Lab 10 - Cardiovascular regulation Flashcards
Hematocrit (venous)
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
1-4: 0.35-0.45
Blood clotting
- Dog
- Cat
- Dog: 6-7
- Cat: 7-9
RBC sedimentation rate
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 5-10
- Cat: 5-10
- Rabbit: ND
- Domestic fowl: 1-4
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 35 (15-45)
- Cat: 35 (15-45)
- Rabbit: 50 (40-60)
- Domestic fowl: 60 (55-75)
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 60 (55-75)
- Cat: 60 (55-75)
- Rabbit: 50 (40-60)
- Domestic fowl: 35 (15-45)
Blood glucose
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
1-3: 5 (3-5.5)
4. Domestic fowl: 10 (9-11)
RBC count
1-3: 6-12
4. Domestic fowl: 3
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 0-5
- Cat: 0-5
- Rabbit: 0
- Domestic fowl: 0
WBC count
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
1-3: 5-15
4: 15-30
RBC lifespan
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 120
- Cat: 60
- Rabbit: 60
- Domestic fowl: 30
Heart rate
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 75-100
- Cat: 120-160
- Rabbit: 150-200
- Domestic fowl: 140-400
Respiratory rate
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 15-30
- Cat: 20-30
- Rabbit: 50-60
- Domestic fowl: 10-40
Body temp.
- Dog
- Cat
- Rabbit
- Domestic fowl
- Dog: 38.2-39.0
- Cat: 38.5-39.2
- Rabbit: 38.5-39.5
- Domestic fowl: 40-43
Why does acetylcholine decrease blood pressure?
(Sets free Nitric Acid and inhibits cardiac activity)
What is the effect of compressing both left and right vagus nerve?
(respiration stops, then deeper and less frequent, heart rate increase)
What is vasomotor center?
(centers in the brainstem responsible for circulation)
(endothelium derived reflex factor)
(endothelium derived contractil factor)
Location and function of n. phrenicus?
(C4 segment, function is modulated by inspiratory neurons)
What happen to respiration when stimuli of n. vagus?
(irregular respiration)
Which afferent nerve transfers stimuli from n. vagus to bronchopulmonary center
(expiratory neurons of pons respiratorygroup)
What happens if you compress carotid artery cranial to carotid sinus?
(Increase blood pressure)
The 2 centers in the pons?
(pneumotaxic and apneustic)
Which receptors does epinephrine effect?
(beta 2 adrenergic receptors, and alpha 1 as well)