L07 - TEST YOURSELF Flashcards
Human being is not the main cause of globally produced CO2 emissions?
The most prominent GHG emissions in the atmosphere and cause of
global warming is methane (CH4).
False - CO2
Shipping is estimated to emit about 2.5%-3% of total man made GHG
IMO has developed and agreed to a GHG Strategy for international
Yes - net zero by 2050
UNFCCC is an expert-based organisation affiliated to UN that
provides technical and scientific advice/reports on state of climate
change and what can be done?
False, it’s a treaty, not an expert based organization.
The UNFCCC, or United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is an international treaty adopted in 1992 aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations to prevent dangerous climate change. It provides a framework for negotiating agreements like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and promote international cooperation on climate action.
EU approach to control of shipping GHG emissions are based mainly
on “economic measures”?
Name 4 GHG emissions, write down their chemical formula, and select two of them that in your view are emitted most (have higher share of total GHG emissions).
Explain the main role that IPCC plays with regard to climate change.
In your view, what is the percentage of international shipping GHG emissions relative to total anthropogenic GHG emissions?
In your view, what percentage of International shipping’s GHG emissions is due to burning of fossil fuels?
Does UNCLOS talks about GHG emissions and their control?
What are the targets for GHG emissions reduction in shipping
according to the IMO GHG Strategy?
Expand the following terms: EEDI, EEXI, CII and SEEMP.
Name 3 impacts of GHG emissions on the marine environment and describe how these will impact the marine ecosystem.
Explain as much as you know about the global carbon cycle.