L1: Physiology of Reproduction Flashcards
Introduction to Physiology of Reproduction
Physiology of Reproduction
- Feedback Mechanisms
Physiology of Reproduction
- What are Central Hormones?
- GnRH
- FSH & LH
Chemical Nature of GnRH
Decapeptide (10 aa).
Source of GnRH
- Preoptic & arcuate nuclei of hypothalamus
Pattern of Secretion of GnRH
- Secreted in pulsatile fashion (every 60-90 minutes in follicular phase & every 3 hours in luteal phase).
Transport of GnRH
To anterior pituitary via hypophyseal portal circulation.
Half-Life of GnRH
2-4 min
Action of GnRH
Synthesis, storage & release of gonadotropins (FSH & LH).
Chemical Nature of FSH
Source of FSH
Basophiles of anterior pituitary
Receptors of FSH
Present on granulosa cells
Half-Life of FSH
3-4 Hours
Actions of FSH
Clinical Uses of FSH
Chemical Nature of LH
Source of LH
Basophiles of anterior pituitary
Receptors of LH
Present on theca cells at all stages of ovarian cycle & on granulosa cells in mature follicle under effect of FSH & estrogen
Half-Life of LH
20 min
Actions of LH
Clincial Uses of LH
Sources of Estrogen
Types of Estrogen
Metabolism of Estrogen
Metabolized in the liver and the end products are secreted in urine.
Actions of Estrogen
Actions of Estrogen
- Local
Local Actions of Estrogen
- Vascularity
increases the vascularity causing softening of the whole genital organs.
Local Actions of Estrogen
- Uterus
- causes proliferation and hyperplasia of the endornetriurn and myometriurn and responsible for proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle.
Local Actions of Estrogen
- Tubes
- hyperplasia, hypertrophy, increases blood supply and motility of the tubes.
Local Actions of Estrogen
- Ovary
- helps in the mechanism of ovulation “by feed back mechanism with pituitary”.
Local Actions of Estrogen
- Cervix
- increased amount decreased viscosity and cellularity (+Ve) Spinnbarkiet and Ferning)
Local Actions of Estrogen
- Vagina
- proliferation of the epithelial lining, increased vaginal acidity (by activation of the lactobacilli to convert glycogen into lactic acid).
Actions of Estrogen
- Central
Local Actions of Estrogen
- General
Levels & Peaks of Estrogen
Estrogen has 2 peaks: first peak just before ovulation and a second peak after C.L formation.
Sources of Progesterone
Types of Progesterone
Only one type
Metabolism of Progesterone
Metabolized in the liver and excreted in urine.
Actions of Progesterone
Actions of Progesterone
- Local
Local Actions of Progesterone
- Uterus
- Causes secretory endometrium (it must be prepared by estrogen).
“Progesterone is the hormone of pregnancy, responsible for maintenance of the decidua during early pregnancy and also uterine relaxation”
Local Actions of Progesterone
- Tubes
it decreases motility.
Local Actions of Progesterone
- Cervix
decreased amount, so increased cellularity and viscosity [-ve Spinnbarkiet and Fernning].
Actions of Progesterone
- Central
- Inhibition of L.H and stimulate FSH release from the pituitary”.
Local Actions of Progesterone
- General
Levels & Peaks of Progesterone
Progesterone has 1 peak: mid-luteal peak (after C.L formation).
Androgens in Female
- Source
Androgens in Female
- Effects
Ovarian Peptides
- Nature
- Source
- Action
- Effect
- Nature
- Source
- Action
- Effect
Two cell theory for estrogen formation
Spinnbarkeit phenomenon
Def of Ovarian Cycle
Def of Follicular Phase
Duration of Follicular Phase
Steps of Follicular Phase
Def of Luteal Phase
Duration of Luteal Phase
Steps of Luteal Phase
Def of Ovulation
Causes of Ovulation
Stages of follicular growth
- Primordial follicles: Each follicle is 1ry oocyte arrested in prophase of 1st meiotic division & is surrounded by single layer of granulosa cells.
- Preantral follicles.
- Antral follicles.
- Preovulatory follicle (mature Graffian follicle)
Diameter of Preovulatory follicle (mature Graffian follicle)
18-24 mm
Structure of Preovulatory follicle (mature Graffian follicle)
Function of Preovulatory follicle (mature Graffian follicle)
- Production of estrogen.
Fate of Preovulatory follicle (mature Graffian follicle)
Stages (Types) of Corpus Luteum
Stages (Types) of Corpus Luteum
- CL Proliference
- increased vascularization and functions of C.L after its formation with its maximum activity after 5 days and continue for 3-4 days.
Stages (Types) of Corpus Luteum
- CL Hemorrhagicum
Vascular Body
Stages (Types) of Corpus Luteum
- CL of Pregnancy
- if fertilization occurs the new embryo releases HCG that prevents degeneration of C.L and continues for 3 months until formation of the placenta.
Stages (Types) of Corpus Luteum
- CL Albicans
- if NO fertilization; there is degeneration of C.L and turns to fibrous tissues
End of the Cycle
End of the Cycle
- If No Pregnancy
End of the Cycle
- If There is pregnancy
Def of Menstrual Cycle
It is the cyclic changes occurring in the endometrium resulting in menstruation every month.
Def of Menstruation
It is periodic monthly shedding of the endometrium accompanied by blood loss.
Mechansism of Menstrual Cycle
Contents of the menstrual flow
Criteria of normal menstruation (eumenorrhea)
- Amount
- Duration
- Normal Color
- Odor
- Control of Blood Loss
Phases of Menstrual Cycle
Phases of Menstrual Cycle
- Menstruation Phase
Duration of Menstruation Phase
Causes of Menstruation Phase
Events in Menstruation Phase
Duration of Resting Phase
Events in Resting Phase
Events of Proliferative Phase
Causes of Proliferative Phase
Duration of Secretory Phase
Events of Secretory Phase