Cervical Pathology Flashcards
What is the most common type of headache
What are the two types of tension headaches
1) suboccipital/retro-occipital
2) temporal
What is the cause of a suboccipital tension headache
Greater/lesser occipital nerve- C2/3
**must clear vertebral artery if dizziness is concurrent with headache
What is the cause of barometric headaches
Changes in barometric pressure
Barometric Sx
Tight band, pain cantered around forehead/nasal bridge, pounding occipital pain
Are barometric headaches usually bilateral or unilateral
What is another name for migraines
Vascular headaches
Sx of migraines
Pulsating, nausea, vomit, sensitive to light/smell/sound, worse with activity
How long do migraines last
72 hours
Migraines with auras are usually
*disturbance of visual/sensory/motor
Migraines without auras
Precipitating factors for migraines
Hormones, food, alcohol, changes in temp/pressure/sleep/altitude, stress, fatigue, allergies
What is another name for cluster headaches
Trigeminal autonomic cephalgia (TACs)
Sx of cluster headaches
Attacks (30-40 min, 3-4x/day) Recurrent, severe Unilateral, around eye/temple Burning, stabbing Watering eyes/swelling, nasal congestion
Which are worse migraines or cluster headaches
Cluster headaches
Are cluster headaches usually bilateral or unilateral
What is a neurometabolic cascade
Pathophysiological pathway of concussion
-ionic, metabolic, physiological events accompanying axonal injury
How long do concussions usually last
7-10 days
Severe could be weeks, months, years
What are the 4 kinds of Sx of concussion
1) physical (headache, nausea, vomit, dizziness, fatigue)
2) emotional (irritable, sad, nervousness)
3) cognitive (fog, slowed response, difficult concentration/memory)
4) sleep (difficulty falling asleep, more/less than normal)
What is Second impact syndrome
Second concussion before fist concussion healed
**vascular dilation= increase intracranial pressure= coma/death
What is whiplash
Sprain/strain of cervical spine
What are all the pathologies
1) headaches (tension/barometric/migraines/cluster headaches)
2) concussion/post-concussion
3) Second Impact Syndrome (SIS)
4) whiplash
5) Transverse Ligament Injuries Classification
6) Vertebral Artery Dissection
7) TMJ
2 types of transverse ligament injuries classification
1) intersubstance tear
2) bony avulsion
Cause of transverse ligament injury
1) trauma
2) Down’s syndrome
3) rheumatoid arthritis