L07 Engineering under Roman Empire Part II - Civilian Flashcards
The games
Social control (entertainment+food to prevent rebellions)-public slaughter-weird sexual practises-killed christians-Trajan-naval battles (flooded colliseum)
cloaca maxima
first modern underground sewer system
600 BC - 1800s AD
City of Rome
first city to have running water, toilets, bath, and underground sewers
Claudius Ptolemy
- The Almagest
- first mathematical model of cosmos
New capital - Constantinopole
300 AD
colliseum, 70 - 80 AD to be builtbuilt by:Vespasian, Titus
Flavian Theatre
Rome deserted
500 AD
carved by hand, ornamentation at topmost elaborate, most expensiveused by wealthiest
basic columnno ornamentation at topthicker bottom
200 BC
Greek philosophy entered Rome
First to propose heliocentric cosmos-sun at center
Greatest advocate of science, correct theory of ocean tides
Flavian Theatre
colliseum, 70 - 80 AD to be builtbuilt by:Vespasian, Titus
basic columnno ornamentation at topthicker bottom
Theater for Chariot Racing
largest public structure
Circus Maximus
Social control (entertainment+food to prevent rebellions)-public slaughter-weird sexual practises-killed christians-Trajan-naval battles (flooded colliseum)
The games
doric, ionic, corinthian
3 architectural orders used:
300 AD
New capital - Constantinopole
carved by hand, ornamantation at top
Pliny the Elder
Roman natural philosopher
-system for collecting information-first encyclopedia
lead pipes
water distributed by
Circus Maximus
Theatre for Chariot Racing
largest public structure
cement (caementitum)
cementlime, VOLCANIC ASH, water
107 AD, largest show, 123 days, 10,000 gladiators killed
Greatest advocate of science, correct theory of ocean tides
Greek philosophy entered Rome
200 BC
carved by handornamantation at top
Roman empire ended
1453 AD when captured by Ottoman Empire
3 architectural orders used:
doric, ionic, corinthian
500 AD
Rome deserted
- great fire of rome 64 AD
- Taxes on wealthy people
- great fire of rome 64 AD
- Taxes on wealthy people
300-500 AD
End of Rome
410 AD -Rome collapsed because of bronze clamps
Sack of Rome
Sack of Rome
410 AD-Rome collapsed because of bronze clamps
cement lime, VOLCANIC ASH, water
cement (caementitum)
- The Almagest
- first mathematical model of cosmos
Claudius Ptolemy
Roman natural philosopher
- system for collecting information
- first encyclopedia
Pliny the Elder
first modern underground sewer system
600 BC - 1800s AD
cloaca maxima
107 AD, largest show, 123 days, 10,000 gladiators killed
first city to have running water, toilets, bath, and underground sewers
City of Rome
carved by hand, ornamentation at topmost elaborate, most expensiveused by wealthiest
1453 AD when captured by Ottoman Empire
Roman empire ended
End of Rome
300-500 AD
water distributed by
lead pipes
First to propose heliocentric cosmos-sun at center