Knee Anatomy/Pathology Flashcards
How is ACL injured
Mostly during extension
usually sports injuries
Who is ACL injury more common in and why
Women, because of the size of their hips= causes Q-angle increase during running
What is the PCL function?
Prevents anterior femur sheer and posterior tibia sheer
How is PCL injured
Usually during flexion
Common from falling and hitting knee
What is MCL function
Provides Valgus support to knee
How is MCL injured
Usually mm imbalance
Part of adductor Magnus= easier to rehabilitate (usually fixed with knee brace)
What is the ACL function
Prevents posterior femur sheer and anterior sheer of tibia
WHat is LCL function?
Provides Varus support to knee
How does LCL get injured
Very rare
Are meniscus easy or hard to heal?
Hard because there is less blood flow here
Difference between acute and chronic meniscus tear
Acute= young people-> surgery Chronic= older, treated symptomatically-> strengthen mm/cortisone injection
Does cortisone injections affect ligaments or tendons more?
Tendons= longer lasting effect Ligaments= not long lasting
What is known as the terrible triad
Tear ACL, MCL, medial meniscus
What is indicated when there is immediate severe swelling in the knee?
Complete PCL/ACL tear
What is patella femoral pain syndrome?
- Vague knee pain (ligament pain is specific)
- Patella not tracking femur properly= causes wear-tear/clicking/pain
- Typically difficult kneeling, squatting, cycling, stairs
- Swelling is mild/absent
- Possible caused by mm imbalance, increased Q angle, tight IT band
What is IT band syndrome
Sharp acute pain lateral side of knee
Caused from training habits, anatomical abnormalities, mm imbalance
What is Osgood Schlatters Disease
- adolescense
- bones grow faster than mm= mm weakness
- more common in boys
- pain around tibial tuberose try
WHat is LCL function?
Provides Valgus support to knee
How does LCL get injured
Very rare
Are meniscus easy or hard to heal?
Hard because there is less blood flow here
Difference between acute and chronic meniscus tear
Acute= young people-> surgery Chronic= older, treated symptomatically-> strengthen mm/cortisone injection
Does cortisone injections affect ligaments or tendons more?
Tendons= longer lasting effect Ligaments= not long lasting
What is known as the terrible triad
Tear ACL, MCL, medial meniscus
What is indicated when there is immediate severe swelling in the knee?
Complete PCL/ACL tear