L12 From Experimentation to Utility - Industrial Revolution Flashcards
The royal commision…
Prince albert wanted to solve social problems 1850
-solution: international competition for design
watt’s engine became factory engine
Soho engine factory built by Boulton
“engine to drive up water by fire” 1663
Edward Marquise of Worcester
factory system
new technology of manufacturing and LABOUR ORGANIZATION
The Great Exhibition
Brought together Arts and Industry
- lasted 6 months
- 14,000 exhibits
- most successful world fair in history
model of Newcomen engine breaks down at Glascow university
“engine to drive up water by fire”
Thomas Savery
copied and published “Miner’s Friend” 1698
-not the first steam engine
World’s first printer/scanner/fax machine
invention of new cannon boring machine
How to get pistons to be airtight?
invention of new cannon boring machine 1774
Heron of Alexandria
c. 50 AD invents jet/steam turbine
Watt’s engine was water pump engine.
before 1780…
Queen Victoria
Queen of Britain
Brought together Arts and Industry
- lasted 6 months
- 14,000 exhibits
- most successful world fair in history
The Great Exhibition
putting out system
before factory system
-contractd work, work done at workers’ home
The Great Conservatory
1837 built by Joseph Paxton
Joseph Paxton
gardener obsessed with greenhouses–english-built the Great Conservatory 1837-designed Crystal Palace
invents new cannon boring machine 1774
John Wilkinson
Invention of Telephone
Prince albert wanted to solve social problems 1850
-solution: international competition for design
The royal commision…
Invention of Telephone
-copied from Edward Marquise of Worchester
“Miner’s Friend” published by Thomas Savery
1837 built by Joseph Paxton
The Great Conservatory
Newcomen proposes steam engine design (locomotive)
model of Newcomen engine breaks down at Glascow university
- British
- proposed steam engine design (locomotive)
Thomas Newcomen
scientifically organized system for locating and use of the world’s natural resources
Britain is overpopulated, needed natural resources, solution…
Cromform Mill
c. 1781
world’s first steam-powered factory
“engine to drive up water by fire”
Transportation Revolution
Steam engine led to…
first piston steam engine
Denis Papin
Queen of britain
Queen Victoria
c. 50 AD invents jet/steam turbine
Heron of Alexandria
Richard Arkwright
built Cromford Mill
Singer Sewing Machine
First machine to have ornamentation on it
-direct result of Great Exhibition
Applied Art to industrial forms
gardener obsessed with greenhouses
- english
- built the Great Conservatory 1837
- designed Crystal Palace
Joseph Paxton
Silk Mill in Derby
world’s first ‘modern’ factory, water powered
External steam condenser built by James Watt
- invnted steam boat
- first piston steam engine
Denis Papin
Talking telegraph
5 times
steam condenser inreased efficiency by ___ times
9 months
Crystal Palace was built in…
Applied Art to industrial forms
-direct result of Great Exhibition
Steam engine led to…
Transportation Revolution
External steam condenser built by James Watt
built Cromford Mill
Richard Arkwright
Newcomen proposes steam engine design (locomotive)
c. 1781
world’s first steam-powered factory
Cromform Mill
Britain is overpopulated, needed natural resources, solution…
scientifically organized system for locating and use of the world’s natural resources
Edward Marquise of Worchester
“engine to drive up water by fire”, 1663
“Miner’s Friend” published by Thomas Savery
-copied from Edward Marquise of Worchester
first piston steam engine
Denis Papin
New steam engine design/model by James Watt
-improved on Newcomen design, added on a condenser
Thomas Newcomen
- British
- proposed steam engine design (locomotive)
invention of steam boat
Denis Papin
before 1780…
Watt’s engine was water pump engine.
First fax line opens (in france)
steam condenser inreased efficiency by ___ times
5 times
- pays patent fees for Watt
- Soho engine factory built 1774
Matthew Boulton
Soho engine factory built by Boulton
Talking telegraph
new technology of manufacturing and LABOUR ORGANIZATION
factory system
copied and published “Miner’s Friend” 1698
-not the first steam engine
Thomas Savery
Denis Papin
- invnted steam boat
- first piston steam engine
First fax line opens (in france)
James watt
- instrument maker
- scottish
- revised newcomen’s design
- included external steam condenser
Matthew Boulton
- pays patent fees for Watt
- Soho engine factory built 1774
First machine to have ornamentation on it
Singer Sewing Machine
invention of new cannon boring machine
-improved on Newcomen design, added on a condenser
New steam engine design/model by James Watt
Crystal Palace was built in…
9 months
-instrument maker–scottish-revised newcomen’s design: -included external steam condenser
James watt
before factory system-contractd work, work done at workers’ home
putting out system
invention of steam boat
Denis Papin
World’s first printer/scanner/fax machine
1722world’s first ‘modern’ factory, water powered
Silk Mill in Derby
John Wilkinson
invents new cannon boring machine 1774
invention of new cannon boring machine 1774
How to get pistons to be airtight?
watt’s engine became factory engine