L05 Invention of Inventing(Alexandria) Flashcards
Pneumatica (book)
By Heron
How to build steam,/wind/water powered machines
- First to experiment w/ human brain
- measured pulse rate (by clock)
- Invented neuroanatomy (nervous system discoveries)
Second library survived until:
391 AD
-parts burned by christians
- First to experiment w/ human brain
- measured pulse rate (by clock)
- Invented neuroanatomy (nervous system discoveries)
Took over Persian Empire
332 BC
- Discovered heart is a pump
- correlation of bigger brain = smarter
- brain is place of intelligence/controls body
332 BC
Took over Persian Empire
331 BC
Founded Alexandria (new capital of Egypt)
Became Pharaoh after taking over Egypt
332 BC
336 BC
- took over when father assasinated by persians
- Created largest empire of antiquity
Alexander the Great
- Used Stick to measure circumference of Earth (compared shadows in two different cities at the same time)
- Calculated tilt of Earth’s Axis-Measured distance to sun and moon (wrong)
- Director of Library of Alexandria
- Used Stick to measure circumference of Earth (compared shadows in two different cities at the same time)
- Calculated tilt of Earth’s Axis-Measured distance to sun and moon (wrong)
- Director of Library of Alexandria
Study of Anatomy
- Punishable to disturb body after death
- lasted less than 50 years
- took place in alexandria (support of Ptolemys)
- ended because:
- dissection/vivisection is unethical
- no need to further research (all is done)
- no use for such knowlege (only desired to balance 4 humors of body)
334 BC
Invasion of Persia
One of greatest inventors of all time (futuristic concepts/designs)
-Taught at museum
- Discovered heart is a pump
- correlation of bigger brain = smarter
- brain is place of intelligence/controls body
Alexander the Great
336 BC took over when father assasinated by persians
-Created largest empire of antiquity
305 BC
Ptolemy I king of egypt
- Punishable to disturb body after death
- lasted less than 50 years
- took place in alexandria (support of Ptolemys)
- ended because:
- dissection/vivisection is unethical
- no need to further research (all is done)
- no use for such knowlege (only desired to balance 4 humors of body)
Study of Anatomy
642 AD
Remains of backup library taken by Arabs
Main library destroyed in civil war
272 AD
391 AD
-parts burned by christians
Second library survived until:
Hellenistic Period
Assimilation of Greek culture/style
Invasion of Persia
334 BC
272 AD
Main library destroyed in civil war
Ptolemy IIISecond (backup) library of Alexandria
235 BC
First precise star catalogue (675 stars)
332 BC
Became Pharaoh after taking over Egypt
Ptolemy I king of egypt
305 BC
Contraptions by Heron
World’s first:
- programmable robots
- self powered vehicle
- operational steam engine 50 AD
- jet powered steam turbine
- vacuum pump
- vending machines
- fire engine
- automatic door
- light sensors
- high pressure atomizer
First precise star catalogue (675 stars)
280 BC by ptolemy I-Temple of Muses-Library of Alexandria
Mouseion-World’s first research institute (museum)
By HeronHow to build steam,/wind/water powered machines
Pneumatica (book)
Remains of backup library taken by Arabs
642 AD
Founded Alexandria (new capital of Egypt)
331 BC
Assimilation of Greek culture/style
Hellenistic Period
World’s first:
- programmable robots
- self powered vehicle
- operational steam engine 50 AD
- jet powered steam turbine
- vacuum pump
- vending machines
- fire engine
- automatic door
- light sensors
- high pressure atomizer
Contraptions by Heron
235 BC
Ptolemy IIISecond (backup) library of Alexandria
First Chronology (numerical dating for historical events)
One of greatest inventors of all time (futuristic concepts/designs)-Taught at museum
First Chronology (numerical dating for historical events)
Mouseion-World’s first research institute (museum)
280 BC by ptolemy I-Temple of Muses-Library of Alexandria