Key actions of the Asanas Flashcards
sukhasana- easy seat
hip flexion (psoas)
anterior tilt of the pelvis
external rotation of the hips
chest and hips opening
erector spinae strengthening (eccentric contraction); trancverse abdominus strengthening
rectus abdominus stretching
trapezoids and rhomboids engage slightly to open your chest
quads, glutes and hip adductors are stretching
Vajrasana- thunderbolt
concentric- transverse abdominals, erector spinae
eccentric- quads
Virasana- hero pose
lengthening- spine and quads
strengthening- erector spinae
internal rotation of the hips
hip flexion external rotation of the hips flexion at the knees plantar flexion spine and arms are lengthening strengthening- rhomboids scapula adduction (extended) traditional- internal rotation of the shoulders, posterior deltoids stretch Quads and glutes stretch
Anahatasana- heart chakra pose
chest- opening lengthening- erector spinae shoulder elevation anterior pelvis tilt rhomboids- concentric hamstring- concentric glutes- concentric
concentric- rhomboids
Baddha Konasana (Bound angle pose)
biceps flex elbow Erector spinae lengthen and stabilize rectus abdominus stretches Hip flexors engage quads and adductors stretch external rotation of the hips
Gomukhasana (cow face pose)
top arm:
deltoid and pec major flex the shoulder
external rotation of shoulder
triceps stretches
erector spinae engage, rectus abdominus stretches, rhomboids retract scapulae
spinal extensors transversus abdominus engage to stabilize and extend the spine
Bottom arm
internal rotation of the shoulder (rotator cuff muscles)
triceps stretch
pec major engages to adduct the shoulder
hip flexors stabilize hips in flexion
quads and glutes are stretching
pecs stretch
Parivrtta Janus Sirsasana (head to knee pose)
hamstrings stretch
glutes stretch
external rotation of the hip
internal rotators eccentric contraction (glutes, TFL)
siode toward the ground- external abdominal obliques, erector spinae, and quadratus lumborum
Adho Mukha Svanasana
TRansverse abs stabilize Erector spinae strengthen lats lengthen triceps and biceps strengthen glutes and hamstrings open glastrocnemius and soleus open rectus femoris strengthens shoulders strengthen pecs eccentric contraction deltoids eccentric contraction hips are in flexion hip flexors, quads strengthen dorsifelxion of the ankle
urdhva hastasana
quads engage transverse abdominus stabilizes erector spinae strengthen slight external rotation of the hips neutral spine chest opens trapezius and serratus anterior strengthen shoulders are slightly leterally rotated, and elevated
Utt intense
an- stretch
spine is in flexion knees in slight flexion hips in flexion concentric- hip flexors eccentric- hamstrings rectus abdominus is strengthening
Ardha uttanasana
spine is in flexion knees in slight flexion hips in flexion concentric- hip flexors eccentric- hamstrings abdominals are strengthening chest opening, rhomboids strengthening Scapula retraction
Ashatang Pranam- 8 limb prostration
knees and hips- flexion spine- extension scapular retraction anterior tilt of the pelvis elbow flexion wrists are in extension rhomboids strengthening erector spinae strengthening
Bhujangasana (Sahaja is flowing)
spine and legs are lengthening hip flexors lengthening rhomboids strengthen bis and tris strengthen glutes and hamstrings strengthen erector spinae concentric spine is in extension wrists are in extension elbows are in flexion hips are in extension hamstrings, biceps femoris, TFL, biceps brachii, rear deltoids, and pectoralis major are eccentric glutes, ES, tris, QL, psoas, concentric rectus abdominus opens
scapular protraction
wrist extension
ankle dorsiflexion
toe flexion
concentric- rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, triceps, serratus anterior
hamstrings- biceps femoris, vastus lateralis,semitendinosis, semimembranosis- all eccentric
eccentric- glutes, rectus abdominus, obliques,erector spinae,
rotator cuff engages to stabilize
Chaturanga Dandasana (4 limb staff pose)
flexion- dorsiflexed ankles, shoulders, elbows
wrists are in extension
shoulder retraction
rhomboids and traps concentric engage
triceps brachii concetric engagement
quadriceps concetric engagement
erector spinae and QL engage
glutes, hamstrings and calves are concentric
obliques, psoas, rectus abdominus engages eccentrically
pecs concentric
hip adduction, internal rotation (slight)
serratus anterior eccentric contraction to prevent winging