L19- syphilis and gonorrhea Flashcards
neisseria gonorrhea morphology
gram neg diplococci
has fastidious growth requirements
gram stains are not sensitive to all infections
syphilis dx
lesion- darkfield microscopy or direct immunofluoursence
seroligically- nontreponemal tests (screening) and treponemal (confirmation)
congenital syphilis
maculopapular lesions
nasal obstruction w/ infectious discharge
osteitis of nasal bones
hutchinsons triad
primary syphilis
entry through skin
local multiplication and dissemination to nearby lymph nodes
formation of syphilis chancre (principle lesion- will heal in 3-8 weeks w/ fibrosis)
neisseria gonorrhea causes what diseases
more obvious:
pharyngitis, bacteremia, urethritis, cervicitis, salpingitis, PID, proctitis
latent syphilis progresses to
1/3 cases have spontaneous cure
1/3 develop into teritary
1/3 seropositive w/o disease
syphilis chancre looks like
scanty serous exudate w/ thin, grayish crust
base is smooth
border is raised, firm, red
the great imposter
b/c it causes infections all over the body
gonorrhea virulence factors
antigenic variation of pili
nonpiliated phase variants
proteins (like porin) help it to attach
IgA protease
plasmid and chromosome mediated resistance to many abx incl fluoros
hutchinsons triad
notched incisors
interstitial keratitis
8th nerve deafness
seen in congenital syphilis
secondary syphilis
maculopapular rash
condyloma lata (mucosal warty lesions)
highly infective
immune complexes in artery walls
where does gonorrhea attack and colonize
enters through mucosal surface
women- endocervix and urethral colonization
men- anterior urethra colonization
mucopurulent discharge
syplilis morph
gram neg spirochete
slow motility
obligate internal parasite
tertiary syphilis
5-20 years after infection
cardiovascular syphilis (aortic aneurysm)
granulomata (gummas- look like warts)
treponema (syphilis) virulence factors
outer membrane proteins- help it stick to host cells
hyaluronidase- lets it infiltrate the blood stream
fibronectin coat- makes it appear familiar to the body so body doesn’t attack it