Knee: Treatment 1 Flashcards
Primary goals for general knee rehab:
- avoid arthrofibrosis
- restore knee extension ASAP
- increase quad strength
Primary goals for general knee rehab:
pain and swelling are signs of
progressing too quickly
ACL tears: females (#)x more likely to tear ACL
4-8x more likely
ACL tears: occurs with these types of movements
typically noncontact
ACL tears: At 1 year post-surgery, only (%) of pts attempted some type of athletics
ACL tears: prevention programs
(%) reduction in risk with strengthening and proximal control exercises
> 65%
ACL tears: nonsurgical
- restore joint mobility
- increase quad strength/endurance
- agility training
- protective bracing
- activity modification
ACL tears: “copers”
To be considered for screening, must have
- no knee effusion
- full ROM
- isolated ACL tear
- > 70% involved/uninvolved quad ratio
- hop on injured leg without pain
ACL tears: nonsurgical
rehab candidate if score (%) on Noyes hop tests
80% involved/uninvolved
ACL tears: nonsurgical
rehab candidate if score (%) on KOS
> 80%
ACL tears: nonsurgical
rehab candidate if score (%) on global rating of knee function
> 60%
ACL tears: nonsurgical
rehab candidate if (#) of episodes of giving way
≤ 1 episode
ACL tears: surgical graft options (surgeon dictated)
- bone - patella tendon - bone
- hamstring graft
- various allografts
ACL tears: surgical
BTB - increased incidence of (pain)
anterior knee pain
ACL tears: surgical
BTB - potential for increased risk of (patella)
patellar fx