Hip: Anatomy 2 Flashcards
Primary blood supply for the hip comes from these arteries
medial and lateral circumflex arteries
When are medial/lateral circumflex arteries at risk?
during femoral neck fracture and intercapsular pressure
Which artery passes through the ligamentum teres?
obturator artery
The obturator artery provides (much/little) blood supply to the femoral head
Small contribution to the hip from these arteries
superior/inferior gluteal arteries
What are the bursae of the hip?
- iliopectineal (iliopsoas)
- trochanteric
- ischial
bursae: where is the iliopectineal bursa?
anterior to the hip joint, beneath iliopsoas tendon
bursae: how many trochanteric bursae?
bursae: where are the trochanteric bursae?
- between glute max and glute med tendon
- between glute max and greater trochanter
- between glute med and greater trochanter
bursae: where is the ischial bursa?
between ischial tuberosity and glute max
This is the primary flexor of the hip
This is the only hip muscle that flexes at endrange
In addition to hip flexion, the iliopsoas performs these movements
- hip ER
- anterior pelvic tilt
- flexes lumbar spine when LE is fixed
- compresses lumbar spine
The iliopsoas is innervated by:
rectus femoris: actions
- hip flexion
- knee extension
In addition to knee extension and hip flexion, due to the attachment to the (structure), rectus femoris may also anteriorly tilt the pelvis
The rectus femoris is innervated by:
tensor fascia latae: actions
- flexion
- adduction
- IR
tensor fascia latae: due to connection through the ITB, may also do this when the knee is extended
stabilize the knee
tensor fascia latae: may have this function with glute musculature
may counterbalance glute musculature and forces through ITB
The tensor fascia latae is innervated by:
superior gluteal nerve
sartorius: actions at the hip
- flexion
- abduction
- ER
sartorius: actions at the knee
may play a role in
- tibial IR
- knee flexion