L1: Anatomy of Female Genital Tract - Others Flashcards
Ligaments of Female Genital Tract
Ligaments of Female Genital Tract
- Body
Ligaments of Uterine Body
- Round Ligament
Ligaments of Uterine Body
- Ovarian Ligament
Ligaments of Uterine Body
- Broad Ligament
Ligaments of Uterine Cervix
Ligaments of Uterine Cervix
- Mackenrodtโs Lihament
Ligaments of Uterine Cervix
- Pubocervical Ligament
Ligaments of Uterine Cervix
- Uterosacral Ligament
Ligaments of Ovary
Ligaments of Ovary
- Ovarian Ligament
Ligaments of Ovary
- Infundibulopelvic Ligament
Ligaments of Ovary
- Mesovarium
Origin of Uterine Artery
It arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery as one of its terminal branches.
Course of Uterine Artery
Branches of Uterine Artery
Ligamentery Support of The Uterus
- Cardinal Ligaments
Cardinal Ligaments of the Uterus
Cardinal Ligaments of the Uterus
- Pubo-cervical Ligaments
Def of Pubo-Cervical Ligaments
- A pair of ligaments Passing from the front of the cervix and upper vagina to the back of the symphysis pubis.
Divisions of Pubo-Cervical Ligaments
- Each is divided into pubo-vesical and vesico-cervical ligaments due to the presence of the bladder and urethra in its course.
Relation of Pubo-Cervical Ligaments to Mackenrodtโs Ligament
- On its reflection on the lower end of the bladder; it joins Mackenroadtโs ligament to form a strong support to the bladder known as bladder pillars.
Cardinal Ligaments of the Uterus
- Mackenroadtโs Ligaments
Def of Mackenroadtโs Ligaments
The main cardinal ligaments
Description of Mackenroadtโs Ligaments
- passes as a fan shaped from the lateral aspect of the cx. and upper vagina to be inserted into the lateral pelvic wall.
Relations of Mackenroadtโs Ligaments
In this course it is related laterally to uterine artery and the ureter.
Cardinal Ligaments of the Uterus
- Uterosacral Ligaments
Def of Uterosacral Ligaments
- The most developed supportive ligament of the uterus.
Course of Uterosacral Ligaments
- It passes from the back of the cx. and upper vagina to the 3rd piece of the sacrum.
Func of Uterosacral Ligaments
Its tone is responsible for the anteversion position.
Accessory Ligaments of Uterus
Def of Broad Ligament
Description of Broad Ligament
Contents of Broad Ligament
Contents of Broad Ligament
- Ligaments
Contents of Broad Ligament
- Tubes
Contents of Broad Ligament
- Blood Vessels
Contents of Broad Ligament
- Nerves
Contents of Broad Ligament
- Lymphatics
Contents of Broad Ligament
- Vestigeal Remenatnts
Support of The Uterus, Vagina & Pelvic Floor
Support of The Uterus, Vagina
Parts of Levator Ani
Parts of Levator Ani
- Pubococcygeus Part
Origin of Pubococcygeus Part
Insertion of Pubococcygeus Part
Origin of Iliococcygeus Part
Insertion of Iliococcygeus Part
Origin of Ischiococcygeus Part
Insertion of Ischiococcygeus Part
Support of Pelvic Floor
Def of Pelvic Ureter
It is a narrow muscular tube, 25 cm in length that lies retroperitoneal in its whole course.
Structure of Pelvic Ureterยง
It is formed of muscular layer lined by transitional epithelium.
Course of Pelvic Ureter
Blood Supply of Pelvic Ureter
Points of ureteric injury during gynecologic surgery