L11 Age of Experimentation Flashcards
Francis Bacon
- English
- developed Baconian system
- New method (experimentalism) to undermine aristotle
- pubished “instauratio magna”
-9 levels, universal system for collecting knowledge
Baconian system
Bacon’s 5 rules and methods for which laws of nature will be discovered…
- Repeatable experiments
- Reductionism
- Objectivity
- Public witnessing
- Scientific publications
Royal Society uses Baconian System
Isaac Newton
- “The holy other”
- english
- invents fluxions (calculus) and the laws of gravity and motion
- started his own religion
- published: “principia”, and “optics”
Newton invents fluxions (calculus), and laws of gravity and motion
-the ‘anno mirabilis’
- “The holy other”
- english
- invents fluxions (calculus) and the laws of gravity and motion
- started his own religion
- published: “principia”, and “optics”
Isaac Newton
- published by Newton
- newtonian laws were universal
The “principia”
“De Magnate” published by William Gilbert
-published in english
200 BC Egyptian/Greek
-how to fake gold
“Physical and Mystical”
-published in english
“De Magnate” published by William Gilbert
Plague, university closed for Newton
Newton publicly states that he will not publish anything until Hooke is dead
c. 1690
- over the reflective telescope
English is universal language of science because…
“Optics” published in english by newton, and had huge impact
- born from trying to make spoiled meat edible: use spices
- need gold to import spices form the east
- alchemy to create gold.
What is Alchemy?
c. 1690
- over the reflective telescope
Newton publicly states that he will not publish anything until Hooke is dead
Hooke dies
Robert Hooke asks Newton about movement of planets
Goals of Alchemy
- Immortality by producing elixir of life/philosopher’s stone
- transfer of base metals into gold
Alchemy is important to modern science because…
- experimented and produced practical products (perfumes/dyes)
- same principle as chemistry
- famous scientists did alchemy
Robert Hooke asks Newton about movement of planets
James Price
- The last alchemist
- English
- published “making gold from mercury”
- killed himself before public demonstration of transmutation
Giordano Bruno
1600 burned alive for going against Roman Catholic Church
Birth of modern science
- publishing of “optics” by newton
- english became universal language of science
William Gilbert
1600 published “De Magnate”
- english
- magnetism and relation to electricity
- used repeatable experments to prove theories
850 AD by Razi Al
-fake transmutation of various metals into gold
“The secrets of secrets”
- experimented and produced practical products (perfumes/dyes)
- same principle as chemistry
- famous scientists did alchemy
Alchemy is important to modern science because…
Betty Dobbs
Discovered that newton did a lot of work in alchemy, not allowed to publish the info by the gatekeepers of knowledge
burned alive for going against Roman Catholic Church
Giordano Bruno
“Philosophical Transactions”
the first scientific journal
The “principia”
- published by Newton
- newtonian laws were universal
Newton invents fluxions (calculus), and laws of gravity and motion
-the ‘anno mirabilis’
1600 published “De Magnate”–english-magnetism and relation to electricity-used repeatable experments to prove theories
William Gilbert
Hooke dies
Royal Society uses Baconian System
- english
- developed Baconian system
- New method (experimentalism) to undermine aristotle
- pubished “instauratio magna”
Francis Bacon
Baconian system
-9 levels, universal system for collecting knowledge
“Physical and Mystical”
200 BC Egyptian/Greek-how to fake gold
Academy of Sciences
1666 France
“Instauratio Magna”
1620 by Francis Bacon
“The secrets of secrets”
850 AD by Razi Al
-fake transmutation of various metals into gold
- The last alchemist
- English
- published “making gold from mercury”
- killed himself before public demonstration of transmutation
James Price
Discovered that newton did a lot of work in alchemy, not allowed to publish the info by the gatekeepers of knowledge
Betty Dobbs
1665, the first scientific journal
“Philosophical Transactions”
Plague, university closed for Newton
“Optics” published in english by newton, and had huge impact
English is universal language of science because…
“Optics” published by Newton
- Immortality by producing elixir of life/philosopher’s stone
- transfer of base metals into gold
Goals of Alchemy
1620 by Francis Bacon
“Instauratio Magna”
“Optics” published by Newton
- publishing of “optics” by newton
- english became universal language of science
Birth of modern science
1666 France
Academy of Sciences
What is Alchemy?
- born from trying to make spoiled meat edible: use spices
- need gold to import spices form the east
- alchemy to create gold.
- Repeatable experiments
- Reductionism
- Objectivity
- Public witnessing
- Scientific publications
Bacon’s 5 rules and methods for which laws of nature will be discovered…