L02: History of Ideas in Psych Flashcards
Consciousness can be analyzed into a state of basic constituting elements.
The examination of one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings.
The emphasis in psych should be on the purpose and utility of behaviour.
Gesalt Psychology
Looks at the human mind and behaviour as a whole.
“The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”
All behaviours are acquired through conditioning.
Shifted the focus towards biology and studied non-human behaviours
Cognitive Revolution
The cognitive model replaced behaviouralism as the most influential model of the human mind.
Psychophysiological Model of the Mind
Explains human behaviour by recourse to its biological basis
Psychodynamic Model of the Mind
Human behaviour arises from inherited biological drives and the attempt to reduce states of tension and conflict
Set of theories and techniques that deal with the unconscious mind.
Follows the pleasure principle: Avoid pain and increase pleasure
Reason and self control
Morality and ideals
Behaviourist Model of the Mind
Aims to determine what factors in the environment control behaviour
Cognitive Model of the Mind
Assumes cognitions are the principle subject of psych
Humanistic Model of the Mind
Tries to understand human behaviour by detecting patterns in life histories. Human beings are naturally good and equipped with free will.