Lab 10 Learning Issues Hind Limb Flashcards
bifurcation of the sciatic nerve
into common fibular (peroneal) and tibial nerves
common fibular (peroneal) nerve
innervates cr crus muscles
tibial nerve
innervates cd crus muscles
branches of common fibular (peroneal) nerve
superficial and deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
superficial peroneal nerve
providing cutaneous sensation to skin of lateral and dorsal surfaces of metatarsus as far distally as fetlock
Hip extensors
biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, superficial gluteal (contributes to extension but almost entirely adduction/abduction plane of fiber direction), middle gluteal, deep gluteal
Hip Flexors
stifle flexion
biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
stifle extension
Quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris
extension of tarsus
any muscle attaching to calcanean tendon participates in extending tarsus; biceps femoris, semitendinosus, gracilis, gastrocnemius, superficial digital flexor
flexion of tarsus
cr tibial muscle, long digital extensor muscle, fibularis longus muscle
** all 3 on cr lateral surface of tibia)
proximal attachment - along pelvis (iliopubic eminence/ pubis/ symphysis) distal attachment - cr tibia innervation - obturator nerve
- supracondylar tuberosities (lat/ med) to calcanean tuber, main contributor to common calcanea tendon
- innervation via tibial nerve
superficial digital flexor
- supracondylar fossa to P1 and P2; main contributor to common calcanean tendon
innervation - tibial nerve
cranial tibial muscle
- on cr lateral surface of stifle
fused to 1/2 tarsal bones (cunean tendon or medial branch of cranial tibial) and metatarsal tuberosity (dorsal branch with dorsal branch of fibularis tertius)
innervation - common fibular (peroneal) nerve
long digital extensor
- on cr lateral surface of stifle
lateral collateral ligament of stifle (and nearby tibia/ fibula) to dorsal aspect of P1/ P2/ P3 (joins with tendon of long digital extensor distal to tarsus)
innervation - common fibular (peroneal) nerve
fibularis (peroneus) tertius
- on cr lateral surface of stifle
extensor fossa of distal femur with long digital extensor to metatarsal tuberosity (dorsal branch), other branches to other tarsal bones
innervation - common fibular (peroneal) nerve
Hip extensor innervation
- biceps fem, semiteninosus, semimembranosus (sciatic nerve, cd gluteal nerve)
- superficial gluteal (cd gluteal, cr gluteal)
- middle gluteal and deep gluteal (cr gluteal)
hip flexor innervation
- iliopsoas (ventral branches of lumbar nerves/ lumbosacral plexus likely femoral)
stifle flexion
-biceps fem, semiteninosus, semimembranosus (sciatic nerve, cd gluteal nerve)
stifle extension
- quadriceps femoris (femoral nerve)
- biceps femoris (sciatic nerve, cd gluteal nerve)
tarsal extension
- biceps fem, semiteninosus (sciatic nerve, cd gluteal nerve)
- gracilis (obturator nerve)
- gastrocnemius, superficial digital flexor (tibial nerve)
tarsal flexion
Cranial tibial muscle, long digital extensor muscle, fibulas longus muscle (Common fibular (peroneal) )
reciprocal apparatus
long extensor and peroneus tertius arise by common tendon from extensor fossa of femur. Peroneus tertius mechanically opposes action of gastrocnemius and tendinous superficial digital flexor; when stifle is flexed superficial flexor causes hock to be extended via reciprocal mechanism
small fluid filled sac lined with synovial membrane containing synovial fluid located in places where friction would otherwise occur; function to facilitate gliding of skin, muscles, or tendons over bony or ligamentous surfaces
tendon sheath
fluid filled sleeve that resembles a synovial bursa wrapped around a tendon so as to form a continuous sheath except for mesotenodn
lateral digital extensor
- lateral collateral ligament of stifle (and nearby tibia/ fibula) to dorsal aspect of P1/P2/P3 (joins with tendon of long digital extensor distal to tarsus)
- common fibular (peroneal) nerve
deep digital flexor
- multiple heads from proximal tibia to plantar aspect of P3
- tibial nerve
band like thickening of deep fascia which hold tendons in place as they pass over the hock
proximal extensor retinaculum
- on dorsal surface of hock
- binds down tendons of long digital extensor, peroneus tertius, and tibias cranial on distal end of tibia
middle extensor retinaclum
- on dorsal surface of hock
- attached to calcaneus and the lateral tendon of the peroneus tertius, forming a loop around the tendon of the long digital extensor
distal extensor retinaculum
- on dorsal surface of hock
- extends across proximal end of large metatarsal bone and binds down the tendons of the long and lateral digital extensors
lateral extensor retinaculum
- on lat surface of hock
- blends with lateral collateral ligament and binds down the tendon of lateral extensor
lateral extensor retinaculum
- on lat surface of hock
- blends with lateral collateral ligament and binds down the tendon of lateral extensor