Karrie's Missed Questions Flashcards
Bilateral damage to the medial temporal lobe produces deficits in:
A. the comprehension and production of language.
B. the comprehension but not the production of language.
C. declarative memory.
D. procedural memory.
Answer C is correct.
The medial temporal lobe includes the hippocampus, parahippocampal cortex, perirhinal cortex, and entorhinal cortex and is important for the formation of long-term declarative (semantic and episodic) memories.
With regard to the transtheoretical model, self-reevaluation is most useful for helping clients transition from the:
A. precontemplation to the contemplation stage.
B. contemplation to the preparation stage.
C. preparation to the engagement stage.
D. action to the maintenance stage.
Answer B is correct.
Self-reevaluation is useful strategy for clients in the contemplation and preparation stages because it helps them transition to the next stage – i.e., from the contemplation to the preparation stage and from the preparation to the action stage. Note that answer C is not correct because engagement is not one of the stages of change identified by the transtheoretical model.
Research investigating the effectiveness of various nonpharmacological treatments for migraine headache has found that:
A. temperature biofeedback alone is as effective as temperature biofeedback plus relaxation training.
B. relaxation training alone is as effective as temperature biofeedback plus relaxation training.
C. temperature biofeedback plus relaxation training is more effective than either temperature biofeedback or relaxation training alone.
D. temperature biofeedback alone and relaxation training alone are equally effective and as effective as temperature biofeedback plus relaxation training.
Answer C is correct.
The research has not provided entirely consistent results, but most studies have found that the combination of temperature (thermal) biofeedback and relaxation training (e.g., autogenic training) is more effective than either intervention alone. Note that there’s also evidence that blood-volume pulse feedback is even more effective than the combination of temperature biofeedback and relaxation training.
John Watson used classical conditioning to establish a fear reaction to a white rat in Little Albert. Subsequently, Little Albert also responded to a white rabbit and other white furry stimuli with fear. Albert’s response to other white furry stimuli was due to:
A. higher-order conditioning.
B. response generalization.
C. trace conditioning.
D. stimulus generalization.
Answer D is correct.
Watson established a fear reaction to a white rat in Little Albert by pairing presentation of the white rat (the CS) with an unexpected loud noise (the US) that naturally produced a startle response. Albert’s subsequent fear reaction to other white furry objects was the result of stimulus generalization – i.e., elicitation of the conditioned response by stimuli similar to the CS.
Research has found that the greatest age-related atrophy in the adult cortex occurs in the:
A. frontal and parietal lobes.
B. frontal and occipital lobes.
C. temporal and parietal lobes.
D. temporal and occipital lobes.
Answer A is correct.
Studies investigating age-related changes in the adult brain have found that the greatest decrease in volume occurs in the frontal lobes (especially the prefrontal cortex) and parietal lobes.
With regard to systems theory, positive feedback is:
A. equality based.
B. inequality based.
C. deviation amplifying.
D. deviation counteracting.
Answer C is correct.
Positive feedback amplifies deviation from the status quo and promotes change, while negative feedback counteracts (attenuates) deviation and maintains the status quo.
According to Bowlby (1980), an infant’s early relationships with caregivers lead to the development of:
A. a categorical self.
B. object permanence.
C. social models.
D. internal working models.
Answer D is correct.
Bowlby proposed that an infant’s early attachment relationships lead to the development of internal working models that consist of beliefs about the self, others, and the self in relationship to others and that these models affect future relationships.
When obtaining a high score on one or more predictors cannot compensate for a low score on another predictor, the best technique for making a hiring decision on the basis of multiple predictors is which of the following?
A. multiple cutoff
B. multiple regression
C. multiple baseline
D. multiple correlation
Answer A is correct.
Multiple cutoff is a noncompensatory technique that requires a job applicant to obtain a score that’s above the cutoff on each predictor to be considered for the job.
The studies have confirmed a link between the academic performance of adolescents and the school involvement of their parents. However, Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch, and Darling (1992) found that this link was strongest for parents who have which of the following parenting styles?
A. authoritative
B. authoritarian
C. permissive
D. uninvolved
Answer A is correct.
Knowing that the authoritative parenting style is associated with the best outcomes for children and adolescents would have helped you identify this as the correct answer even if you’re not familiar with the Steinberg et al. research. In their study, these investigators found that parenting style mediates the effects of the school involvement of parents on the academic achievement of adolescents, with authoritative parenting strengthening the beneficial effects and nonauthoritative parenting attenuating the effects
Avoidance conditioning is an example of two-factor learning and combines:
A. classical conditioning and negative reinforcement.
B. classical conditioning and positive reinforcement.
C. negative reinforcement and classical extinction.
D. positive reinforcement and classical extinction.
Answer A is correct.
Avoidance conditioning is the result of two-factor learning and occurs when a neutral stimulus and a fear-arousing stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus) are presented together so that the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus and signals that the fear-arousing stimulus is about to be applied. The individual then learns that he/she can avoid the fear-arousing stimulus by engaging in an avoidance behavior as soon as the conditioned stimulus is presented. The pairing of the neutral stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus is the classical conditioning component of avoidance conditioning, and engaging in the avoidance behavior to keep from experiencing fear is the negative reinforcement component.
To determine which combination of health-related predictors (e.g., exercise, diet, stress) best predicts which combination of health-related outcomes (e.g., physical fitness, emotional adjustment, quality of life), you would use which of the following?
A. multiple regression
B. logistic regression
C. canonical correlation
D. discriminant function analysis
Answer C is correct.
Canonical correlation is the appropriate multivariate technique when two or more predictors will be used to estimate status on two or more criteria.
Dr. Lansky returned to school when she was 48 years old to obtain a Psy.D. in clinical psychology. She already had a Ph.D. in business administration and, now that she’s a licensed psychologist, decides to list both doctoral degrees in her business card and advertisements for her clinical practice. This is:
A. acceptable.
B. acceptable only if she indicates that her Ph.D. is in business administration.
C. unacceptable only if one or both degrees are not from an accredited educational institution.
D. unacceptable.
Answer D is correct.
This answer is most consistent with Standard 5.01(c) of the APA’s Ethics Code and Standards III.1 and III.2 of the Canadian Code of Ethics. Standard 5.01(c) states that psychologists can claim as credentials for their health services only degrees that “were earned from a regionally accredited educational institution or … were the basis for psychology licensure.” In other words, the psychologist should not include her Ph.D. in business administration in her business card or advertisements since that degree was not used as a credential for her health services.
When a predictor has low to moderate criterion-related validity, it can improve decision-making accuracy as long as:
A. the base rate is high and the selection ratio is moderate.
B. the base rate is moderate and the selection ratio is low.
C. the base rate is moderate and the selection ratio is high.
D. the base rate is low and the selection ratio is moderate.
Answer B is correct.
The Taylor-Russell tables provide an estimate of the increase in decision-making accuracy (incremental validity) that can be expected when a new predictor is used, and the estimate is based on the predictor’s criterion-related validity, the base rate, and the selection ratio. The tables indicate that, even when a predictor’s validity coefficient is low to moderate, it can improve decision-making accuracy as long as the base rate is moderate and the selection ratio is low.
According to Piaget, children begin to be able to observe another child perform a complex action and then imitate that action for the first time on the following day when they’re between ________ months of age.
A. 8 and 12
B. 12 and 18
C. 18 and 24
D. 24 and 30
Answer C is correct.
The ability to imitate a complex action after a period of time when the model is no longer present is referred to as deferred imitation. According to Piaget, deferred imitation doesn’t occur until the infant can form enduring mental representations, which happens during the final substage (substage six) of the sensorimotor stage when children are between 18 and 24 months of age.
When using the multitrait-multimethod matrix to assess a test’s construct validity, a large heterotrait-monomethod coefficient indicates which of the following?
A. adequate convergent validity
B. inadequate convergent validity
C. adequate divergent validity
D. inadequate divergent validity
Answer D is correct.
The heterotrait-monomethod coefficient indicates the correlation between the test being evaluated and a measure of a different trait (heterotrait) using the same method of measurement (monomethod). For example, if the multitrait-multimethod matrix is being used to assess the construct validity of a self-report measure of assertiveness, a heterotrait-monomethod coefficient might indicate the correlation between the self-report measure of assertiveness and a self-report measure of seriousness. When this coefficient is small, it provides evidence of the test’s divergent validity; when it’s large, it indicates that the test has inadequate divergent validity. (A measure’s construct validity is demonstrated when it has adequate levels of both divergent and convergent validity.)
An undergraduate student is writing a paper on Taylor’s scientific management for her organizational psychology class. Assuming that the student understands the major assumptions of this approach, she’s likely to note in her paper that Taylor believed that worker motivation is most affected by which of the following?
A. desire for economic gain
B. desire for satisfying social relationships
C. prepotent needs
D. fear of punishment
Answer A is correct.
Taylor (1911) believed economic gain is a worker’s primary motivation and advocated using a differential piece-rate system that directly links pay to productivity.
Which of the following is most likely to be an effective treatment for neuropathic pain?
A. phenelzine
B. amitriptyline
C. clozapine
D. risperidone
Answer B is correct.
The tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., amitriptyline, nortriptyline) are considered to be the first-line treatment for neuropathic pain. See, e.g., E. M. Aronoff, Medication management of chronic pain: What you need to know, Victoria, Canada, Trafford Publishing, 2017.
Research has found that culturally competent interventions for members of racial and ethnic minority groups are:
A. no more effective than traditional interventions for children, adolescents, or adults.
B. more effective than traditional interventions for children and adolescents but not necessarily for adults.
C. more effective than traditional interventions for adults but not necessarily for children and adolescents.
D. more effective than traditional interventions and equally effective for children, adolescents, and adults.
Answer C is correct.
Based on their review of the literature, S. Sue, N. Zane, G. C. Nagayama Hall, and L. K. Berger conclude that “the preponderance of evidence shows that culturally adapted interventions provide benefit to intervention outcomes … [but] this added value is more apparent in the research on adults than on children and youths”
A psychologist develops a theory of alcohol abuse that describes it as the result of a combination of a genetic predisposition toward alcoholism and exposure to certain environmental factors. The psychologist’s theory is best described as an example of the ____________ model.
Select one:
A. psychogenic
B. sociogenic
C. diathesis-stress
The diathesis-stress model reflects a biopsychosocial perspective and conceptualizes disorders as the result of a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental (social) factors. More specifically, it proposes that disorders are due to a combination of predispositional factors (the diathesis) and exposure to certain life stressors.
Functional brain imaging of a patient with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease is most likely to find which of the following?
Select one:
A. increased metabolism in the frontal lobes and basal ganglia
B. decreased metabolism in the prefrontal cortex and thalamus
C. reduced metabolism in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex
D. increased metabolism in the hippocampus and amygdala
Neuronal degeneration in the medial temporal structures (entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala) has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. On a PET scan, this is manifested as reduced metabolism in these structures.
When shown the word “hot” a patient says “cold” and when shown the word “rock” the patient says “stone.” These errors are most suggestive of:
Select one: A. surface dyslexia. B. deep dyslexia. C. pure alexia. D. literal alexia.
Deep dyslexia involves several reading errors including semantic paralexia, which is characterized by the substitution of words with similar meanings (e.g., cold for hot).
Research investigating the effectiveness of neurofeedback as a treatment for ADHD has generally found which of the following?
Select one:
A. It is not an effective approach for most individuals with this disorder.
B. It is an effective approach and exerts its strongest impact on symptoms of inattention and impulsivity.
C. It is an effective approach and exerts its strongest impact on symptoms of hyperactivity.
D. It is an effective approach only when used in conjunction with a central nervous system stimulant.
Arns et al.’s meta-analysis produced a large effect size for inattention and impulsivity and a medium effect size for hyperactivity. Their results also indicated that the positive effects of neurofeedback remained stable or improved over a two-year period.
When prison inmates and their counselors were asked to explain why the prisoners committed their offenses, most inmates cited situational factors while the counselors cited dispositional factors. This provides support for which of the following?
A. self-serving bias
B. confirmation bias
C. fundamental attribution error
D. actor-observer effect
Answer D is correct.
This question describes a study conducted by K. Saulnier and D. Perlman (The actor-observer bias is alive and well in prison: A sequel to Wells, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 7, 559-564, 1981). The results of their study provided support for the actor-observer effect, which predicts that actors tend to attribute their own behaviors to situational factors while observers tend to attribute them to dispositional factors.
To determine the degree of association between age in years and reaction time in seconds, you would use which of the following correlation coefficients?
A. Spearman rho
B. Pearson r
C. contingency coefficient
D. biserial coefficient
Answer B is correct.
Because age in years and reaction time in seconds both represent a ratio scale of measurement, the Pearson r would be the appropriate correlation coefficient.
For people with Specific Phobia, blood-injection-injury type:
Select one:
A. relaxation techniques are the treatment-of-choice.
B. relaxation techniques have good short-term but poor long-term effects.
C. relaxation techniques are most effective when they include in vivo exposure to feared stimuli.
D. relaxation techniques are normally contraindicated.
For people with the blood-injection-injury type, feared stimuli produce an initial increase in heart rate and blood pressure, which is immediately followed by a drop in both and fainting. In contrast, people with other types of Specific Phobia experience only an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Because of the physiological response associated with the blood-injection-injury type, treatment involves tensing (rather than relaxing) muscles in the presence of feared stimuli.
For a person with Social Anxiety Disorder, panic attacks are:
Select one:
A. the result of interoceptive conditioning. Incorrect
B. cued by specific social situations.
C. infrequent and nearly always unexpected.
D. indicative of a co-diagnosis of Panic Disorder.
A person with Social Anxiety Disorder may experience panic attacks but these attacks are related to known feared situations and are expected rather than unexpected. When the individual experiences recurrent unexpected panic attacks, the appropriate diagnosis is likely to be Panic Disorder or co-morbid Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder.
Areas of the cerebral cortex involved in the planning and execution of movement send excitatory signals to the:
A. striatum.
B. reticular formation.
C. arcuate fasciculus.
D. cingulate gyrus.
Answer A is correct.
The striatum consists of the caudate nucleus and putamen. Knowing that the striatum is part of the basal ganglia and that the basal ganglia facilitate voluntary movement would have allowed you to identify the striatum as the correct answer to this question.
Presence of which of the following symptoms would help confirm a DSM diagnosis of Inhalant Intoxication?
Select one:
A. increased appetite, dry mouth, and tachycardia
B. unsteady gait, slurred speech, and tremor
C. nausea, vomiting, and muscle aches
D. fatigue, vivid and unpleasant dreams, and increased appetite
Answer B is correct:
Symptoms of Inhalant Intoxication include dizziness, nystagmus, incoordination, slurred speech, unsteady gait, lethargy, depressed reflexes, psychomotor retardation, tremor, generalized muscle weakness, blurred vision, stupor or coma, and euphoria.
Research on the effectiveness of the SSRIs has found that:
Select one:
A. a higher dose of an SSRI is usually required when treating OCD than when treating depression.
B. a lower dose of an SSRI is usually required when treating OCD than when treating depression.
C. a moderate dose of an SSRI is usually required when treating OCD but the correct dose for depression depends on the severity of symptoms.
D. a moderate dose of an SSRI is usually required when treating depression but the correct dose for OCD depends on the severity of symptoms.
The research on SSRI dosage is limited and not entirely consistent. However, based on their meta-analysis of the studies, H. Bloch and colleagues concluded that a higher dose is required when treating OCD than when treating depression
Project MATCH compared motivational enhancement therapy (MET), cognitive-behavioral coping skills therapy (CBT), and twelve-step facilitation (TSF) as treatments for alcoholism and found that:
Select one:
A. MET, CBT, and TSF had similar effects on drinking.
B. the effects of CBT on drinking were significantly greater than the effects of MET or TSF.
C. the effects of MET on drinking were significantly greater than the effects of CBT or TSF.
D. CBT and MET had significant effects on drinking only when combined with TSF.
The study found that the three treatments had nearly identical positive effects on both outcome measures but that few patient-treatment matches resulted in an improvement in outcomes. Also, a subsequent analysis of the data by R. B. Cutler and D. A. Fishbain suggested that the apparent treatment effects were actually the result of selection effects - i.e., were due to the fact that individuals who were more likely to continue drinking dropped out of the study, while individuals who were more likely to stop drinking stayed in the study
The time-series group design is most similar to which of the following single-subject designs?
C. multiple-baseline across behaviors
D. multiple-baseline across subjects
Answer A is correct.
The time-series design is a type of within-subjects design that’s essentially a group version of the single-subject AB design. It involves measuring the dependent variable at regular intervals multiple times before and after the independent variable is administered.
In Alzheimer’s disease, neuron loss occurs throughout the brain. However, the greatest loss is in which of the following areas?
Select one:
A. medial temporal lobe
B. anterior parietal lobe
C. medial occipital lobe
D. posterior frontal lobe
The medial temporal lobe includes the entorhinal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus, which are involved in memory and are most affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
Which of the following statements best describes a psychologist’s ethical requirements with regard to obtaining informed consents for research?
A. Informed consents are always necessary except when the research requires the use of deception.
B. Informed consents are not necessary as long as potential participants are allowed to withdraw from the study at any time.
C. Informed consents are not necessary when the study involves investigating normal educational practices.
D. Informed consents are not necessary when the study involves naturalistic observations or archival research.
Answer C is correct.
This answer is most consistent with the provisions of Standard 8.05 of the APA’s Ethics Code and Standard I.20 of the Canadian Code of Ethics. It accurately describes one of the exceptions to obtaining an informed consent listed in Standard 8.05. In contrast, answer A is not correct because informed consents are not required in several circumstances besides when deception is used, and answer B is not correct because allowing participants to withdraw from a study at any time is required but does not preclude getting informed consents. Finally, answer D is not the best answer because it’s only partially true: Standard 8.05 states that it’s not necessary to obtain informed consents when the study involves naturalistic observations or archival research but only when “disclosure of responses would not place participants at risk of criminal or civil liability or damage their financial standing, employability, or reputation, and confidentiality is protected.”
Studies investigating the genetic contribution to major depression have found that:
Select one:
A. the risk for depression is significantly higher for biological offspring who have one parent with depression than for those who have two parents with the disorder.
B. the risk for depression is significantly higher for biological offspring who have two parents with depression than for those who have only one parent with the disorder.
C. the risk for depression is about the same for biological offspring who have either one parent or two parents with depression.
D. the risk for depression is significantly higher for biological offspring who have a mother with depression than for those who have a father with depression
The studies have confirmed that having a biological parent with depression increases an offspring’s risk for major depression as well as a number of other disorders. However, the risk for depression is similar regardless of whether the child has one parent or two parents with major depression.
Carl Jung identified which of the following as the source of psychic energy?
Select one:
A. libido
B. archetypes
C. persona
D. personal unconscious
Jung believed that all psychic phenomena are manifestations of energy.
In contrast to Freud, Jung described libido as the source of all psychic energy (rather than as the source of sexual energy only).
For Irvin Yalom (1985), seeing a client in both individual therapy and group therapy is inadvisable because:
Select one:
A. the client will spend too much time in individual therapy discussing problems that arise during the group.
B. the client will terminate individual therapy prematurely because of the benefits he/she is deriving from the group.
C. participation in individual therapy may decrease the client’s involvement and participation in the group.
D. participation in both individual and group therapy is likely to be too anxiety-evoking for most clients.
Yalom generally discourages seeing a client in both individual and group therapy because he feels that the client’s participation in individual therapy will detract from his participation in the group.
The central limit theorem predicts that, regardless of the shape of the population distribution of scores, a sampling distribution of means increasingly approaches the shape of:
A. the population distribution as the number of samples increases.
B. the population distribution as the sample size increases.
C. a normal distribution as the number of samples increases.
D. a normal distribution as the sample size increases.
Answer D is correct.
According to the central limit theorem, the shape of the sampling distribution of means increasingly approaches a normal shape as the sample size increases, regardless of the shape of the population distribution of scores. (The central limit theorem assumes an infinite number of equal-sized samples, and its prediction about the shape of the sampling distribution is based on the size of the samples.)
The studies have not provided entirely consistent results, but they have generally found that which of the following Big Five personality traits increase with increasing age during adulthood?
A. conscientiousness and neuroticism
B. neuroticism and extraversion
C. agreeableness and conscientiousness
D. agreeableness and openness to experience
Answer C is correct.
McCrae and his colleagues conclude that, “from age 18 to age 30 there are declines in Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience, and increases in Agreeableness and Conscientiousness; after age 30 the same trends are found, although the rate of change seems to decrease”
According to Sue and Zane (1987), in terms of ensuring good treatment outcomes, the most important factor in culturally sensitive therapy is:
Select one:
A. demonstrating cultural knowledge.
B. using culture-specific techniques. Incorrect
C. using techniques that establish credibility.
D. being authentic and empathic.
According to Sue and Zane, the therapist’s credibility is a key determinant of therapy outcome. Cultural knowledge and the use of culture-specific techniques are beneficial only to the extent that they contribute to the therapist’s credibility.
A person-centered (Rogerian) therapist would most likely respond to a client’s transference by:
Select one:
A. interpreting it.
B. challenging it.
C. disregarding it.
D. reflecting it.
Transference in person-centered therapy is essentially accepted and disregarded rather than interpreted as it is in many other forms of therapy. This is consistent with the here-and-now approach of person-centered therapy.
Savin-Williams and Diamond (2000) investigated the sexual identity trajectories among sexual-minority youth and found that:
Select one:
A. adolescent females had an earlier onset of all milestones.
B. adolescent males had an earlier onset of all milestones.
C. adolescent females had an earlier onset of all milestones except first same-sex attraction.
D. adolescent males had an earlier onset of all milestone except first disclosure of sexual orientation to another person.
Males had an earlier onset than females for all milestones except first disclosure of sexual orientation to another person (age at first disclosure was not significantly different for males and females).
What are the three approaches to healthcare?
Select one:
A. The Group Model, Open Model, and Regency Model.
B. The Stanford Model, Dual Model, and House Model.
C. The Open Model, Bismarck Model, and Balanced Model.
D. The Private Model, Beveridge Model, and Bismarck Model.
The correct answer is D.
There are three approaches to healthcare: Private model, Beveridge model (public funds) Bismarck model (mix of public and private funds).
Answers A, B and C are incorrect as they do not relate to healthcare approaches.
Under hypnosis, a person is LEAST likely to:
Select one:
A. experience alterations of memory, perception, and mood
B. believe just about anything, no matter how preposterous.
C. do things he/she is otherwise fundamentally opposed to doing.
D. stop feeling pain (even severe pain) to a greater degree than if he/she had been given a pain killer.
Hypnosis has been defined as a state of increased suggestibility brought about by certain procedures.
Although hypnotized people are suggestible, they will not engage in behaviors that they would otherwise refuse to perform.
Dr. Brand is using the broad version of Fairburn’s (2008) enhanced cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT-E) to treat a client who has received the diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. Consequently, therapy will address all of the following obstacles to change except:
A. clinical perfectionism.
B. low self-esteem.
C. interoceptive avoidance.
D. interpersonal difficulties.
Answer C is correct.
CBT-E was designed for a broad range of eating disorders and can be administered in either a focused or broad format. The broad format addresses three obstacles to change that are external to the core eating disorder – i.e., clinical perfectionism, low self-esteem, and interpersonal difficulties
Ridley (1984) addressed the distrust that often exists between African American clients and their therapists and proposed that the therapist’s ethnicity is the MOST important factor for:
Select one:
A. a confluent paranoiac.
B. a cultural paranoiac.
C. a nonparanoiac.
D. a dissonant paranoic.
Ridley’s model distinguishes between nonparanoics, functional paranoics, healthy cultural paranoics, and confluent paranoics.
A confluent paranoiac exhibits high cultural and functional paranoia, and his or her nondisclosure in therapy is due to a combination of pathology and the effects of racism. According to Ridley, these clients do better with a therapist of the same racial/ethnic group.
Cross’s (1991, 2001) Black Racial Identity Development Model includes four stages, the last of which is:
Select one:
A. autonomy.
B. internalization.
C. incorporation.
D. integrative awareness.
The current version of Cross’s model includes the following four stages: pre-encounter, encounter, immersion-emersion, and internalization.
b. CORRECT The final stage of Cross’s model - i.e., internalization - is characterized by the development of “inner security” as identity conflicts are resolved along with increasing biculturalism/multiculturalism.
When a psychologist’s work with clients will be supervised:
Select one:
A. the client must be told about this arrangement.
B. the client must be told about this arrangement and be given the supervisor’s name.
C. the client must be told about this arrangement only if his/her identity cannot be disguised in discussions with the supervisor.
D. the client must be told about this arrangement and, when the supervisor has legal responsibility for the case, must also be given the supervisor’s name.
The requirements for consultation and supervision are different and, even in a supervisory relationship, the information that must be given to the client varies, depending on the exact nature of the supervision. A client must always be told when a psychologist is being supervised but need be told the supervisor’s name when the supervisor is legally responsible for the case.
A school psychologist is contacted by the father of one of the school’s students. He informs the psychologist that the family is moving to another state and requests that she provide him with a copy of his child’s records. The psychologist should:
Select one:
A. provide a copy of the records to the father as requested because he has a legal right to them.
B. provide a copy of the records to the father in a sealed envelope that is marked “confidential” and instruct him to give it to the school psychologist at the new school.
C. request the name and address of the new school and forward the records to the school psychologist once the family has moved.
D. refuse to release a copy of the records because they are the property of the school.
Although parents do have a legal right to examine school records, this does not mean they should necessarily be given a copy of them.
The action described in this answer is most consistent with Paragraph 2.3.7 of the APA’s General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services, requirements related to confidentiality provided in the Ethics Code, and the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Dr. Dilemma is contacted by an insurance company, which wants information about a previous client of hers. The client’s fee was paid by the insurance company when he was seeing her, and the insurance company now wants information for part of its regular peer review process. Dr. Dilemma’s best course of action would be to:
Select one:
A. provide the insurance company with the information it requests.
B. provide the insurance company with the information it requests only after ensuring that the company will take steps to protect the client’s confidentiality.
C. provide the insurance company with the information it requests in a way that allows the client’s identity to be concealed.
D. refuse to release any information to the company unless she feels it is in the client’s best interests.
Normal confidentiality requirements are relaxed in cases of peer review because of the necessity to provide review committees with information about clients. However, confidentiality is always an issue when releasing information about a client and, consequently, this would be the best course of action.
Of the cases processed by the APA’s Ethics Committee as the result of revocation of a psychologist’s license by a state licensing board, the most common complaint processed by the committee is which of the following?
Select one:
A. loss of licensure in another jurisdiction
B. sexual misconduct
C. breach of confidentiality
D. issues related to competence
The correct answer is: B.
A review of the reports of the APA’s Ethics Committee published in the American Psychologist from 2000 through 2008 reveals that sexual misconduct with an adult is the most frequent reason for the complaints processed by the Ethics Committee; followed by, in order, inappropriate practice involving child custody, nonsexual dual relationship, and inappropriate practice involving insurance or fees.
ou are hired by a university to teach a graduate seminar in the psychology department. In terms of the Ethics Code, you are explicitly required to do which of the following?
Select one:
A. ensure that the course content reflects the most recent research in the area
B. ensure that accurate information about the seminar is available to all interested parties
C. ensure that the seminar content is consistent with the interests and needs of the students
D. ensure that the grading and evaluation of students is fair
Of the responses given, only this one represents the explicit requirements of the Ethics Code.
The theory of social facilitation predicts that:
Select one:
A. the mere presence of others increases the likelihood that the dominant response will be activated.
B. when members of opposing groups are of equal status, increased contact between groups reduces intergroup hostility.
C. people will work less hard when in a group than when alone.
D. people believe that others think and act more like them than they actually do.
The theory of social facilitation predicts that, under certain circumstances, the mere presence of others facilitates (enhances) performance.
If the dominant response is the right one, then the presence of others will enhance performance. (When the dominant response is incorrect, the presence of others results in social inhibition.)
An assumption underlying the notion of “groupthink” is that:
Select one:
A. pressures toward uniformity limit task effectiveness.
B. increasing cohesiveness results in more extreme decisions.
C. excessive pressures toward conformity produce reactance.
D. lack of familiarity with task demands leads to maintenance of the status quo.
Groupthink is characterized by a decrease in willingness to consider divergent points of view, resulting in inappropriate decisions and actions (although not necessarily more extreme ones).
The correct answer is A.
According to Janis (1972, 1982), groupthink results when groups become excessively cohesive.
The owner of a company has decided that, to determine how well employees are performing, employees will be watched while performing their jobs for a predetermined period of time. Based on the relevant research, you predict that the employees’ performance during the period of observation will:
Select one:
A. be inhibited if the task is easy.
B. be inhibited if the task is complex.
C. be enhanced whether the task is easy or complex.
D. be inhibited whether the task is easy or complex.
It has been found that, in certain circumstances, the presence of others inhibits task performance (social inhibition), while in other circumstances, the presence of others facilitates task performance (social facilitation).
b. CORRECT The presence of others tends to inhibit performance when the task is complex or unfamiliar.
A task-oriented leader is most effective when the work situation is characterized either by good leader-member relations, a structured task, and strong leader power or by moderately poor leader-member relations, an unstructured task, and weak leader power. This is predicted by which of the following?
Select one:
A. Fiedler’s contingency theory
B. Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model
C. House’s path-goal theory
D. Vroom, Yetton, and Jago’s normative model
Of the theories listed, only one predicts that a task-oriented leader is most effective in extreme (highly favorable and highly unfavorable) conditions.
a. CORRECT Fielder proposed that low-LPC (task-oriented) leaders are most effective when the situation is either very favorable or very unfavorable in terms of the leader’s ability to lead.
According to ______________, a person’s career concept can be described as linear, expert, spiral, or transitory.
Select one:
A. Super
B. Holland
C. Brousseau and Driver
D. Tiedeman and O’Hara
Brousseau and Driver distinguish between the four career concepts listed in the question and describes them in terms of three dimensions: frequency of job change, direction of change, and type of change in job content.
A needs assessment ordinarily consists of three components. These are:
Select one:
A. evaluative, formative, and summative analysis.
B. job, person, and organizational analysis.
C. unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.
D. knowledge, skills, and abilities.
b. CORRECT A comprehensive needs assessment includes an analysis of the job requirements, the people performing the job, and the goals of the organization
Research investigating the relationship between unemployment and mental health has generally found that:
Select one:
A. the rates of depression and other neurotic disorders are substantially higher among the unemployed than the employed.
B. the rates of depression and other neurotic disorders are about the same among the unemployed and the employed.
C. mental health problems are likely to occur only when symptoms were evident prior to unemployment.
D. paradoxically, about 20 to 25% of unemployed individuals report an improvement in mental health after job loss.
Most of the research has reported a relationship between job loss and mental and physical health problems.
Several studies have found rates of depression and other neurotic disorders to be about twice as high among the unemployed.
To establish a behavior that an individual does not naturally emit, you would use which of the following? Select one: A. intermittent reinforcement B. shaping C. response generalization D. priming
One of the difficulties with operant conditioning is that it is necessary to wait until the organism emits a response so that the consequence of the response (reinforcement or punishment) can be manipulated. To overcome this problem, the desired behavior can be “shaped”.
b. CORRECT Shaping involves reinforcing successive approximations to the desired behavior. When using shaping, it isn’t necessary to wait for the behavior to be emitted. Instead, the behavior is gradually developed or formed by reinforcing responses that come closer and closer to it.
A treatment for depression that is based on Rehm’s self-control theory is most likely to include:
Select one:
A. having the client keep a record of automatic thoughts.
B. having the client keep a record of positive experiences.
C. helping the client replace irresponsible behaviors with responsible ones.
D. using functional behavioral analysis to help the client identify the antecedents and consequences associated with maladaptive behaviors.
Rehm’s self-control theory is based on the assumption that depression is related to six deficits in self-control behavior: selective monitoring of negative events; selective monitoring of immediate (vs. delayed) consequences of behavior; stringent self-evaluative criteria; inaccurate attributions of responsibility; insufficient self-reward; and excessive self-punishment.
b. CORRECT According to Rehm, depressed people focus too much on negative events. Treatment attempts to alter this by encouraging clients to recognize the positive events that occur.
Subjects in a research study are asked to read the following list of words: pin, sewing, thread, sharp, haystack, injection, point, pain. They are then asked to recall as many words from the list as possible, and many subjects recall the word "needle" even though it is not one of the words in the list. This illustrates which of the following? Select one: A. false memory induction B. imagination inflation C. Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm D. Loftus misinformation effect
a. Incorrect: The false memory induction procedure creates false memories by repeatedly asking subjects about events they never experienced.
b. Incorrect: Imagination inflation involves creating false memories of an event by asking subjects to imagine the event before asking them to recall if it happened to them.
c. CORRECT: The Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) effect refers to the tendency to erroneously recall a word from a word list that contains semantically related words. It has been used to study false memory and identify people who are prone to creating false memories.
d. Incorrect :The Loftus misinformation effect occurs when the original memory of an event is altered by subsequent exposure to misleading information about that event.
A pigeon is placed in a cage that has two levers. Lever #1 delivers reinforcement on a VI-30-second schedule, while Lever #2 delivers reinforcement on a VI-60-second schedule. What proportion of the pigeon’s pecks will be on Lever #1?
Select one:
A. one-third
B. two-thirds
C. one-half
D. three-fourths
In the situation described in the question, the pigeon will peck the VI-30 key twice as often as the VI-60 key. Put another way, 2/3 of the pigeon’s pecks will be on the VI-30 key and the remaining 1/3 will be on the VI-60 key.
A client says, “I don’t know where they come from, but these thoughts about swearing and cursing just keep coming back. I just can’t seem to get them out of my mind. All I can think about is cursing and swearing.” Which of the following techniques would be most useful for alleviating this client’s problem?
Select one:
A. thought stopping
B. biofeedback
C. behavioral rehearsal
D. overcorrection
Although thought stopping is often used to treat obsessions and compulsions, there is some evidence that it is most effective for obsessions, while flooding and other exposure techniques are better for eliminating compulsions. However, of the responses given, this is the best answer.
A parent decides to use time-out to reduce her son’s misbehavior by having him sit in the corner for ten minutes each time he misbehaves. The boy quickly learns, however, that, if he whines while in the corner, his mother shortens the length of the time-out period. In this situation, the mother’s willingness to shorten the time-out period is being controlled by:
Select one:
A. escape conditioning.
B. avoidance conditioning.
C. positive reinforcement.
D. positive punishment.
The mother’s behavior is being maintained by negative reinforcement, which is also known as escape conditioning.
For a therapist relying on Beck’s cognitive approach to treat a client suffering from an Anxiety Disorder, the initial cognitive restructuring will most likely focus on:
Select one:
A. reattribution.
B. cognitive rehearsal.
C. thought stopping. Incorrect
D. decatastrophizing.
Cognitive therapists use a variety of cognitive strategies, and many of the strategies are the same regardless of the client’s disorder. However, some techniques are better suited to certain disorders, especially as initial interventions.
Decatastrophizing is particularly useful for people with an Anxiety Disorder since they tend to overestimate the risk and consequences of perceived danger.
Which of the following is an example of elaborative rehearsal?
Select one:
A. ensuring that the same cues are present when information is encoded and retrieved
B. gradually removing prompts and reinforcement during the learning process
C. practicing a new skill past the point of mastery
D. relating new information to previously acquired information
The term elaborative rehearsal is used to describe the process of making new information meaningful in order to enhance its retention and retrieval. Relating new information to previously acquired information is one type of elaborative rehearsal.
Which of the following provides reinforcement on a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement?
Select one:
A. surprise quizzes
B. piecework
C. bi-weekly paychecks
D. slot machines
When a variable ratio reinforcement schedule is being used, reinforcement is delivered after a variable number of responses.
a. Incorrect “Surprise” quizzes provide opportunities for reinforcement on a variable interval schedule.
b. Incorrect Piecework represents a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement since workers are paid after completing a specified number of “pieces.”
c. Incorrect A bi-weekly pay schedule represents a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement.
d. CORRECT Slot machines reinforce players after a variable number of responses.
The correct answer is: slot machines
A behavioral therapist is using positive reinforcement to increase a desired behavior. After the behavior is well-established, the psychologist switches from a continuous schedule of reinforcement to an intermittent one. This technique is referred to as:
Select one:
A. thinning.
B. fading.
C. shaping.
D. inoculation.
a. CORRECT Thinning involves reducing reinforcement; for example, from a continuous to an intermittent schedule.
b. Incorrect Fading refers to the gradual removal of prompts, not reinforcements.
Research on Kohlberg’s theory of moral development has found that very few people ever reach Stage 6. However, some do engage in Stage 5 reasoning and base their moral judgments on:
Select one:
A. social contracts.
B. self-chosen universally-applicable standards.
C. rules and laws.
D. the motivation underlying an act.
Stage 5 is the first stage in the postconventional level. People in this stage consider social contracts and democratically-chosen laws when making moral judgments.
In adolescence, sibling relationships usually become:
Select one:
A. less emotionally intense and more distant.
B. less egalitarian.
C. more competitive and conflictual.
D. more intimate and affectionate.
Although there are individual differences in the nature of sibling relationships throughout the lifespan, the research has generally found that, as they develop more relationships with peers, adolescent siblings spend less time together and are less emotionally intimate with one another.
According to Carol Gilligan, adolescent girls need experiences that help them:
Select one:
A. plan for their future in the adult world.
B. separate successfully from their families.
C. stay connected to themselves and others.
D. explore alternative identities.
A number of experts have noted that girls are especially vulnerable during adolescence. Gilligan argues that this is because they are experiencing a “relational crisis” that involves psychological separation from themselves, others, and the world as a result of external pressures to fit cultural stereotypes. Consequently, during adolescence, girls need to be provided with experiences that help them “resist disconnection.”
Vygotsky’s approach to cognitive development has had the greatest influence on which of the following?
Select one:
A. the reciprocal teaching method
B. the teaching for understanding method
C. the use of computer-adaptive instruction for children with learning disabilities
D. genetic explanations for cognitive development
Brown and Palinscar’s (1989) reciprocal teaching method emphasizes the child’s ability to learn from others and was strongly influenced by Vygotsky’s approach to cognitive development
One factor that limits the cognitive abilities of preoperational children is the inability to simultaneously consider several aspects of a situation at once. This inability is referred to as:
Select one:
A. irreversibility.
B. centration.
C. transduction.
D. decentration.
Centration refers to focusing on only one aspect of a situation while neglecting others. It is believed to be one of the primary reasons why preoperational children cannot conserve.
Piaget attributed the animistic thinking characteristic of children in the preoperational stage to:
Select one:
A. decentration.
B. lack of object permanence.
C. relativistic thinking.
D. egocentrism.
According to Piaget, animism and magical thinking are attributable to precausal reasoning that, in turn, is due to egocentrism which underlies many of the limitations of the preoperational stage.
Which of the following is LEAST characteristic of infants who were exposed to cocaine in utero?
Select one:
A. They are abnormally insensitive to tactile, visual, and auditory stimulation.
B. They are excessively irritable and unresponsive to attempts to comfort.
C. They often have increased motor tone.
D. They often have a low birthweight and small head circumference.
This is the opposite of what is true. Early exposure to cocaine is associated with oversensitivity to environmental stimuli, even stimuli of low intensity.
Reducing risk impact, reducing negative chain reactions, promoting self-esteem and self-efficacy, and providing opportunities are four techniques identified by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ for promoting resiliency in high-risk children. Select one: A. Harlow B. Rutter C. Patterson D. Bronfenbrenner
Of the individuals listed, only Rutter is associated with work on risk and resiliency. See the Lifespan Development chapter for additional information on Rutter’s research.
Erik Erikson coined the term: Select one: A. adolescent storm and stress. B. adolescent identity crisis. C. midlife crisis. D. sandwich generation.
Erikson was the first major theorist to elucidate the notion of an adolescent identity crisis and is credited with coining the term.
There is now evidence that nicotine enhances alertness and memory by mimicking __________ at nicotinic receptor sites.
Select one:
A. endorphins
C. serotonin
D. acetylcholine
Knowing that nicotinic receptors are a type of acetylcholine receptor would have helped you choose the correct response to this question.
d. CORRECT There is evidence that the nicotine in tobacco exerts its effects on physiology and behavior by binding to nicotinic receptors in the brain.
Recent research indicates that people with Parkinson’s disease have lost at least 80% of __________-producing cells in the substantia nigra.
Select one:
A. norepinephrine
B. dopamine
C. serotonin
D. substance P
Knowing that dopamine is involved in the control of voluntary motor movements would have helped you select the correct response to this question.
b. CORRECT Degeneration of neurons that secrete dopamine contributes to movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s chorea.
Sexual dimorphism refers to:
Select one:
A. the relative status of people based on their gender.
B. differences in structure between males and females of the same species.
C. having both male and female sexual characteristics.
D. being sexually attracted to both males and females.
Gender differences in height, weight, and muscle strength are examples of sexual dimorphism.
Approximately \_\_\_\_\_ percent of left-handed people are left-hemisphere dominant for language. Select one: A. 5 to 10 B. 20 to 30 C. 50 to 60 D. 90 to 95
The majority of people are left-hemisphere dominant for language, while the rest are right-hemisphere dominant or have mixed dominance.
The studies have not produced entirely consistent results but, overall, indicate that about 95 to 99% of right-handed people and 50 to 60% of left-handed people are left-hemisphere dominant for language.
The physiological phenomenon referred to as long-term potentiation takes place in the: Select one: A. spinal cord. B. peripheral nervous system. C. reticular activating system. D. hippocampus.
Long-term potentiation (LTP) has been suggested as one of the physiological bases of learning and memory. It involves greater responsiveness of a post-synaptic neuron to low-intensity stimulation for an extended period of time.
Long-term potentiation was first observed in the hippocampus, which is known to play a key role in learning and memory, especially in the consolidation of short-term memory into long-term memory.
As a result of brain injury, Thom Tenacity often has difficulty stopping a behavior once he starts it. For example, when Thom goes to the drawer to get a fork before dinner, he often ends up taking out all of the silverware; and when he intends to take only one jacket out of his closet, he ends up removing all of his jackets. Most likely, Thom’s problem is due to damage to which of the following areas of the brain?
Select one:
A. frontal lobe
B. parietal lobe
C. temporal lobe
D. occipital lobe
Thom’s behavior is referred to as perseveration.
Perseveration (the inability to stop a behavior once it begins) has been linked to lesions in the dorsolateral area of the frontal lobes.
Fluoxetine and other SSRIs act by:
Select one:
A. increasing the release of serotonin at synapses.
B. increasing the manufacture of serotonin by nerve cells.
C. increasing the sensitivity of nerve cells to serotonin.
D. increasing the availability of serotonin at synapses.
SSRI stands for selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, which means that the SSRIs exert their effects by reducing the uptake of serotonin at nerve synapses, thereby increasing their availability.
Wernicke's encephalopathy is due to: Select one: A. a thiamine deficiency. B. a deficiency of Vitamin C. C. acute head trauma. D. anoxia.
The primary symptoms of Wernicke’s encephalopathy are acute mental confusion, ataxia, and opthalmoplegia (abnormal eye movements).
Wernicke’s encephalopathy is caused by a deficiency of thiamine, often as the result of chronic alcoholism.
An advantage of structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over computed tomography (CT) is that the former:
Select one:
A. provides clearer images.
B. is less likely to require sedation of the patient.
C. provides information on functional brain activity.
D. can detect electrical abnormalities.
Neuroimaging techniques are divided into two types - structural and functional. CT and MRI are both structural techniques.
MRI uses magnetic fields to produce detailed cross-sectional images of the brain. An important advantage of MRI over a CT scan is that MRI has better resolution.
Four major dopamine pathways in the brain have been identified. Of these, excessive dopamine in the __________ pathway has been linked to the positive symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Select one:
A. mesolimbic
B. mesocortical
C. nigrostriatal
D. tuberoinfundibular
a. CORRECT The mesolimbic pathway plays a role in motivation and emotion, and excessive mesolimbic dopamine has been linked to the positive symptoms of Schizophrenia (hallucinations and delusions). It is believed that the typical antipsychotics exert their therapeutic effects by blocking dopamine receptors in the mesolimbic pathway.
b. Incorrect The mesocortical pathway plays a role in emotion and cognition, and there is evidence that a low level of mesocortical dopamine contributes to some negative and cognitive symptoms of Schizophrenia.
c. Incorrect The nigrostriatal pathway is involved in motor control, and abnormalities in this pathway have been linked to Parkinson’s disease.
d. Incorrect The tuberoinfundibular pathway connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland and is involved in the secretion of prolactin and other hormones.
The prodromal symptoms of a tyramine-induced hypertensive crisis include:
Select one:
A. headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, and sweating.
B. orthostatic hypotension, insomnia, and edema.
C. paresthesias, myoclonus, and muscle pain.
D. irritability, confusion, dizziness, and cardiac arrhythmia.
A tyramine-induced hypertensive crisis may result when a person taking an MAOI consumes food containing tyramine.
These are the prodromal symptoms of a tyramine-induced hypertensive crisis. A person experiencing these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention because this condition can be life-threatening.
Classical conditioning involves the formation of an association between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus. The ________ is the area of the brain that is known to be involved in forming this type of implicit memory.
Select one:
A. hippocampus
B. cerebellum
C. pons
D. medial temporal lobes
Implicit memory refers to memories that do not require conscious recall and involve “knowing how” - e.g., how to ride a bicycle and how to play a familiar game. Most procedural (non-declarative) memories are implicit memories.
Implicit memory is mediated by several structures including the cerebellum, amygdala, and basal ganglia. The cerebellum is involved in classical conditioning, the cerebellum and basal ganglia mediate motor memories, and the amygdala plays a role in implicit emotional memories.
Neurons in the ____________ respond to the taste, smell, and sight of food.
Select one:
A. hippocampus
B. reticular activating system
C. suprachiasmatic nucleus
D. orbitofrontal cortex
This is a difficult question, but knowing that the orbitofrontal cortex is involved in the conscious perception of odors would have helped you identify the correct answer
d. CORRECT The orbitofrontal cortex is involved in several functions including evaluating the pleasurableness (reward value) of food in terms of its sensory features - i.e., its taste, smell, and sight.
Haloperidol and other conventional neuroleptic drugs are:
Select one:
A. most effective for alleviating the positive symptoms of Schizophrenia.
B. most effective for alleviating the negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.
C. equally effective for alleviating the positive and negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.
D. more effective for alleviating the ancillary symptoms of Schizophrenia than either the positive or negative symptoms.
The conventional antipsychotics have been found to be most effective for the positive symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Positive symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
Overall, the best conclusion that can be drawn about clinical and actuarial predictions is that:
Select one:
A. clinical predictions are about equally as accurate as actuarial predictions.
B. clinical predictions are usually more accurate than actuarial predictions.
C. clinical predictions are as accurate as actuarial predictions only when the clinician has adequate experience and training.
D. actuarial predictions are often more accurate than clinical predictions.
Clinical predictions are based on the judgment of the decision-maker, while actuarial predictions rely on statistical techniques (e.g., a multiple regression equation).
d. CORRECT Most of the research has found that actuarial predictions are at least as good as – and often better than – clinical predictions and that this is true even when both types of predictions are based on identical data.
The correlation for IQ scores for biological siblings reared together is: Select one: A. .85. B. .65. C. .45. D. .25.
The correlation for biological siblings reared together is .45.
Use of the technique known as meta-analysis entails calculating an “effect size,” which can be best defined as:
Select one:
A. a statistically significant difference between experimental and control groups.
B. a standardized mean difference between experimental and control groups.
C. a zero-order correlation.
D. a partial regression coefficient.
There are several ways to calculate an effect size, but a commonly used method involves subtracting the control group mean from the experimental group mean and dividing the result by either the control group standard deviation or the pooled within-group standard deviation. The result is a standard score that indicates the difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of standard deviation units.
When conducting a research study to test the effects of two weight reduction programs on weight loss, you decide to match participants in terms of age, weight, and socioeconomic status before you assign them to groups. By doing this, you are:
Select one:
A. trying to control systematic variance.
B. trying to increase experimental variance.
C. trying to decrease random error.
D. introducing a systematic bias.
By matching participants on extraneous variables, you are controlling their effects on the dependent variable by ensuring that the extraneous variables are equally represented in all groups.
Matching is a method for controlling the effects of variables that are not of interest to the researcher but that are believed to have some systematic effect on the dependent variable. By matching participants on extraneous variables and then randomly assigning participants in matched pairs (or triads, etc.), a researcher can ensure that the groups are equal in terms of the extraneous variables.
In a research study investigating the possible genetic transmission of ADHD, the “proband” is:
Select one:
A. the individual who has received a diagnosis of ADHD.
B. a biological parent of the individual who has received a diagnosis of ADHD.
C. a non-affected biological sibling of the individual who has received a diagnosis of ADHD.
D. a member of the control group who has been matched to the individual who has received a diagnosis of ADHD.
The proband in research study is also known as the index case.
The affected individual who is of immediate concern or who was initially identified because of his/her disorder is referred to as the proband.
A researcher would use stepwise multiple regression when she wants to:
Select one:
A. identify the fewest number of predictors needed to account for criterion variability.
B. identify the fewest number of criteria needed to accurately predict performance.
C. statistically remove the effects of one or more moderator variables.
D. identify the optimal number of distinct criterion groups.
The results of a stepwise multiple regression analysis indicate the fewest number of predictors needed to obtain maximally accurate predictions. It involves either adding or subtracting one predictor at a time and calculating the multiple correlation coefficient to determine the effects of having more or less predictors.
Which of the following measures of “effect size” (the magnitude of a treatment effect) indicates the amount of variability in an outcome measure accounted for by the effects of the treatment?
Select one: A. eta squared B. Cohen's d C. alpha D. F-ratio
Even if you are unfamiliar with the various methods used to measure effect size, you may have been able to identify the correct answer to this question as long as you know that “amount of variability accounted for” is assessed by a squared correlation coefficient.
Eta squared is the square of the correlation coefficient (i.e., the correlation between the treatment and the outcome) and is used as an index of effect size.
During the course of data analysis, a researcher more often double-checks results that seem to conflict with her hypothesis than results that confirm it. This is an example of:
Select one:
A. the experimenter expectancy effect.
B. demand characteristics.
C. the Pygmalion effect.
D. the correspondence bias.
Experimenter expectancy (bias) occurs when the experimenter’s behavior biases the research results in some (usually unconscious) way so that the results are consistent with the research hypothesis.
When a predictor’s reliability coefficient is .75, its criterion-related validity coefficient can be:
Select one:
A. no less than .75.
B. no greater than .75.
C. no less than the square root of .75.
D. no greater than the square root of .75.
a test’s criterion-related validity coefficient cannot exceed the square root of its reliability coefficient.
In factor analysis, the _______ is the proportion of a test’s total variance that is accounted for by the common (identified) factors.
Select one:
A. communality
B. factor loading
C. principal component
D. eigenvalue
Each test included in a factor analysis has a communality, which indicates the total amount of variability in test scores that has been explained by the factor analysis - i.e., by all of the identified factors.