Kiswahili Useful Phrases Week 3 Flashcards
Don’t follow me.
Leave me alone.
Go away! (Very firm)
Puma kwa nuguru
Breathe deeply
Usiegeshe hapa
Do not park here
Usipite hapa
Do not pass here
Usipige simu
Do not use phone
Usikae hapa
Do not sit here
Usipige kelele hapa
Do not be noisy here
Ndiyo maana
That is why
Ninakwenda kujisaidia.
I am going to help myself. (Very polite way to way I am going to the potty.)
Mambo ya wazumgu
White person issues Saying to express some word, concept, idea that is not in kiswahili or swahili culture.
Ile ni kazi yake
That is his work
Simameni Kaeni
You all stand up. You all sit down.
Hii ndivyo ilivyo
It is what it is.
Don’t follow me.
Leave me alone.
Go away! (Very firm)
Breathe deeply
Puma kwa nuguru
Do not park here
Usiegeshe hapa
Do not pass here
Usipite hapa
Do not use phone
Usipige simu
Do not sit here
Usikae hapa
Do not be noisy here
Usipige kelele hapa
That is why
Ndiyo maana
I am going to help myself. (Very polite way to way I am going to the potty.)
Ninakwenda kujisaidia.
White person issues Saying to express some word, concept, idea that is not in kiswahili or swahili culture.
Mambo ya wazumgu
That is his work
Ile ni kazi yake
You all stand up. You all sit down.
Simameni Kaeni
It is what it is.
Hii ndivyo ilivyo