Acts Facts Flashcards
Where did Paul go on his first missionary journey
Who was Bar-Jesus
A false prophet and sorcerer in the town of Paphos. Attached himself to govener sergius Paulus, trying to keep him from believing
who went with Paul on his first missionary journey?
which missionary journey were Paul and Barnabas in when they split ways over John Mark
who went with Paul on his second missionary journey
Where did paul go on his second missionary journey
where did pauls 2nd missionary journey end
Where did pauls 1st missionary journey end
where did Timothy meet up with Paul
where did that guy die because he fell asleep by a window during Pauls sermon. WHo fell
Troas, Eutychus
who went with paul on the 3rd missionary journey
no one
Acts 1
Jesus ascension and replacing Judas with Matthias
Acts 2
The Spirit Came, Peter’s first sermon, 3,000 believe
Acts 5
Annanias and Saphira die for lying
Acts 6
seven men chosen to serve widows
Acts 7
Stephans sermon and stoning
Acts 8
The ministry of Philip
Acts 9
The conversion of Saul
Acts 10
Peter and cornelius, the first gentile conversion
Acts 12
An angel leads peter out of prison, James dies, and aggripa dies
Acts 13
Pauls missionary journey
Acts 15
The Jerusalem church council\
The watershed of acts
Acts 22
Pauls testimony before Irate jews
Paul revealed roman citizenship
Acts 26
Pauls testimony before agrippa
acts 27
Pauls shipwreck on the way to rome, in malta
what did paul do for a living
he made tents
how many times was paul shipwrecked
how many times was Paul beaten with rods
how many times was Paul stoned
Which chapter of acts contains Lydias conversion, where does it happen
Acts 16, in Philippi
Which chapter talks about Priscilla and Aquila , and where are they
Acts 18, Corinth
how long was Pauls first missionary journey
how long was Pauls 2nd missionary journey
2 years
where did Paul go on his third missionary journey