Key word grids at the start of modules Flashcards
Definition: The fourth pillar of Islam.
Example: Muslims fast for 30 days during sunrise and sunset.
Definition: The third pillar of Islam meaning charity. Muslims give surplus money to charity.
Example: During Ramadan Muslims give to charity, they give 2.5% their wealth to charity.
Day of Judgement
Definition: The day Allah will judge a person on their life.
Example: Either go to Jannah (Heaven) or Jahannam(Hell).
Definition: A Muslim place of worship.
Example: Focus worship and devotion to Allah.
Eid Ul Fitr
Definition: Festival of breaking the fast.
Example: Celebrate the end of Ramadan.
Definition: A day/period of celebration.
Example: In Islam, Muslims celebrate the festival of Ramadan.
Definition: Accepting authority and control.
Example: During Ramadan Muslims submit themselves to Allah.
Definition: Diwali means ‘‘row of lights’’.
Example’’ It is a Hindu and Sikh festival celebrating good versus evil.
Definition: The Goddess of wealth and good fortune.
Example: Hindus worship her at Diwali to be blessed with good fortune.
Definition: Murti means object or image.
Example: In Hinduism, they worship Murtis of Gods and Goddesses.
Definition: A place devoted to a God or goddess to worship.
Example: Hindu’s perform Puja (worship) here.
Definition: One true God in Hinduism.
Example: Brahman is shown through millions of Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism.
Definition: Means “Three forms”
Example: Brahman has three forms - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.
Definition: Light makes things visible.
Example: Light can bring hope and joy and can be very exciting.
Definition: Jewish festival lasting 7-8 days.
Example: It celebrates the Israelites escaping from slavery in Egypt.
Definition: Being in a state of a slave to someone.
Example: Power and control over someone’s freedom e.g Israelites.
Definition: Free to do what you wish.
Example: The Israelites gained freedom when Moses helped them set free.
Definition: A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
Example: The Israelites were immigrants when they moved to Egypt.
Definition: The ten plagues of Egypt.
Example: The water turned to blood.
Definition: Murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazi’s in Germany.
Example: Mass murder instructed by Hitler.
Definition: Hatred to the Jewish religion.
Example: In WW2, when the Jews were persecuted against.