Kap 7. conformity and obedience Flashcards
a change in behavior or belief as a result of real or imagined group pressure
- rød hatt
konformitet som innebærer offentlig å handle i samsvar med en underforstått eller eksplisitt forespørsel, selv om man er uenig
å følge reglene
acting in accord with a direct order or command
conformity that involves both acting and believing in accord with social pressure
autokinetic phenomenon
self (auto) motion (kinetic). The apparent movement of a stationary point of light in the dark
sherif’s studies of norm formation
Deltaker var i mørkt rom og skulle gi et estimat på hvor mye et lys hadde bevegd seg. -> testet igjen neste dag, men med andre deltakere tilstede.
Undersøkte hvordan man endret sitt estimat til å passe med gruppenormen, og i hvor lang tid etter man fortsatt holdte på gruppenormen over sin egen opplevelse.
what breeds obedience?
- offerets avstand
- autoritetens nærhet og legitimitet
- om autoriteten var del av en respektert institusjon eller ikke
- effekten av en ulydig deltaker
What predicts conformity?
- Group size
- Unanimity (enstemminghet)
- Social impact theory (Latané s. 275)
- Status
- Public response
- No prior commitment (persiasion)
Why do people comform?
- Normative influence
- Informational influence
- Cultural influence
Why do we like to tune in to our group?
- a person may fit in and follow group
- to be accepted and avoid rejection
- because others are an important source of information
Normative influence
en konformitet basert på en persons ønske om å oppfylle andres forventninger, ofte for å få aksept
Informational influence
konformitet oppstår når folk aksepterer bevis om virkeligheten gitt av andre mennesker
social identity theory
a theory accredited to Tajfel and Turner which is based on the assumption that people belong to social group and derive a social identity from these groups. According to the theory we derive much of our self-esteem from our social identity, and when social identity is not satisfactory we may pursue a number of strategies to improve it
a social category member who is believed to possess the typical features of the social category
referent informatinal influence
social identity theorist subsume both normative and informative influence into this one term. Reffering to our ingroup as a valid source of information satisfies both our desire to be correct and part of the group
a motive to protect or restore one´s sense of freedom. Reactance arises when someone threathens our freedom of action
What are the classic conformity and obedience studies?
Mazafer Sherif - Norm formation
Solomon Asch - Conformity
Stanley Milgram - Obedience
What are the 5 steps in the definition of social identities that allow for acts of extreme inhumanity?
- The creation of a cohesive ingroup through shared social identification
- Exclusion of specific populations of the ingroup
- Threat - the outgroup represents a danger to the existence of the ingroup
- Virtue - representing the ingroup as (uniquely) good)
- Celebration - eulogizing imhumanity as the defence of virtue