Keywords chp 5 Flashcards
the time of the Greeks and Romans (Dutch: de (Klassieke) Oudheid)
a person who studies a subject in great detail. (Dutch: geleerde)
Homo Universalis:
a person who is an expert in many different fields
a period in history that is seen as the rebirth of antiquity.
Memento Mori
Latin for ‘remember that you will die’; the motto during the Middle Ages.
the way a person interprets events in the world.
Carpe Diem
Latin for ‘seize the day’; the motto during the Renaissance.
people that make works of art and are paid and respected for it.
Printing press
a device that made it possible to copy texts faster and more easily than before.
Silk route
an overland trade route that linked Europe to Asia
the right to be the only one to trade in a specific product or
in a certain area
Age of Discovery
the time in which European countries explored the world (1450 until 1700)
Cape of Good Hope
the southern-most point of Africa
Spice trade
the trade in valuable spices from Asia, such as cinnamon, pepper and nutmeg
Naval power
when a country has a strong fleet of war ships
the name for the war in which Christians reconquered
Spain on the Moors
the name Columbus gave to the natives of America
New World
nickname of America given by Europeans who hoped
to start a new life there
a title the pope gave to a deceased person who had lived a very devout life
a journey to a holy place
the remains of saints or objects that a saint has touched.
a parliament-like meeting between the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire
letters signed by the pope or a bishop in which all your sins were forgiven
the power of the pope to exclude someone from the Catholic Church (so he can’t go to heaven)
Reformers, reformation
people who wanted to reform the Catholic Church, like Luther and Calvin
: the split between the Catholic and the Protestant church
all the followers of the reformers
protestants who prefer the ideas of Martin Luther over those of other reformers
Catholic reaction to the reformation, meant to protect their church and reform all Protestants
special department of the Catholic Church that dealt with heretics. ALSO: the systematic persecution of Protestants in Europe
people who have a different view on their religion than the official view
the seventeen provinces that formed the Low Countries (the Netherlands)
a meeting of representatives from the 17 Provinces.
different areas whom at first were separated are brought
together and are now ruled by 1 person.
the person who rules an area for the King while he is away
to allow things that are forbidden by the government of your country, or that are not common
a nobleman who represented the king in one or more provinces
to abdicate
a monarch stepping down from the throne
Petition (or: Petition of Nobles)
a document that 200 nobles handed to Margaret of Parma, asking the king to end the inquisition, lower taxes and give back more power to the Dutch nobles.
Geuzen (Beggars)
protestants who fled from Alva and supported William of Orange and his rebellion.
Iconoclasm (Beeldenstorm)
the event in which Protestants destroyed images and statues in Catholic Churches in 1566.
the authority to carry out a policy or specific order.
Council of Troubles
a special tribunal to convict all the people who were involved in the Iconoclasm
a special court that is appointed to deal with particular problems.
a professional soldier who will fight for anyone (or any country) as long as he gets paid.
to besiege
to surround a city with your army and wait until the people inside starve or give up.
Union of Utrecht
Union of Utrecht
Union of Atrecht
an alliance of several southern provinces who stayed loyal to Philip II
Act of Abjuration
the declaration of independence from king Philip II, signed by the provinces of the Union of Utrecht (Dutch: Acte van Verlatinge)