L08: Learning Flashcards
The problem of learning
How to create knowledge and behaviour from nothing?
Thorndikes’ Associative Laws
Law of Readiness & Law of Exercise
The Law of Readiness (Motivation)
A satisfying state of affairs results when an individual is ready to learn and is allowed to do so.
The Law of Exercise
Connections may be strengthened by practice
Hebb’s Rule
When the axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly takes part in its firing, A’s efficiency as one of the cells firing B is increased
Learning (def)
A relatively permanent change in the organism brought on by experience
Performance vs. Knowing
An organism might know something but knowledge will only be shown in performance
A criticism of introspection: you should only use publically accessible data
Issues with Behaviourism
1) Monistic Theories
- reinforcement is the sole cornerstone of learning
2) Radical Behaviourism Theories
- restricts appropriate data and levels of explanation
Positive Reinforcement
A reward following a response strengthens the response tendency
Circular Reinforcement
A reward strengthens a response
Following a response with an aversive stimulus weakens that response
Classical Conditioning
A signal is paired with a biologically significant stimulus and after some amount of training, the animal acts as if it expected the stimulus.
Instrumental/ Operant Conditioning
the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment
Discovered classical conditioning by using quantitative methods to study salivation.
Acquisition of Excitatory Conditioning
Conditioned stimulus was paired with an unconditioned stimulus generating an unconditioned response
Following acquisition training, elimination of the US results in the loss of the UR
Spontaneous Recovery
The reappearance of the conditioned response after a period of lessened response. Occurs after about 20 mins
Having the opposite motivational properties to excitation and these properties can be measured (ex. student not doing hwk and teacher not finding out)