L13-14 Human Microbiome + Timor Flashcards
Define microbiome
sum total of the genes carried by micro-organisms commensal with humans (genetic constitution reflects phenotype)
define microbiota
species of micro-organisms commensal with humans (species themselves, changes in species little effect whole microbiome)
what does the diversity of the microbiome mean
number and abundance distribution of distinct types of organisms
what is alpha and beta diversity
- Alpha diversity (within sample)
* Beta diversity (between samples from same habitat in different subjects)
what can be used to analyse the microbiome
sample > nucleic acid extraction > 16S rRNA sequencing
what is PC1 and PC2
• 1: vector in data that captures diversity in certain singular planes
o PC1 therefore: further apart on axis = most distinct
o PC2 axis: next distinct
how can the variation in microbiota but microbiome similar
o Function of evolutionary conserved genes similar
o Functional microbiome constant
how does the human microbiome change over time
1. evolutionary change (colonisation, recruitment, competition) selection pressures (diet, antibiotics) variation- similar micriobmiome but diff microbiota
what does antibiotics do to microbiome
alters population structure
reduces bacterial diversity
redisibtrues composition
sanitation effect on alpha and beta diversity
inc. b
dec. a
cesarean, globalisation effect on alpha and beta diversity
inc. b
dec. a
why could illness be a reason for poor growth in timor
• Immune response is energetically costly and competes with growth for available energy (McDade 2003) = shift in growth to immune system
o – activation increases metabolic costs
o – illness associated with decreased appetite & impaired nutrient absorption
why could nutrition be a reason for poor growth in timor
• Hypothesis: Low energy intake and macro/micro-nutrient deficiencies can cause growth deficits
o children don’t reach genetic potential for growth
how to eliminate genetic cause for poor growth in timor
admixture= no difference between language areas
describe maternal malnutrition on child growth in timor
• (fluctuating food availability: maternal food restriction has lasting effect on child phenotype
why does late stage of gestation food shortage = increase bmi
when breast fed + have higher nutritional uptake= better able to store and capture as body fat // heavier