3 - Physiology of the heart Flashcards
- Electric activity of the heart
- There are 3 excitable tissues:
1. Working fibers: generate AP(plateau); prevents early secondary contraction
2. Pacemakers: has no permanent RMP, but turns into constant depolarization
3. Conductive system: provides rapid spreading of stimuli, hence providing synchronized contractions - Additional elements: anulus fibrosus (non conducting), and Aschoff-Tawara node(delayes the atrial signal)
- Working fibers:
- Constitute a syncitium, i.e. muscle cells are connected via gap junctions
- AP of working fibers:
- Average RMP is -90 mV.
- Fiber is stim by an electrical impulse so that the RMP shifts towards and reaches the threshold pot
- Reaching threshold pot: voltage sensitive fast Na chs open and a sudden influx from EC occur. With this change one enters the so-called 0. phase of the AP.
0. phase - depolarization: Influx of NA continues, membr.pot. reaches +25 mV. At this point the channels are inactivated and flow of Na stops.
1. phase – overshoot: Depolarization is stopped. Repolarization begins. Short Cl- influx and K+ efflux.
2. phase – plateau: Ca chs open, Ca influx. At the same time K+ chs open, K+ efflux. The balance of these processes causes the elongation of this phase.
3. phase – full repolarization: Late K+ chs open and K+ rapidly flows out of the cell according to its electrochem. gradient, while Ca chs close.
- Electromechanical coupling
•Structural unit is the DIAD (at skeletal muscle: Triad): T-tubuls and Sarcoplasmic Retic (SR) are in contact here.
-AP – huge Ca-transient (tubular L-type Ca channel(voltage gated) open + rianoid-Ca ch open + Ca-dependent Ca-channel (from SR) + membrane Ca-dependent Ca channel from EC space are open: huge amount of IC Ca is around the sarcomers – results in contraction.
•After (during) contraction: ATP-dependent Ca pump drives back the Ca to the SR, plus Na/Ca antiport pumps back the Ca to EC space – IC Ca conc. Drops - resulting in relaxation.
- Electrocardiogram
-“Electric Activity of the Heart”
-The sum of the activities of all fibers measured on the body-surface.
-“Einthoven’s Triangle”; electrodes placed around the heart, as dipole, detecting slight electric changes (mV)
-Potential differences (U) are measured betw. the pairs of electrodes
-During rest the integral vector is always zero.
•Einthoven’s standard bipolar leads:
Lead 1: reference electrode = RA, investigating electrode = LA
Lead 2: reference electrode = RA, investigating electrode = LL
Lead 3: reference electrode = LA, investigating electrode = LL
- Analysis of ECG
- Waves: Deflections on the ECG curve
- Segment: between the waves
- Intervals/complexes: Larger parts, may contain one or more waves and segments
- P-wave: A depolarized.
- PQ-segment: Total activation of A. Period of AV conduction.
- QRS-complex: depolarization of V, repolarization of A.
- Q-wave: transmission of the excitation from the bundle of His to the V muscles. Downward deflection.
- R-wave: V depolarized. Largest deflection.
- S-wave: RV depolarizes from endocardium towards epicardium.
- ST-segment: all V muscle fibers activated, causing a shift from the isoelectric line
- T-wave: V repolarization
- TP-segment: resting phase after full repolarization.
- Mechanical properties of the heart
- Elements of contraction
- CC (contractile elements): Actin and myosin
- SEC (serial elastic component): Attached to CC, relaxes during diastole and expandes during systole.
- PEC (parallel elastic component): Attached to CC and SEC. Stretched by the blood filling heart during diastole: energy is stored in these fibers.
- Col (collagen fiber system): prevents overexpansion and rupture of the tissue
- Isometric phase: At the beginning of the contraction the weight stretches the SEC elements only.
- Isotonic phase: When the stretch in the SEC gets into balance with the weight, the weight begins to move. Shortening occurs and the stretching force remains equal to the weight of the object lifted.
- Properties of the total working musculature:
- End diastolic volume (EDV): The amount of blood found in the heart by the end of diastole
- End systolic volume (ESV): The amount of blood remaining in the heart by the end of systole
- The difference is called stroke volume (SV), this volume fraction passes into the aorta at each cycle.
- Cardiac output = volume of blood forwarded by the left ventricle into the aorta per unit time.
- CO = SV x FR (frequency)
- Since SV=EDV-ESV -> CO = (EDV-ESV) x FR
- Measuring cardiac output: Fick’s principle: Cardiac output is equal to the total oxygen consumption divided by the arterio-venous oxygen concentration difference.
- Starlings’ law
- The heart muscle can adapt itself to higher requirements automatically, without the intervention of the nervous system. This is known as the “law of the heart”, by Starling and Frank.
- Starlings experiment: First he increased the venous return, then he changed the peripheral resistance. Proved that the heart can adapt to the incr load. By incr venous return, the CO and SV incr. By changing the peripheral resistance, the SV and CO remained unchanged.
- Physiological importance of Starlings law: The heart can increase its diastolic reserves so that it can perform better:
- Posture: Mediated by the change in the venous return. Due to gravitational effects
- Left-right symmetry: Heterometric autoregulation, a continuous phenomenon
- Parameters of the cardiac cycle: volume fractions
- Cardiac output (CO): the volume of blood pumped into the circulation by the heart in one minute. (heart rate times stroke volume)
- End diastolic volume (EDV): The ventricles are maximally filled at a time just before the heart contracts.
- End systolic volume (ESV): When the ventricles are maximally emptied, there is still some blood remaining in them.
- Stroke Volume (SV)=EDV-ESV
- Cardiac Output = (EDV – ESV) x Frequency, CO = SV x Frequency
- Parameters of the cardiac cycle: factors influencing cardiac output
- Diastolic filling time
- V compliance (decr. w. age)
- V filling (preload): maintained by CVP
- Symphatetic effects:
* Artificial incr. of Fr., i.e. by pacemaker - result: duration of diastole decr. (Starling doesn´t work, CO decr.)
* Natural incr. by symp. stimuli - result: red. systolic time, remaining diastolic time (Starling works, SV incr., CO incr.) - Aortic P (afterload): when the semilun. valvaes are still open.
- Contractility: depends on isometric max tension (Sm) and max contraction speed (Vmax).
- Parasymp. effect: normally heart is under parasymp. control. Constant firing of n.vagus decr. frequency and contractility
- The cardiac cycle
-The basic unit of the hearts functioning, repeated uninterruptedly.
-Consists of coordinated el. activity and mech. properties of the heart.
-Composed of systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation).
•Total length in dog: 800 msec
-Ventricular systole (270 msec):
*During the former diastole the Vs were filled with blood.
*Tension in the Vs closes the cuspidal valves (to the A).
*The V continues to incr its tension while all valves are closed.
*In this phase the contractile components shorten and stretch the serial elastic elements.
*There is no volume change, while the tension increases: therefore the name of this contraction is “isovolumetric contraction”
*The incr tension deforms the heart
-Including in the ventricular systole:
*Isovolumetric contraction: When the internal pressure of the Vs goes just above the pressure found in the aorta and the pulmonary artery, the semilunar valves open. 50 msec.
*Auxotonic contraction: Blood enters the large arteries while the tension further increases. 220 msec. Fast ejection: 80% of the stroke volume. Lasts for 90 msec. Slow ejection phase: Tension drops, but ejection continues. Lasts for 130 msec.
-Ventricular diastole (530 msec)
*Including in it: Isovolumetric relaxation (120 msec) and Isotonic relaxation: Isotonic filling (410 msec, fast/reduced) and atrial systole (110 msec)
- The cardiac cycle: parameters
1) Pressure: The minute to minute changes of pressure values in the pulmonary veins, LA, LV and in the aorta determine the position of the valves and accordingly the flow of blood in these compartments.
2) Volume: is constant in the isovolumetric stages of cardiac cycle. In the early ejection phase of systole the volume of the V decr rapidly and then the rate of emptying slows down
3) Valves: Semilunar valves (aorta and pulmonary artery) are closed during diastole and open during systole, while the cuspid valves (from atria) are open during diastole and closed during systole.
4) Heart sounds:
-1st sound: During and just after the closure of the cuspidal valves (systolic heart sound). Three components:
o Vibration of muscle contraction (weak)
o Turbulence of blood due to closure of the valves (most pronounces)
o Turbulence of blood caused by fast ejection (weak)
-2nd sound: Generating during and just after the closure of the semilunar valves (diastolic heart sound). Very much pronounced in large animals.
o First the aortic valve closed, followed by the semilunar valves of the pulmonary artery.
-3rd sound: Originates from the rapid filling of the V
-4th sound: Result of the turbulent flow caused by the atrial contraction (may lack).
1) Jugular pressure: With the sudden onset of cardiac relaxation at the beginning of the diastole the basis of the heart moves cranially and this increases the pressure in the jugular vein.
- Factors determining the blood pressure
•Blood pressure maintains the flow of blood in the circulatory bed.
Physiological effects:
-Cardiac output:
o If the C.O. is suddenly incr experimentally the mean arterial pressure incr to a value that is able to forward the incr volume of blood appearing in the arterial system.
o After some cardiac cycles the incr C.O. incr the BP, which then forwards the incr amount of blood to the venous side.
-Increase of heart rate: Incr the BP because blood is forwarded from the venous reservoir system into the arterial resistance system.
-Total peripheral resistance (TPR):
o A sudden incr in TPR, while other parameters remain constant, decreases the runoff.
o The arterial blood volume grows and a consequent incr of the mean arterial pressure helps to forward the SV towards the incr resistance.
Physical effects:
-Arterial blood volume (Va):
o From the physical point of view the major determinant of BP is Va
o Under constant compliance and peripheral resistance the incr of Va causes incr of both pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure.
-Arterial distensibility and compliance:
o Vessels are capable to take up more blood when pressure incr because their wall is distensible.
o Distensibility = the capacity to expand/stretch under pressure, D = ∆V/∆P x Va
o Compliance = flexibility, C = ∆V/∆P
- Pressure on different parts of the circulatory bed
Hgmm - kPa
- Left ventr.: 120/0-5 - 16/0-1
- Aorta: 120/80 - 16/10
- Arteries: 100/70 - 13/9
- Arterial side of capillaries: 30 - 4,2
- Venous side of capillaries: 10 - 1,3
- Right atrium: 3 - 0,4
- Right ventr.: 25/0 - 3,3/0
- Pulm. artery: 25/10 - 3,1/3,2
- Lung capill.: 7 - 1
- Left atrium 4/1 - 0,8
- Measuring the blood pressure
- Direct method: It can be used on fully anesthetized animal inserting a fluid-filled catheter into the carotis, which is connected to a pressure transducer that converts the oscillation of the arterial pressure into recordable electrical signals.
- Indirect method:
- Microcirculation
- Exchange of materials between blood and ECF is made possible by permeable capillaries:
- The continuous type of capillaries is most common.
- Tissues taking part in secretion and resorption display fenestrated capillaries.
- Kidneys: porous capillary
- Liver: capillaries form sinusoids
- Arteries -> arterioles -> metarterioles -> capillaries
- At the point of branching of metarterioles into capillaries, precapillary sphincters are found. The majority of the sphincters are closed during rest.
- Bw arterioles and venules a shunt may be present
- Diffusion is the most important factor in the exchange of materials
- Rate of diffusion depends on the concentration gradient, permeability, and the surface area.
- Gases and small molecular substances are mostly exchanged by diffusion.
- Two types of transport by diffusion:
1. Flow limited: For small molecules it is only the rate of blood flow that limits the transport.
2. Diffusion limited: For large molecules (e.g. polypeptides) it is the rate of diffusion that limits the transport.
- Exchange of substances
- Hydrostatic pressure and oncotic pressure of the blood and of the tissue determine the pressure gradient for the fluids.
- Phcap = hydrostatic pressure in the capillary
- Point = oncotic pressure in the interstitium
- Pocap = oncotic pressure in the capillary
- Phint= hydrostatic pressure in interstitium
- Effective pressures: differences of the blood and tissue pressures
- Pheffective = Phcap - Phint
- Poeffective = Pocap - Point
- The final effective filtration is the difference of he effective hydrostatic and effective oncotic pressures
- Peffective = Pheffective - Poeffective
- The effective filtration pressure shows towards the tissue at the arterial side of the capillary: filtration may occur.
- On the venous end of the capillary the effective filtration pressure is negative, i.e. it shows towards the lumen of the capillary: resorption may occur.
- Volume flow, Q:
- The flow of fluid depends on the effective pressure and on the permeability
- In rest Qfiltrated is greater than Qresorbed
- Venous circulation
•Function is determined by: structure of the wall and venous valves.
•The pressure in veins drop from venules to RA continuously.
•Both, pressure and flow rate change with certain rhytmicity in the veins, due to the valves and the change of tissue pressure (i.e. muscle pump), and gravitation
•Characteristics of Venous System: capacitance-system (reservoir), 55 – 75 % of circulating blood reside in the veins.
•In case it is needed, the vasomotor mechanism „redistribute” the blood.
•Distensibility is large (but the collagen network sets the limit; there are only few elastic elements in the veins).
-Factors Maintaining Venous Circulation:
•the work of the heart
•Venous valves
•Skeletal muscle pump
•Changing pressure in chest and in abdomen
- Local factors of cardiovascular regulation
•Regulation of circulation, and the demand for material exchange is based on two principles:
1.The demands of material transport to and from tissues should be met.
2.The collapse of normal circulation should be avoided by compensating for the inproportional blood supply to different organs during different physiological activities.
•The local demand on oxygen and on nutrients is the major determinant of the intensity of blood flow to a certain organ or to a part of that.
Short run:
-Tissues adjust their own perfusion by local factors.
-The actual tone of vessels in a tissue is adjusted by the intensity of metabolite formation of the tissue. Endothelial cells of the small vessels mediate bw tissue demand and blood supply by paracrine signals.
-Autoregulation and myogenic control:
o A tissue working at constant metabolic rate needs constant blood supply. Accordingly transient changes in the mean peripheral arterial BP are counterregulated at the level of the microcirculatory bed.
o Incr P elicits contraction, decr P elicits relaxation of the small arterioles and metarterioles. This automatic response is independent of CNS, it is of myogenic origin = Bayliss effect.
-Effects of the endothelium:
o BP mechanically deforms endothelial cells. This and many plasma factors prompt endothels to produce humoral signals that influence contraction of SM in wall of vessels
o Two major classes of such factors:
1. EDRF (endothelial derived relaxing factor)
2.EDCF (endothelial derived contracting factor)
-Effects of metabolites: Increased tissue activity decr the partial P of oxygen and incr the tissue conc of metabolites.
Long run:
-Intensive and sustained work of an organ causes morphological changes that contribute to the better perfusion at the local level.
-Growth factors, enzyme induction etc.
-Increased perfusion via angiogenesis (rearrangement and formation on new vessels)
- Central factors of cardiovascular regulation
•Regulation of circulation, and the demand for material exchange is based on two principles:
1. The demands of material transport to and from tissues should be met.
2. The collapse of normal circulation should be avoided by compensating for the inproportional blood supply to different organs during different physiological activities.
•The continuous change of the intensity of tissue activities requires that the blood is directed towards more active tissues.
o The major element of this central mechanism is the adjustment of the actual state of vessel contraction on the arterial (resistance) and venous (capacitance) segment of circulation by the CNS.
-Sympathetic effects: influence arteries and veins
o The CNS controls the diameter of the vessels via the vasomotor center in the medulla.
-Parasympathetic effects:
*The withdrawal of the sympathetic activity is the physiological mediator of the vasodilator influence.
*Direct PS stimulation is found in: Corpus cavernosus in penis, Uterus, Pancreas
*Indirect cholinergic vasodilation occurs in the salivary glands
-Humoral factors
*Hormones of the adrenal medulla play a role in the regulation of circulation under incr activity
o Small dose: beta-adrenergic vasodilation in skeletal muscle, alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction in skin and sphlanchnic areas
o High dose: general alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction
-Norepinephrine: alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction
-Other hormonal influences act via the modulation of the pressor/depressor centers.
Reflex mechanisms
-Baroreceptor mechanism:
o Found in many places in the circulatory bed, and allow very fast adjustment of BP to needs of the body.
-Volume sensors: Found in lung and the capacitance system of vessels
-CNS: changes in the vasoconstrictor tone
-Extended emotional effects
-Adaptation to climate
-Long run change in the oxygen supply
-Adjustment of the circulating blood volume, redistribution of the blood etc.
- Properties of circulation in the coronaries
•Aarise from aorta
•Right coronary a. supply RA and RV. Will continue down and supply also the posterior part of the LV wall and the interventricular septum. Known as the posterior descending coronary a.
•Left coronary a. divide into left anterior descending and left circumflex arteries. The descending one supplies the anterior part of the septum and the LV wall. The circumflex supplies LA and LV.
•Also supplies the conductive system
1. Beginning of systole: the tension of the left chamber of the heart is so high that the blood will be pressed out from the coronary vessels, then reversed blood flow will occur. Reverse flow will not occur in the right chamber, but it will have the same effect except from that.
2. Fast ejection phase: the high pressure in the aorta secures the flow in the coronary arteries.
3. Slow ejection phase: the pressure in the aorta drops, therefore the coronary perfusion slows down.
4. Diastole: more blood enter the coronary vessels (more than during systole), maximum coronary flow can be measured.
- Properties of circulation in the skin
- It is very important that the venous and arterial blood flow to and from the brain is equal; if not the brain tissue could suffer from overpressure.
- The brain tissue is also very sensitive to hypoxia; therefore there are local reflex mechanisms that keep the blood flow constant despite altering peripheral circulatory situations.
- Cushing-effect: is when the intracranial pressure incr, then the peripheral BP has to incr as well to keep the constant blood flow to the brain. This is most likely caused by hypoxia in the compressed vasomotor center.
- The constant blood flow should be 50ml blood/min/100g of tissue.
- Blood flow in the brain can be altered by the pCO2 and pH. Low pH will increase blood flow.
- The facial nerve provides PS innervations of brain vessels.
- The brain can tolerate a change in the mean blood pressure between 60 – 160mmHg, anything over will cause edema, and anything under will cause syncope (fainting, collapse).
- Properties of circulation in the brain
- Low metabolic demand
- crucial area of thermoregulation
- flow rate varies in a very large range
- vasoconstrictor tone is of major importance
- A-V anastomoses and arterioles regulate
- Vessel reflexes of the skin is of diagnostic importance
- Properties of the splanchnic circulation
- Two serially attached capillary systems: portal circulation
- Myogenic tone is almost non existent
- The main regulator is the sympathetic tone (alpha receptor)
- Metabolic autoregulation is less developed
- In the liver, myogenic autoregulation occurs
- The splanchnic area (liver) serves as a reservoir, 15% of the circulating blood volume resides here in resting conditions
- Properties of the fetal circulation
- The fetus receives oxygenated blood through umbilical vein. This blood is saturated with oxygen by 85%
- Most of the blood reaches the fetal liver, while a small part reaches the heart directly through v. cava cau.
- Finally blood goes from liver to the RV. L+R atria communicate with each other through foramen ovale.
- In the fetus the L+R ventricles work as a parallely coupled system, as most of the blood pumped out from the RV circumvents the resistant lung tissue.
- Blood goes through the ductus arteriosus into the aorta and is then added to the systemic circulation.
- This way the pressure in the a. pulmonalis is approximately 5 mmHg higher than in the aorta.
- One third of the blood from the aorta goes to the cranial part of the body, while the rest is delivered to the caudal one. Half of this latter blood volume goes through the placenta.
- After delivery a sudden incr of the pulmonary circulation sets in. The pulmonary resistance decr dramatically because of the appearance of surfactant factors after the onset of breathing. More and more blood goes through the lung.