L13 transpotation revolution Flashcards
Penydarren Locomotive
1804 - Trevithick
racecar for Emil Jelhick
Steamboats history
1681 - Denis Papin, first proposal for a steamer1783 - Pyroscaphe by Jouffroy, first steamBOAT shown to the public1818 - David Napier builds Rob Roy, first steamSHIP, with passenger/mail service
1812 - Trevithick
Cornish boiler
Karl Benz
1885 obtained a patent fpr automobile fueled by gas Benz motorwagon (1885)
Daimler-Maybach Pheonix Engine
1803 - Trevithick
Steam Carriage
New high pressure engine
1799 - Trevithick
Daimler-Maybach Pheonix Engine
DAimler motor company (1882) 1885 first modern gasoline engine 1 hp at 600 rpm, 1000 cc, valves camshafts 1885 motorcylces
Wilhelm Maybach and Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler
1799 - Trevithick
New high pressure engine
-passed special laws forbiddng use of high pressure machines-after death of watt, roailroads expanded rapidly from 100 miles in 1830 to 19,000 miles by 1900
James Watt
Wilhelm Maybach and Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler
DAimler motor company (1882) 1885 first modern gasoline engine 1 hp at 600 rpm, 1000 cc, valves camshafts 1885 motorcylces
racecar for Emil Jelhick
1859 real internal combustion engine
Joseph Leneuir
-invented locomotive: -built new high pressure engine - 1799-Puffing Devil - 1801-Steam Carriage - 1803-Penydarren Locomotive - 1804-Catch Me Who Can - 1808-1808 - first railroad track, London-Cornish Boiler 1812-new high pressure engine + cornish boiler = locomotive!
Richard Trevithick
1818 - David Napierfirst steamSHIP with pasenger service/mail service
Rob Roy
Nicholas Otto
German travelling salesman 1861 first engine based on Lenoir’s design 1876 2 assistances ts built 4 stroke engine 1877 patent 4 stroke engine
First railroad track in London
1808 - Trevithick
Locomotive Trails (Rain/hill)
1829 (lasted 6 days)
Name all trains involved
- Cycloped (1 hp) 2. Preserverance (damaged on first day) 3. Sans Pareil (cylinder malfunction) 4. Novelty (best one, 45 km/hr) 5. Rocket (stephenson won 500 pounds)
1823 first patent for internal combustion engine 8,800 cc, 4 hp
Samuel Brown
1681 - Denis Papin, first proposal for a steamer1783 - Pyroscaphe by Jouffroy, first steamBOAT shown to the public1818 - David Napier builds Rob Roy, first steamSHIP, with passenger/mail service
Steamboats history
Joseph Leneuir
1859 real internal combustion engine
Cornish boiler
1812 - Trevithick
Samuel Brown
1823 first patent for internal combustion engine 8,800 cc, 4 hp
Steam Carriage
1803 - Trevithick
1801 - Trevithick
Puffing Devil
Rob Roy
1818 - David Napierfirst steamSHIP with pasenger service/mail service
1783 - Jouffroyfirst steamBOAT shown to public
First proposal for steamer (steamboat)
1681 - Denis Papin
Richard Trevithick
-invented locomotive: -built new high pressure engine - 1799-Puffing Devil - 1801-Steam Carriage - 1803-Penydarren Locomotive - 1804-Catch Me Who Can - 1808-1808 - first railroad track, London-Cornish Boiler 1812-new high pressure engine + cornish boiler = locomotive!
1681 - Denis Papin
First proposal for steamer (steamboat)
1808 - Trevithick
First railroad track in London
- Cycloped (1 hp) 2. Preserverance (damaged on first day) 3. Sans Pareil (cylinder malfunction) 4. Novelty (best one, 45 km/hr) 5. Rocket (stephenson won 500 pounds)
Name all trains involved
1804 - Trevithick
Penydarren Locomotive
Catch Me Who Can
1808 - Trevithick
1885 obtained a patent fpr automobile fueled by gas Benz motorwagon (1885)
Karl Benz
1829 (lasted 6 days)
Locomotive Trails (Rain/hill)
1808 - Trevithick
Catch Me Who Can
James Watt
-passed special laws forbiddng use of high pressure machines-after death of watt, roailroads expanded rapidly from 100 miles in 1830 to 19,000 miles by 1900
1783 - Jouffroyfirst steamBOAT shown to public
Puffing Devil
1801 - Trevithick
German travelling salesman 1861 first engine based on Lenoir’s design 1876 2 assistances ts built 4 stroke engine 1877 patent 4 stroke engine
Nicholas Otto