L09 -- Test Yourself Flashcards
For MARPOL Annex IV and V, there is a need for port recpetion facilities?
Discharge of raw sewage into the sea at high seas is prohibited unless it is
The discharge of treated sewage is permitted outside of 3 nautical miles outside coastline
The use of biological treatment of sewage on-board are prohibited?
During the sewage treatment on board, no toxic/ non-safe gases are produced?
Despite prohibition of dumping of plastics at sea, the plastic garbage at sea are generally on the rise?
There is no marking scheme for fishing gear yet in order to be able to impose
proceeding against relevant ships?
What is normally referred to as Garbage on-board ship? List 6 types of garbage.
Explain what a Garbage Management Plan is and what is normally included in it.
Which types of Garbage should definitely be delivered to reception
facilities. Name 3 of them.
Why IMO recently debated an Action Plan on marine plastics from shipping.
What is normally recorded in a Garbage Record Book? Mention two
What are the general rules for disposal of food waste.
List the name of the regulatory documentation requirements showing
that the ship is in compliance to MARPOL Annex V