JVD 2010 Flashcards
According to Verstraete and Peralta’s study in 2010 - what percentage of dogs had tooth resorption?
What percentage of teeth had tooth resorption?
In a study of 224 dogs ? 1 year of age, 53.6% of dogs had tooth resorption and 11.1% of teeth had tooth resorption.
Was the human classification of tooth resorption applicable in dogs?
Yes, 96% of TR in dogs could be classified as in humans
What dogs (signalment) is TR most common?
Older and large breed dogs.
What are the two most common types of tooth resorption in dogs?
External replacement resorption and external inflammatory resorption.
Feline orofacial pain syndrome - causes pain / signs where?
Oral discomfort and tongue mutilation.
Is FOPS thought of as a genetic disease?
Yes - thought of as inherited. Most previdlent win Burmese cats.
What nerve is implicated in FOPS?
Trigeminal nerve
Is oral disease or tooth eruption factors in the development of FOPS?
Yes – 63% of cases had a hx of oral lesions and 15% experienced the first sign of pain durin gthe eruption of permanent teeth.
Is FOPS typically bilateral or unilateral?
What is the cavosurface margin?
The margin between the cut surface and the uncut surface of the tooth (ie. crown prepped for a metal crown)
What is meant by “supraocclusion” after a prosthetic crown placement?
“Hitting high” is premature contact of the restoration with the occlusing teeth.
How long can an ultrasonic scaler (with water) be used on a vital tooth during cleaning?
12-15 seconds
A study comparing an explorer, hand scaler, curette, and an
ultrasonic scaler on the effects on four metal alloys revealed that the _______ caused the most surface deterioration on metal restorations.
Ultrasonic scaler
What angle is brushing recommended at?
45 degree angle
What handpiece is used for polishing a cast metal crown?
Slow speed handpiece with a 90º prophylaxis angle.
On a vital tooth, how long should polishing be limited to, to avoid hyperthermia of the pulp?
5 seconds
How do you clean a cast metal crown?
Tin oxide prophylaxis powder is mixed with water or glycerin to remove most surface debris and calculus. Paste dries and can become abrasive. The final step of polishing, after the surface is smooth, is to
achieve a high gloss value.
List the Noble metals
Gold (Au), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt), iridium (Ir), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), and osmium (Os).
What are the most common noble metals used in dentistry?
Gold (Au), palladium (Pd), and platinum (Pt) are
commonly used in dentistry
Are noble metals more or less corrosive
Less corrosive (more resistant to corrosion)
What base metals are often used in dentistry?
Base metals in dentistry include: titanium (Ti), nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Silver
(Ag), and Zinc (Zn).
What do base metals offer vs noble metals?
Base metals are less resistant to corrosion,
but offer strength, flexibility, and wear resistance.
Define Corrosion
The dissolution, deterioration or weakening of a solid.
What is pitting corrosion?
pitting corrosion occurs in a localized area where the oxide layer of the base metal like iron, nickel, and chromium is degraded in an acidic environment
with rapid dissolution of the underlying metal.