L29. Ear and auditory Tube Flashcards
Describe the main segments of the ear and what is contained within them
- Outer ear: From the auricle through the external acoustic meatus to the tympanic membrane
- Middle ear: Contains the tympanic cavity, epitympanic recess and the auditory tube
- Inner ear: Contains the bony and membranous labyrinth with the sensory apparatus
What is the auricle? What is the importance of it in terms of function?
The auricle is the skin and cartilage of the outer ear and it collects sound and localises if from different parts of the surrounding space.
What is the canal that connects the outside environment with the inner ear?
The external acoustic meatus
Also termed the ear canal
Label the main seven parts of the outer ear
Describe the external acoustic meatus tube in terms of the components of the walls
The lateral third tube is cartilaginous and the medial two thirds of the tube is boney (temporal bone)
Describe the skin lining the external auditory meatus tube and what function the important secretion has
The tube is lined with hairy skin and cerumen glands that secrete cerumen.
Cerumen is as waxy material that is important for preventing water from macerating/softening the skin
What nerves supply sensory information to the external ear?
- Vagus supplies the posterioinferior walls
- The auricotemporal nerve (a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve V3) suppies the anterosuperior of the ear and the external surface of the tympanic membrane
Damage to the tempanic membrane often radiates to other places in the face. Where are these places and why does this happen?
Radiates to the temperomandibule joint, the lower teeth and jaw, and other places.
This is because this is the supply of the manidbular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3) that helps to supply the tempanic membrane
What is the function of the tympanic membrane?
To produce a complete seal around the external acoustic meatus to ensure there is no direct communication between the EAM and the Middle ear.
It also allows pressure waves from sounds to cause it to vibrate and this vibration is the main signal to the inner ear and sensory neurons.
Describe the concave/convexity of the tympanic membrane
Concave outwards (laterall)
Convex inwards (medially)
What is the the “cone of light” seen on the tympanic membrane through an oroscope? Where is this and what would happen in pathology?
The cone of light is found in the anterior-inferior quadrant of the lateral surface of the tympanic membrane.
Shining a light into the ear produces a reflexion in a particular part of the quadrant because of the convexity of the membrane.
In a middle ear problem, pressure changes cause a change in the shape of the membrane causing the position of the light to change
What are the main three compartments of the middle ear?
- Tympanic Cavity proper - directly medial to the tympanic membrane
- Epitympanic recess - to the mastoid air cells
- The Auditory tube (eustacian tube/ pharyngotympanic tube)
What does the epitympanic recess communicate with?
This recess extends above the tympanic membrane into a divot in the termporal bone above. It has commincations to some spaces and sinuses called mastoid air cells in the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
What is the main function of the eustachian tube?
It is a communication between the inner ear and the outside environmental pressure. Large changes in pressure in the middle ear relative to atmospheric pressure can be potentially dangerous, hence it is important to eqilibrate them.
Describe the shape and slope of the eustachian tube and where it connects to.
It projects anterioinferiorly into the nasophayrnx
It has a slope projecting downwards making it difficult for bacteria from the nasopharynx to get to and making it easy for any fluid/bacteria in the inner ear to drain out.
Describe anatomical differences between the eustachian tube of a young child compared to that of an adult.
What is the significance of this difference?
A child has a more horizontal eustachian tube making the middle ear difficult to drain and making it easier for bacterial infections to migrate into the ear. Thus young infants more commonly suffer from otitis media.
Chronic infection can impact on the three bones of the middle ear and lead to impacted hearing and subsequent language development issues