scalp forward; wrinkles forehead and raises eyebrows
What is the action of the occipitalis belly epicranius?
Pulls scalp backward
What is the action of the procerus?
Depress eyebrows medially
What is the action of the compressor naris?
Compress cartilage at bridge of nose
What is the action of the dilatator naris?
Widens, dilates nostrils and anterior nasal aperture
What is the action of the depressor septi?
Widens nostril
What is the action of the corrugator supercilii?
Draws eyebrow medial and down (forms vertical furrow between eyebrows?
What is the action of the levator labii superioris?
Raises and everts upper lip
What is the action of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi?
Raises and everts upper lip; dilates nostril
What is the action of zygomaticus minor muscle?
Raises upper lip; produces nasolabial groove.
What is the action of zygomaticus major muscle?
Draws angle of mouth up and out
What is the action of the levator anguli oris?
Raises angle of mouth, produces nasolabial groove
What is the action of the orbicularis oris?
Close mouth; purse and protrude lips
What is the action of the buccinator ?
Compress cheeks against teeth
What is the action of the risorius?
draws back angle of mouth
What is the action of the mentalis?
Raises and protrudes lower lip
What is the action of the depressor labii inferioris?
Draws lower lip down
What is the action of the depressor anguli oris?
Draws corner of mouth down and out
What is the action of the levator palpebra superioris?
elevates upper eyelid
What is the action of the superior rectus?
Elevate and adduct the cornea; intorsion
What is the action of the inferior rectus?
Depress and adduct the cornea; extrosion
What is the action of the medial rectus?
Adducts cornea
What is the action of the lateral rectus?
ABDucts cornea
What is the action of the superior oblique muscle?
Depress and aBDuct the cornea; intorsion
What is the action of the inferior oblique muscle?
Elevate and aBDuct the cornea; extorsion
What is the action of the temporalis muscle?
Elevate and retract mandible
What is the action of the masseter muscle?
Elevate and protract mandible
What is the action of the medial pterygoid muscle?
1) Elevate and protract mandible
2) Assists in gliding or rotatory movement
What is the action of the lateral pterygoid muscle?
1) Protracts mandible
2) Pulls disc forward
3) Depress chin and assist in gliding or rotatory movement