Kiswahili Verbs Week 3 Flashcards
To be from, to come out
To leave
To be wet
To breathe
To pray
To wake up
To pass by
To park
-heshimu Heshima Si heshima
To respect Respectful Not respectful
To help
To forget
To forgive
To greet
To remember (KU stays, part of the infinitive)
To agree , to accept (KU stays, part of the infinitive)
To give
To see
To tell
To ask Question
To request To pray
To call
-pigia simu
To use the phone, to call someone
To be finished
To trust, to believe
To take care
To hurt
To invite
-oa -ana
To marry (for men) Marry one another / get married
To be told
To cut
Climb, as end Go on, get on Sowing Seeds (Intercourse: particularly the male portion of the activity.)
To walk
To fall down
To laugh
-vuta -vuta sigara
To pull / to smoke To smoke a cigarette
To be allowed, to be permitted
To break
To itch
To be open
To make To repair
To cause to fall
To enter
To rent
To be fired To chase away
To hope
To show
To send to (to a specific place) To take to (to a specific place) (A person, a letter) Also: to lead, to escort, to deliver
To change, to exchange, to convert
-jaza …fomu …hundi
To fill in …form (s) …check (s)
To be from, to come out
To leave
To be wet
To breathe
To pray
To wake up
To pass by
To park
To respect Respectful Not respectful
-heshimu Heshima Si heshima
To help
To forget
To forgive
To greet
To remember (KU stays, part of the infinitive)
To agree , to accept (KU stays, part of the infinitive)
To give
To see
To tell
To ask Question
To request To pray
To call
To use the phone, to call someone
-pigia simu
To be finished
To trust, to believe
To take care
To hurt
To invite
To marry (for men) Marry one another / get married
-oa -ana
To be told
To cut
Climb, as end Go on, get on Sowing Seeds (Intercourse: particularly the male portion of the activity.)
To walk
To fall down
To laugh
To pull / to smoke To smoke a cigarette
-vuta -vuta sigara
To be allowed, to be permitted
To break
To itch
To be open
To make To repair
To cause to fall
To enter
To rent
To be fired To chase away
To hope
To show
To send to (to a specific place) To take to (to a specific place) (A person, a letter) Also: to lead, to escort, to deliver
To change, to exchange, to convert
To fill in …form (s) …check (s)
-jaza …fomu …hundi