Equine Pelvic Limb- Hip, Thigh, and Stifle Flashcards
tuber coxae muscle attachments
internal abdominal oblique, superficie gluteal, external abdominal oblique, tensor fascialattate
ischiatica tuberosity muscle attachments
semitendinosus, semimembranosus, ischiocavernosus, biceps fem
greater trochanter muscle attachments
middle gluteal, deep gluteal, accessory gluteals
patella muscle attahcments
quads, flabella (gastroc)
poplietus tendon associated with
lesser trochanter muscle attachments
3rd trochanter muscle attachments
superficial gluteal
extensor fossa muscle attachments
this is on lateral side; common tendon fibularis terminus, long digital extensor
femur bony landmarks
lesser trochanter, greater trochanter, 3rd trochanter, medial and lateral condyles, extensor fossa, trochlea
femoral condyles
ventral to 3rd trochanter
extensor fossa
medial to lateral condyle
medial and lateral trochlear ridges
on radiograph of stifle lateral view rounded prominences ventral to patella dorsal to tibia; medial appears more dorsal lateral appears more ventral
tibial tuberosity
on lat radiograph seen on medial side digit in cranial part of tibia
components of equine hip joint
ligament of the head of the femur, joint capsule, supporting musculature (iliopsoas and gluteal muscles), accessory ligament and transverse acetabular ligmanet
what makes up the equine hip joint
articulation of the femoral head with the acetabulum of the pelvis
main plane of movement of hip joint
flexion and extension
what components does the equine hip joint have that the dog does not
accessory ligament and transverse acetabular ligament
accessory ligament
arises from thick prepubic tendon and passes dorsal to transverse acetabular ligament to insert on peripheral part of fovea of the femoral head
transverse acetabular ligament
arises from fibrous rim that depends the acetabulum
clinical correlate of horse hip
horses tend not to dislocate their hips bc musculature stabilizes it; if they do its v hard to reduce it
pelvic limb blood supply main pipline
- external iliac
- Femoral
3a. popliteal
4a. cr tibial
5a. dorsal metatarsal
3b. Saphenous
4b. Medial and lateral plantar and plantar metatarsal arteries
femoral nerve
giant nerve, protected by iliopsoas; innervates iliopsoas and quads, needed for weight bearing
saphenous nerve
branch off of femoral nerve; provides autonomous innervation to medial crus (don’t really test this in horses unless they are down)
obturator nerve
goes through obturator foramen, innervates muscles of adduction
- gracilis
- adductor
- pectineus
Sciatic nerve
goes medial -> lateral between greater trochanter and ischiatic tuberosity; branches into common fibular and tibial nerves innervates cd thigh muscles - biceps femoris - semitendinosus - semimembranosus
common fibular nerve
aka common peroneal
- splits into superficial and deep branches; provides sensation down D (cr?) aspect of limb
innervates cr crus muscles
tibial nerve
runs down cd aspect of limb;
innervates cd crus muscles
cr gluteal nerve
innervates muscles cr to hip jt
- superficial gluteal
- deep gluteal
- middle gluteal
- accessory gluteal
cd gluteal nerve
innervate muscles cd to hip jt (cd thigh muscles and superficial gluteal)
- superficial gluteal
- biceps femoris
- semitendinosis
- semimembranosus
clinical correlates hip
3rd trochanter avulsion fracture
trochanteric bursitis
3rd trochanter avulsion fracture
superficial gluteal attaches; can palpate over 3rd trochanter and elicit pain here and may indicate 3rd trochanter avulsion fracture
trochanteric bursitis
synovial structure gets inflamed -> synovium reacting, can inject to quite down bursitis but often secondary to stifle or hock pain bc change the way moving -> bursa inflammation
tight clinical correlates
femoral nerve damage, fibrotic myopathy, obturator nerve paralysis
femoral nerve damage
lack weight bearing behind, buckles behind when walking (can be from EPM), can be from limb being extended in sx
fibrotic myopathy
scarring of cd thigh muscle -> mechanical lameness, usually trauma related in horses (cd thigh muscles scarred so lack of give -> limb snapping back); will see line between semitendinosus and biceps from behind
fibrotic myopathy treatments
cut scar snapping back tissue to release tension
obturator nerve paralysis
can’t adduct so splay out; horses do this on ice, if snap this lose adductor fx; can damage this in dystcia
equine stifle menisci
medial and lateral
equine stifle ligaments
- patellar ligaments (medial, lateral, intermediate)
- collateral ligaments
- meniscofemoral ligament
- femoropatellar ligaments
- cr and cd cruciate ligmanets’
- others
meniscofemoral ligament
connects medial menisci to femur
femoropatellar ligaments
on either side between patella and femur, helps keep patella on sledding surface
sesamoids of equine stifle
patealla, fabellae, popliteal
what permits horse to lock its stifle
patellar ligaments (medial, intermediate or middle and lateral), patellar fibrocartilage, and an enlarged medial trochlear ridge of femur
how does patella lock
when patella is in the locked position the patellar fibrocartilage catches over the top of the enlarged medial trochlear ridge and is held in place by the medial and intermediate (middle) patellar ligaments
clinical correlate of patellar locking mechanism
can do desmotomy of medial patellar ligament but 1st do hill work, vataletti poles, trot poles to build up quads or blister
joint capsules associated with the equine stifle
medial and lateral femorotibial and femoropatellar joints
femoropatella joint
between femur and patella
cranial and lateral access
cranial access femoropatelllar joint
between intermediate and medial patellar ligaments
lateral access femoropatellar joint
just behind cd edge palpable lateral patellar ligament
medial femorotibial joint access
between medial patellar ligament and medial collateral ligament
lateral femorotibial joint access
entry slightly cd to lateral collateral ligament
between lateral collateral ligament and common origin of long digital extensor muscle/ fibularis tertius
lateral femorotibial joint extent
distally down limb under muscle belly on lat side
communications between joint capsules
- femoropatellar and medial femorotibial (65%)
- femoropateallar and lateral femorotibial (25%)
- medial and lateral femorotibial rarely
common tendon of fibularis tertius and long digital extensor
arises from extensor fossa of distal femur and the menisci
biceps femoris function
hip extensor, stifle flexion, stifle extension, tarsal extension
semitendinosus function
hip extensor, stifle flexion, tarsal extension
semimembranosis function
hip extensor, stifle flexion (1st muscle belly= flexor= attaches to cd aspect proximal end of tibia crossing flexor surface), stifle extension (2nd muscle belly= attaches to distal and medial surface of femur via tendon)
biceps femoris
proximal attachments: - cd vertebrea, sacral vertebrea, sacrosciatic ligmaent, ischiatic tuberosity distal attachments: - patella, patellar ligaments (lateral and medial) -cr tibia and crural fascia - contributes to calcanea tendon innervation -sciatic nerve and cd gluteal nerve
proximal attachments- - cd vertebrea, sacral vertebrea, sacrosciatic ligament, ischiatic tuberosity distal attachments- - cr tibia and crural fascia - contributes to calcanea tendon innervation - sciatic nerve and cd gluteal nerve
Proximal attachments- - cd vertebrea, sacral vertebrea, sacrosciatic ligament, ischiatic tuberosity distal attachments- - medial condyles of femur and tibia innervation- - sciatic nerve and cd gluteal nerve