L10: Wound Care Flashcards
Def of Wound
A wound is any type of damage or breakage on the surface of the skin.
Causes of Wound
Classification of wounds
Wounds can be classified in several ways depending on:
- The healing time.
- The necessity to consult with Wound Care Specialists: Depending on the severity of a particular wound.
- Depending on the cause, site, & depth, a wound can lead from simple to severe one.
- Open or Closed
- Acute or Chronic
- Clean or Contaminated
- Internal or External
- Non-Penetrating or Penetrating
Compare between open & Closed wounds in terms of Def & Example
Compare between Acute & Chronic wounds in terms of Def & Example
Compare between Clean & Contaminated wounds in terms of Def & Example
Compare between Internal & External wounds in terms of Def & Example
Compare between Penetrating & Non wounds in terms of Def & Example
Each type of wound has a different approach & method of treatment:
- Minor wounds can be treated by a regular medical practitioner.
- if you see any signs of infection, you need to call a Wound Care. Specialist.
Aims & Objectives of Wound Care
Every wound management principle is implemented for one or more of the following aims:
- Eliminate dead tissues & preserve healthy tissues.
- Achievement of proper re-epithelialization & wound closure.
- Reduction/Elimination of Inflammation.
- Prevent/Control Infection of wound area.
Key universally recognized wound management principles include the following:
© Hemostasis.
© Wound classification.
© Assessment of risk factors.
© Prevention & control of infection.
© Wound cleaning, debridement & dressing.
© Tissue perfusion (oxygenation) & moisture control.
© Appropriate & adequate analgesia.
© Skin closure.
© Nutritional support.
Def of Hemostasis
Stoppage of bleeding from an injury.
what is the The Initial step in wound management?
Mechanism of hemostasis
Wound Classification
According to mechanism of injury wounds can be classified into:
Incisions (Surgical wound).
Assessment of Risk Factors
Common Risk Factors include
Medical Comorbidities (DM & HTN).
Prevention & Control of infection
what is the The main component controlling infection at a wound site?
Use of antibiotics
Importance of Prevention & Control of infection
Increase Rates of healing with early return of full function.
Wound Cleaning - Debridement - Dressing
Cleaning - Debriment
Appropriate wound dressings, such as:
- Saline wraps.
- Topical healing premotor creams.
Tissue pefusion & Moisture Control
Importance of Dressing
- Beneficial in preventing wound infection.
- Stimulating tissue re-epithelialization.
Tissue pefusion
Moisture Control
Appropriate & Adequate Analgesia
Factors that decrease pain are ….
Good blood flow to the wound site.
Pain medications:
* Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
* Anti-convulsant.
* Opioids.
Skin Closure
It is often necessary to close gaped skin wounds Why?
- To hasten wound healing.
- Decrease Infections.
- Prevent the formation of unsightly scars.
Common methods of skin closure include the use of:
Nutritional support