L06 Engineering under Roman Empire Part I - Military Flashcards
Complete infrastructure (along roads)
Every 15 miles: inns/hotels.changing stations(horses)
Every 1.5 km - milestone placed
1200 Velites
youngest, lightly armed, bows and arrows
First line
Greek System
- abandoned in 300 BC
5 - 10 men deep, 256 men strong, used very long spears
Roman Kingdom
753 - 510 BC
Ended when Tarquinius exiled in 510 BC
753 - 510 BC
Ended when Tarquinius exiled in 510 BC
Roman Kingdom
golden milestone, distance to all major cities
Milliarium Aureum
summum dorsum
large stone slabs, road surface, curved
Roman Empire
44 BC - 1453 AD
Ended when Constantinopole was taken in 1453 AD
large stone slabs, road surface, curved
summum dorsum
Greek System
- abandoned in 300 BC
5 - 10 men deep, 256 men strong, used very long spears
Second line
1200 Hastati
youngest, used spears, take on first assault
Consisted of 4 lines, 107 BC
4 lines make up 1 legion (4200 men)
-continuous supply of fresh troops
3 Line System
crushed rock
Standardized system of transportation between forts
-built because army had nothing to do
510 - 44 BC
Ended when Julius Caesar came to power in 44 BC
Roman Republic
trench 1.5m deep
Fossa (road)
44 BC - 1453 AD
Ended when Constantinopole was taken in 1453 AD
Roman Empire
in 753 BC by Romulus
Roman empire founded:
Third line
1200 Principes
Legion’s strongest menduty to destroy enemy
1200 Hastati
youngest, used spears, take on first assault
Second line
Roman Republic
510 - 44 BC
Ended when Julius Caesar came to power in 44 BC
- one of most remote forts in roman empire
- part of Hadrian’s wall 120s AD
compacted sand/dry earth
- one of most remote forts in roman empire
- part of Hadrian’s wall 120s AD
cemented large gravel, stones
Fort for each legion (7 components)-standardized-private/public toilets, baths, running water
Standardized system of transportation between forts
-built because army had nothing to do
MIlitary service became paid career
107 BC, landless and poor allowed to join army(not just rstricted to those with land)
-after 25 years, receive land and citizenship
VIndolanda writing tablets
97 - 103 AD, Told us:
- Roman army ate/clothed exceptionally well
- everyday life not gloomy, social interactions past fort’s walls
- letters written by common soldiers, women, and slaves
- standardized post system (birch/oak tablets)
both sides of road to drain rain
parallel drainage ditch
Roman empire founded:
in 753 BC by Romulus
First line
1200 Velites
youngest, lightly armed, bows and arrows
1200 Principes
Legion’s strongest menduty to destroy enemy
Third line
97 - 103 AD, Told us:
- Roman army ate/clothed exceptionally well
- everyday life not gloomy, social interactions past fort’s walls
- letters written by common soldiers, women, and slaves
- standardized post system (birch/oak tablets)
VIndolanda writing tablets
parallel drainage ditch
both sides of road to drain rain
3 Line System
Consisted of 4 lines, 107 BC
4 lines make up 1 legion (4200 men)
-continuous supply of fresh troops
107 BC, landless and poor allowed to join army(not just rstricted to those with land)
-after 25 years, receive land and citizenship
MIlitary service became paid career
Fourth line
600 Triarii
oldest soldiers, war veterans
Every 15 miles: inns/hotels.changing stations(horses)
Every 1.5 km - milestone placed
Complete infrastructure (along roads)
600 Triarii
oldest soldiers, war veterans
Fourth line
used to obtain right angles, to make grid plan for road building
cemented large gravel, stones
Milliarium Aureum
golden milestonetold you distance to all major cities
crushed rock
Fort for each legion (7 components)-standardized-private/public toilets, baths, running water
Fossa (road)
trench 1.5m deep
cemented sand, small gravel
compacted sand/dry earth
cemented sand, small gravel
used to obtain right angles, to make grid plan for road building