Kiswahili Useful Phrases Week 2 Flashcards
Do you understand? (Pronounce carefully because other similar words have negative connotation– “umelewa”. Are you Drunk?)
Nina Sikia uchungu
I fee sad. Grief, grieving
Ninasikitika -sikitika
I am sad. Regular kind of sad
Ninahuzunika -huzunika
I am depressed. Sadness–continual, long-term
What else?
Ghali Sana
Too much
Punguza bei
Reduce the price
Nipe bei nzuri
Give me the best price
Una shilingi ngapi?
How many shilings do you have?
Bei ya mwisho?
What is the last/final price?
Kilo moja Nusu kilo Robo kilo
1 KG 1/2 kg 1/4 kg
Lita moja Nusu lita Robo lita
1 liter 1/2 liter 1/4 liter
Jumla Bei gani?
How much is the total amount?
That’s all.
It is enough
Ninaomba chenji yangu.
I am requesting my change.
Chukua pesa
Take the money
Sasa, mimi ni mtega wako
Now, I am your customer.
Una mfuko?
Do you have a bag? Mfuko– also means “pocket”
Nikusaidie nini?
How may I help you?
Kwa kula leo?
For eating today?
Yesu aLIfuku lakini aMEfufuka
Jesus WAS (simple past, not continuous state ) But he has risen (continues)
Sina nafasi, labda kesho.
I do not have time/opportunity, maybe tomorrow.
Amini usiamini.
Believe it or do not believe it. (“Believe it or not.”)
Usiwe na wasiwasi
You should not worry. “Don’t worry.”
Leo ni joto. Leo si joto
The day is hot The day is NOT hot
Neno la mungu Maadiko ya munngu
The word of God (preferred) The scriptures of God
Kutoka… Kitabu cha ______ Mlango wa ______ Mastari wa ______
Comes from… The book of ________ Chapter ________ Verse ________
Mimi ni mKristo na Mimeokoka.
I am a Christian and I am born again.
Ninamwamini Mungu
I believe in God.
Asanteni. Mungu awa bariki. (Mungu aKu bariki)
Thank you all. God bless you all. (God bless you.)
Ninashukuru kwa neema ya Mungu.
I am thankful for the blessings of God.
Do you understand? (Pronounce carefully because other similar words have negative connotation– “umelewa”. Are you Drunk?)
I fee sad. Grief, grieving
Nina Sikia uchungu
I am sad. Regular kind of sad
Ninasikitika -sikitika
I am depressed. Sadness–continual, long-term
Ninahuzunika -huzunika
What else?
Too much
Ghali Sana
Reduce the price
Punguza bei
Give me the best price
Nipe bei nzuri
How many shilings do you have?
Una shilingi ngapi?
What is the last/final price?
Bei ya mwisho?
1 KG 1/2 kg 1/4 kg
Kilo moja Nusu kilo Robo kilo
1 liter 1/2 liter 1/4 liter
Lita moja Nusu lita Robo lita
How much is the total amount?
Jumla Bei gani?
That’s all.
It is enough
I am requesting my change.
Ninaomba chenji yangu.
Take the money
Chukua pesa
Now, I am your customer.
Sasa, mimi ni mtega wako
Do you have a bag? Mfuko– also means “pocket”
Una mfuko?
How may I help you?
Nikusaidie nini?
For eating today?
Kwa kula leo?
Jesus WAS (simple past, not continuous state ) But he has risen (continues)
Yesu aLIfuku lakini aMEfufuka
I do not have time/opportunity, maybe tomorrow.
Sina nafasi, labda kesho.
Believe it or do not believe it. (“Believe it or not.”)
Amini usiamini.
You should not worry. “Don’t worry.”
Usiwe na wasiwasi
The day is hot The day is NOT hot
Leo ni joto. Leo si joto
The word of God (preferred) The scriptures of God
Neno la mungu Maadiko ya munngu
Comes from… The book of ________ Chapter ________ Verse ________
Kutoka… Kitabu cha ______ Mlango wa ______ Mastari wa ______
I am a Christian and I am born again.
Mimi ni mKristo na Mimeokoka.
I believe in God.
Ninamwamini Mungu
Thank you all. God bless you all. (God bless you.)
Asanteni. Mungu awa bariki. (Mungu aKu bariki)
I am thankful for the blessings of God.
Ninashukuru kwa neema ya Mungu.