L03 Egypt Flashcards
Introduced Step Pyramid, 2650 BC
Measured height of Floods
3000 BC
First sail ships, Papyrus paper + ink, Cuneiform ‘alphabet’
First Pharaoh 3200 BC-Absolute power (living god)-Centralized grainary-distribute land to family and nobles
Triangular Pyramid (Bent Pyramid), 2613 BC
Archaic Period
3100-2800 BC, New burian practise: Mastaba
Hyksos Overthrown, Pharaoh rule again
1575 BC
Wind - N to S, Current - S to NProvided:-Steady, predictable water supply-New layer of topsoil w/ every flood
Nile River
332 BC
Alexander the Great captures Egypt
Triangular Pyramid (Bent Pyramid), 2613 BC
Sneferu (BS)
Hieroglyphs introduced
3100 BC
First Pharaoh 3200 BC-Absolute power (living god)-Centralized grainary-distribute land to family and nobles
Khufu (Cheops)
Great Pyramid of Giza, 2500 BC
2800-2050 BC
Old kingdom built pyramids
Alexander the Great captures Egypt
332 BC
The desert
Protected Egypt
Decree of Ptolemy V, written in 3 languages196 BC
Rosetta Stone
Protected Egypt
The desert
Introduced Step Pyramid, 2650 BC
Hyksos conquered Egypt
1700 BC
1700 BC
Hyksos conquered Egypt
3100-2800 BC, New burian practise: Mastaba
Archaic Period
Sirius appeared
-every 12 months-Nile flooded-modern 12 month calendar-Social control using astronomy
Rosetta Stone
Decree of Ptolemy Vwritten in 3 languages196 BC
Measured height of Floods
Old kingdom built pyramids
2800-2050 BC
Storing and releasing water when needed allowed for:
2 harvests per year
-every 12 months-Nile flooded-modern 12 month calendar-Social control using astronomy
Sirius appeared
2 harvests per year
Storing and releasing water when needed allowed for:
3100 BC
Hieroglyphs introduced
Papyrus paper + Ink invented
3000 BC
Nile River
Wind - N to S, Current - S to NProvided:-Steady, predictable water supply-New layer of topsoil w/ every flood
Great Pyramid of Giza, 2500 BC
Khufu (Cheops)
1575 BC
Hyksos Overthrown, Pharaoh rule again
First sail ships
3000 BC