Hip: Special Testing Flashcards
Impingement test: full flexion, IR, and adduction is used to look for
anterior FAI or labral tears
Impingement test: hip ext, ER, abd is used to look for
posterior FAI or labral tears
Impingement tests are positive when?
increased hip/groin pain
Hip quadrant test aka
Fitzgerald’s test
Hip quadrant test: procedure
passively bring hip from full flex/IR/add to full ext/ER/abduction
Hip quadrant test: positive interpretation
pain reproduction in hip/groin or clicking
Hip quadrant test: may detect what?
labral tears
Scour test is positive when?
pain reproduction
clicking in joint
Scour test: used to detect what?
- labral tear
- acetabular dysfunction
Scour test: sensitivity
Sn = 0.75
Scour test: specificity
Sp = 0.43
Patrick’s test
FABER: provide OP where
through knee and opposite pelvis
FABER: positive test
anterior hip/groin pain OR
significant asymmetry of motion
FABER: may also create LBP as a result of
SIJ or lumbar dysfunction
FABER: positive test in (%) of pts with labral tear
Trendelenberg sign: tested in what position
standing with one hip at 90˚ flexion
Trendelenberg sign: (+) test for weakness of (muscle)
glute med
Trendelenberg sign: (+) test with what resulting motion?
contralateral pelvic drop
Trendelenberg sign: Compare results with those found in gait. If contralateral pelvic drop is seen, it is (compensated/uncompensated) Trendelenberg
Trendelenberg sign: Compare results with those found in gait. If ipsilateral trunk shift is seen, it is (compensated/uncompensated) Trendelenberg
Patellar-Pubic percussion test
Place stethoscope where?
pubic symphysis
Patellar-Pubic percussion test
Procedure after placing stethoscope over pubic symphysis
tap patella on affected side and compare to unaffected side
Patellar-Pubic percussion test
tests for
femoral or hip fracture
Patellar-Pubic percussion test
(+) for femoral or hip fracture if
sound is diminished on involved side
Patellar-Pubic percussion test
Sn = 0.91
Patellar-Pubic percussion test
Sp = 0.86
Sign of the Buttock: procedure
perform passive SLR and compare hip ROM to
passive hip flexion with knee flexed
Sign of the Buttock: If increased hip mobility with knee flexed, suspect low back issue due to
HS tightness
neural tension
Sign of the Buttock: If hip mobility/pain is the same with the knee flexed as SLR, test is positive for
hip dysfunction
Sign of the Buttock: If pain/mobility is WORSE with the knee flexed, what is the implication?
positive for serious pathology