Key Muscles of Yoga Flashcards
What are your external hip rotators?
Gemellus superior
Gemellus inferior
Obturator internus
Obturator exterus
Quadratus femoris
How many cervical vertebrae are there?
How many thorassic vertebrae are there?
How many lumbar vertebrae are there?
What are the calf muscles?
Gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis anterior
Key actions of the deltoid
pronate the scapula
flex the arm
internal rotation of the GH joint/shoulder
Key actions of the trapezius
Upper fibers are descending lower fibers are ascending
Upper fibers:
- extend head and neck
- laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
- rotate the head and next to the opposite side
- elevate the scapula
- upwardly rotate the scapula
Middle fibers:
- retract the scapula
- stabilize the scapula
Lower fibers
- Depress the scapula
- upwardly rotate the scapula
What are the key actions of the Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major?
Lats are the broadest muscle of the back. the teres major is called “Lat’s little helper” it is a complete synergist to the lat. sometimes called the handcuff muscles.
- extend the shoulder
- retract the shoulder
- internally rotate the shoulder
same with Teres Major
What are the rotator cuff muscles?
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres Minor
- Subscapularis
Key actions of the Supraspinatus
pronate (abduction) the shoulder
stabilize the humerus in the glenohumeral joint
Key actions of the Infraspinatus
- externally rotate the shoulder
- retract the shoulder
- stabilize the humerus in the G/H joint
Key actions of Teres Minor
- externally rotate the shoulder
- the retract the shoulder
- Stabilize the shoulder
Key actions of Supscapularis
- internally rotate the shoulder
- Stabilize the head of the humerus in the G/H joint
What are the key actions of the rhomboid?
retract the scapula (scapular- thorassic joint)
- Elevate the scapula
- downwardly rotate the S-T joint
What are the key actions of the Levator Scapula?
- Elevate the S-T joint
- downwardly rotate the S-T joint
- Laterally flex the head and neck
- Rotate the head and neck to the same side
- Extend the head and neck
What are the key actions of the Serratus Anterior?
- Abduct the S-T joint
- Upwardly rotate the S-T joint
- Depress the S-T joint
- Hold the medial border of the scapula against the rob cage
What are the key actions of the pectoralis Major?
- retract the G/H joint
- internally rotate the G/H joint
- assist to elevate the thorax during forced inhalation
Upper fibers:
- flex the G/H joint
- Horizontally adduct the G/H joint
Lower fibers
- Extend the G/H joint
What are the key actions of the Pectoralis Minor
- Depress the S-T joint
- Abduct the S-T joint
- Downwardly rotate the S-T joint
With the scapula fixed- assist to elevate the ribs during forced inhalation.
What are the key actions of the Biceps Brachii?
- flex the elbow (humero-ulnal joint)
- Supinate the forearm
- Flex the shoulder (G-H joint)
What are the key actions of the triceps brachii?
- extend the elbow
long head
- extend the shoulder
- Adduct the g/H joint
What are antagonists on flexion of the spine?
- Rectus abdominus
- External oblique
- internal oblique
- Psoas
- Iliacus
What are synergists on extension of the spine?
- Erector Spinae
- Quadratus Lumborum
What are antagonists on flexion of the spine?
- Erector Spinae
- Quadratus Lumborum
What are synergists on flexion of the spine?
- Rectus abdominus
- External oblique
- internal oblique
- Psoas
- Iliacus
What are synergists in spinal rotation?
- Internal Obliques
- External Obliques
- Erector Spinae
What are synergists of lateral flexion of the spine?
- Iliocostals
- External oblique
- Internal Oblique
- Quadratus Lumborum
- Psoas major (assists)
- Lats (assists)
What are the key actions of the erector spinae?
- Laterally flex the spine (one side)
- Extend the spine (both sides)
What are the key actions of Quadratus Lumborum?
- Laterally tilt the pelvis
- laterally flex the spinal column
- Helps to extend the spine
What are the four abdominal muscles?
- Rectus Abdominus
- External oblique
- internal oblique
- Transverse abdominus
What are the key actions of the rectus abdominus?
- flex the spine
- posterior pelvis tilt
- What are the key actions of the External Oblique?
- laterally flex the spine
- rotate the spine
- bilaterally flex the spine
- compress abdominal contents
What are the key actions of the internal obliques?
- Laterally flex the spine
- Rotate the spine
- Flex the spine
- compress tummy contents
What is the key action of the transverse abdominus?
Compress tummy contents
What is the key action of the diaphragm?
Contract during inhalation
Relax in exhalation
What are antagonists in hip extension?
- Psoas
- Iliacus
- Tensor Fascia Latae
- Sartorius
- Rectus Femoris
- Glute MEd
- Glute minimus
- adductors (assist)
What are synergists in hip flexion?
- Psoas
- Iliacus
- Tensor Fascia Latae
- Sartorius
- Rectus Femoris
- Glute MEd
- Glute minimus
- adductors (assist)
What are antagonists in hip flexion?
- Glute max
- Biceps femoris
What are antagonists in external rotation of the hip?
- Glute medius
- Glute minimus
- Tensor fascia latae
- Adductors
What are prime movers in internal rotation of the hip?
- Glute medius
- Glute minimus
- Tensor fascia latae
- Adductors
What are antagonists in internal rotation of the hip?
- gluteus maximus
- Piriformis
- Quadratus femoris
- Obturator internus and externus
- Gemellus superior and inferior
- Glute med
- Psoas
- Iliacus
- Sartorius
- Biceps femoris
What are synergists in external rotation of the hip?
- gluteus maximus
- Piriformis
- Quadratus femoris
- Obturator internus and externus
- Gemellus superior and inferior
- Glute med
- Psoas
- Iliacus
- Sartorius
- Biceps femoris
What are synergists in abduction of the hip?
- Glute max
- Glute medius
- Glute minimus
- Tensor Fascia Latae
- Sartorius
- Piriformis (when the hip is felxed)
What are antagonists in abduction of the hip?
- Adductor magnus
- Adductor longus
- Adductor brevis
- Pectineus
- Gracilis
- Glute max (lower fibers)
What are synergists in Adduction of the hips?
- Adductor magnus
- Adductor longus
- Adductor brevis
- Pectineus
- Gracilis
- Glute max (lower fibers)
What are antagonists in adduction of the hip?
- Gluteus maximius
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
- Tensor fascia latae
- Sartorius
- Piriformis
What are the synergists in flexion of the knee?
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Gracilis (anti- rape muscle)
- Sartorius
- Gastrocnemius
- Popliteus
What are antagonists in flexion of the knee?
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus Lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius
What are synergists of extension of the knee?
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius
What are antagonists of extension of the knee?
- Biceps femoris
- Semi tendinosis
- semimembranosis
- GRacilis
- Sartorius
- Gastrocnemius
- Popliteus
What are the muscles of the Quadriceps Femoris group?
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus Medialis
- Vastus Lateralis
- Vastus Intermedius
What is the key action of the Quadriceps Femoris group?
Extend the knee
Rectus femoris: Flex the hip
What are the three muscles of the Hamstrings?
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosis
- Semimebranosus
What are the key actions of the hamstrings?
- Flex the knee
- extend the hip
What are the three muscles of the Gluteii?
- Gluteus Maximus
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus Minimus
What are the key actions of the Gluteii?
- Extend the hip
- externally rotate the hip
- Abduct the hip
What are the key muscles of the adductor group?
- Adductor Magnus
- Adductor Longus
- Adductor Brevis
- Pectineus
- Gracilis
What are the key actions of the adductor group?
- Adduct the hip
- Internally rotate the hip
- Assist in flex the hip
- Assist in extend the knee
What is the key action of the tensor fascia latae and the iliotibial tract?
- Flex the hip
- Internally rotate the hip
- Abduct the hip
What are the external rotators of the hip?
- piriformis
- Quadratus femoris
- Obturator internal and external
- Gemmelus superior and inferior
What are the muscles of the iliopsoas?
- psoas major
- Iliacus
what are the key actions of the iliopsoas?
- Flex the hip
- stabilize the lower back
- external rotation of the hip
- flex the trunk toward the thigh
- anterior tilt of the pelvis
- laterally flex the lumbar spine
What are the synergists in producing Plantar Flexion
- gastrocnemius
- soleus
What are the antagonists in producing plantar flexion?
- tibialis anterior
What are the synergists in producing dorsiflexion?
- tibialis anterior
- What are the antagonists in producing dorsiflexion?
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- tibialis posterior
What is the ASIS?
The anterior superior iliac spines
What is an antagonist?
a muscle that performs the opposite action of the prime mover and the synergists
What is concentric contraction?
a shortening of the muscle during a contraction
what is the frontal plane?
Also called the coronal axis; divides the body into anterior and posterior portions
What is eccentric contraction?
an overall lengthening of the muscle while it is contracting or resisting a workload
What is anterior tilt of the pelvis?
What is a ligament?
A fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone
what is posterior tilt of the pelvis?
forward folds
What is the sagittal plane?
Divides the body into left and right- adduction and abduction take place along this plane
What is a tendon?
a fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone
What is the transverse plane?
a plane that divides the body into top and bottom
pushing on the gas pedal
Plantar flexion
letting off the gas problem
What is posterior tilt of the pelvis?
What are the quad muscles?
rectus femoris,
vastus medialis,
vastus lateralis,
vastus intermedius.
What are the hamstring muscles?
semitendinosus and
biceps femoris
What are the hip abductor muscles?
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
What is the sartorius muscle
the honeymoon muscle- abducts the hip
what are the 4 parts of the pelvis
Illium- largest bone- the wings
Ischium- sit bones
ischial tuberosity- the points
pubis- bottom and front- not fused
sacrum- 5 fused vertebrae