Just the key chapters Flashcards
Jesus asscension and replacing Judas
Acts 1
Temptation of Jesus
Luke 4/Matthew 4
Expel the immoral brother
I Cor. 5
Gentile Christians giving to the Jews
II Cor. 8,9
The word is like a mirror
James 1
Paul confronting Peter
Galatians 2
The birth of John the baptist
Luke 1
Nicodemus comes to visit Jesus
John 3
God is light
I John 1
Pauls persecution and hardships
II Cor 11
The good samaritain parable
Luke 10
Fruits of the Spirit
Galatians 5
Gifts of the Spirit
I Cor 12
The Christian family as God intented it
Ephesians 5
Pauls shipwreck on the way to Rome
Acts 27
Living stones for Gods house
I Peter 2
The Birth of Jesus
Luke 2
The beatittudes
Matthew 5
Christians love is forever
1 Cor. 13
Scripture is God speaking
II Peter 1
How to recognize false teachers
letters to the seven churches
Rev. 2,3
Ananias and Sapphira Die for lying
Acts 5
Jesus, the second adam
Romans 5
The Magi
Matthew 2
Lawsuits amoung believers
I Cor 6
Salvation not by faith alone
James 2
Raising Lazarus from the dead
John 11
God gave them over to wickedness
Romans 1
being caught up to meet the Lord
I Thes. 4
Qualities of the church leaders
I Tim 3 (Tit. 1)
All have sinned
Romans 3
Christian marriage and celebicy
I cor. 7
The ministry of Philip
Actss 8
Signs of the end of Age
Matt 24,25
Three lost and found parables
Luke 15
Elders pray for the sick
James 5
The day of the Lord will be like the flood
II Peter 3
Seven men chosen to serve widows
Acts 6
The Lords prayer
Matthew 6
Prophecy and tongues contrasted
I Cor. 14
Jesus greater than angels
Hebrews 1
The Jerusalem church council
Acts 15
The fall of Babylon
rev 18
Jesus washes the disciples feet
John 13
Peter and cornelius
acts 10
Christ humbled himself and was exalted
philippians 2
The armor of God
Ephesians 6
Entering Gods rest
Hebrews 4
Worshipping the resurrected lamb
Rev 5
The great power of the tiny tongue
James 3
hebrews 7
Jesus prayer for his disciples then and today
John 17
Jesus on the road to Emmaus
Luke 24
Build house on the rock or sand
Matthew 7
The danger of false teachers
II Peter 2
God is Love
I John 4
Stephans sermon and martydom
Acts 7
Sgns leading to Jesus return
Luke 21
Vision of Jesus
rev 1
An angel leads peter out of prison
Acts 12
The rich man and lazarus
Luke 16
The importance of the resurrection
I cor. 15
Jesus > Moses
Hebrews 3
The final judgement
Rev 20
Jesus our high preist
Hebrews 5-8
The tradgedy of loving money
I Tim 6
freedom for a runway slave
Pauls thorn in the flesh
II Cor 12
Christ supreme over everything
Colossians 1
The armor of God
Eph. 6
The vine and its branches
John 15
Pauls testimony before Irate jews
Acts 22
Conversion of Saul
Acts 9
Satans response to the birth of Jesus
Rev 12
Disputible matters among christians
Romans 14
The beauty of the church
Rev 21
Pauls missionary journeys begin
Acts 13
dying to self and sin
Romans 6
The woman at the well
John 4
Parable of the kingdom
Matthew 13
The Spirit came, 1st sermon
Acts 2
Woe to pharisees
Matt 23
Life through the spirit
Romans 8
caring for the widows of the church
I Tim 5
Submission to authorities
Romans 13
Abraham right through faith
romans 4
The man of lawlessness
II Thes 2
pauls testimony before aggrippa
Acts 22
The Lords supper
I Cor 11
Philips ministry
Acts 8
residual sin
Romans 7
hall of faith
Heb 11
Pauls testimony b4 agrippa
acts 26