Intro to NT I Flashcards
Matthew 2
-The magi (wise men)
-Visitors from the east
-Escape to egypt because of of a dream Joseph had
-When Herod died an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and told them it was safe to go back
Matthew 4
-Temptation of Jesus (Satan tempted Jesus with bread, kingdoms, and to throw himself of a cliff)
-Jesus begins his ministry by preaching for repentance because the kingdom is near
-Jesus calls the first disciples (Simon, Andrew, James, and John)
-Crowds follow Jesus
Matthew 5
-blesses: poor, mournenrs, humble, justice seekers, merciful, pure, peace seekers, persecuted.
-Teaching about salt and light
-teaching about law (hypocritical pharisees, fulfill the law)
-teachings bout anger, adultery, divorce, vows, revenge, love for enemies
Matthew 6
-The Lords prayer
-Teachings about giving, prayer and fasting (Lords prayer), Money and possessions
Matthew 7
-Build on rock
-dont judge others
-effective prayer (ask, seek, knock)
-Golden rule
-narrow gate
-tree and fruit
-true disciples (Lord Lord)
Matthew 13
Parables of the kingdom
-Farmer scattering seeds (sower)
-wheat and weeds
-mustard seed
-hidden treasure and pearl
-fishing net (seperate good from bad)
Jesus rejected at nazareth
Matthew 23
Woe to the pharisees
and Jesus grieves over jerusalem
Matthew 24
Jesus speaks about the future
-don’t let anyone mislead you
Matthew 25
Jesus speaks about the end times
-Ten bridesmaids
-Three servants (Talons)
-Final judgement
Luke 1
-The birth of John the Baptist/ Jesus both foretold
-Mary visit Elizabeth
-Mary song
-Birth of John
Zechariah prophecy
Luke 2
Birth of Jesus (typical Christmas stroy)
Luke 4
-temptation of Jesus
-Jesus rejected at nazareth
-Jesus casts out demon
-Jesus heals many
-Jesus continues to preach
Luke 10
-Sends out disciples
- Jesus prayer of thanksgiving
-Most important commandments
-Good samaritain
-Martha and mary
Luke 15
Three “lost and found parables” (son, coin, sheep)
Luke 16
-Shrewd manager
-Rich man and Lazerus
Luke 21
-The widows offering
-Jesus speaks about his return (clearest passage in bible)
Luke 24
Road to Emmaus
John 3
-Jesus and nicodemus
-John exalts Jesus
John 4
-Jesus and samaritan women
-Many samaritans believe
-Jesus heals the officials son
John 11
-Jesus raising lazarus from the dead
-The plot to kill Jesus
John 13
Jesus washes disciples feet
Jesus predicts betrayal and denial
John 15
Jesus the vine, and the worlds hatred
John 17
Jesus prays for his disciples then and today
What are the two groups in acts
1-12 peter preaches to the jews with jerusalem as the home church
13-28 Paul preaches to the gentiles with antinoch as home church
Acts 1-3
The spirit comes to regenerate
Acts 4-6
Satan comes to destroy
Acts 4
Witness of the church (mocking and persecution)
Acts 5
Purity of the church (compromise within)
Acts 6
Leadership of church (distraction)
Paul’s 1st missionary journey
-Barnabus and paul
Pauls 2nd missionary journey
Paul’s 3rd missionary journey
3 years in Ephesus
Romans 1
-greetings from paul
-Gods Good news
-God’s anger at sin
-God eventually gives people over to their wickedness
Romans 3
-God is faithful
-all have sinned
Christ took our punishment
Romans 4
-Abraham made right through faith
Romans 5
-Faith brings joy
-Jesus is the 2nd adam
-new creation
Romans 6
Sins power broken through death to sin and self
Romans 7
-No longer bound to the law
-God reveals our sin
-struggling with residual sin
Romans 8
-Life in the spirit
-The future
-Nothing can seperate
Romans 13
Respect authority
love fulfills requirements
Romans 14
Danger of critism
-do not cause others to stumble
I Corinthians 5
Throw out incest man
I Cor 6
-Lawsuits within christians
-avoiding sexual sin (your body was made for His glory)
I Cor 7
-Christian marriage is a gift and so is abstinace
I cor 11
Instruction for the Lords supper and public worship
I cor 12
Spritual gifts (most important ch), One body with many parts
I Cor 13
Christian love is forever
I Cor 14
contrast between prophecy and tongues, call to orderly worship
I Cor 15
The importance of the resurrection (Christ, dead, and body)
II Cor 8
-A call to generous giving
-Titus and his companions
II Cor 9
Many reasons christians should be generous
II Cor 11
Paul’s #struggles
-false apostles
-Many trials (beatings)
II Cor 12
Paul’s thorn in the flesh from God
-concern for the corinthians
Galatians 2
Paul confronts Peter
the apostles accept Paul
Galatians 5
Fruit of the spirit is opposite of sinful fruit
-freedom in Christ
-Living by the Spirits power
Matthew Characteristics
-Most Jewish gospel
-Kingdom and Jesus is King
-5 long sermons (books of moses)
Written by Matthew
Characteristics of Mark
-fast paced
-emphasize Jesus actions
-not unique 90% in luke and matthew
-secret messiah
-Peter is the source
Characteristics of Luke
-first of 2 letters by luke
-historical events (2:1 and 3:1)
-luke did research
-wrote to theopilus
-Holy Spirit, prayer and Joy are important
-poverity good
-9:51 hinge verse
-What it means to follow Jesus
-Son of Man
characteristics of John
-not synoptic
-assumed they’ve already read synoptics
-slow plot
-no parables or exsorisms
-only 7 signs
-20+ years after others
Acts was written by…
Luke the medical doctor
Romans characteristics
comprehensive and orgranized. 1st half is about God’s goodness, and the 2nd about how we should be good
What are the three sections of romans
Doctrine 1-8
Israel 9-11
Duty 12-16
What are the 2 sections of I Corinthians
1-6 disunity
7-16 Paul responds to questions
structure of II Corinthians
1-7 pauls life
8,9 resons to give
10-13 apolistic authority
Key charcteristics of galatians
Should new converts obey the law of Moses
Parallels between moses and Jesus
-out of egypt
-cross red seas/ baptism
-wilderness 40 years/days
-law from mountain/sermon on the mount
Matthew 5-7
sermon on the mount
The how and why Luke wrote Luke
How: Eyewitness accounts
Why: fulfillment
Whats the watershed of Acts
I Corinthians part 1
Division 1-4
I Corinthians part 2
Sex 5-7
I Corinthians part 3
Food 8-10
I Corinthians part 4
The Gathering 11-14
I Corinthians part 5
The resurrection (15-16)
Acts 1
Jesus ascension and replacing judas (Matthias)
Acts 2
-The Spirit Comes
-Peters first sermon
-3,000 believe
Acts 5
Ananias and saphira die for lying
-apostles heal many
-apostles meet oposition
Acts 6
-seven men chosen to serve the widows
-stephan, philip, procorus, inanor, timon, parmenuas, nicholas
-stephan arrested
Acts 7
Stephans sermon and stoning (the council)
Acts 8
Philip the evangelists ministry
-persecuation scatters believers
-philip in Samaria
-The Ethiopian eunach
Acts 9
Conversion of Saul
-Aeneas and rasise Dorcus
Acts 10
Peter and Cornelius (1st Gentile convert)
Acts 12
An angel leads Peter out of jail, James is killed, death of herod agrippa
Acts 13
Pauls missionary journey begins
-barnabus and saul commisioned
-Paul turns to gentiles
Acts 15
Jerusalem church council
-letter to gentile believers
Acts 22
paul testimony to irate jews
-reveals roman citizenship
-before high council
Acts 26
Pauls testimony before agrippa
Acts 27
Pauls shipwreck on the way to Rome, paul told them to stay aboard. They got stuck in malta
Who were the 3 most influencial people to Paul
Barnabus, Ananius, and Stephan
Ephesians 5
-The Christians family (Spirit-guided relationships)
-Living in the power
-Living in the light
Ephesians 6
-The armor of God
-Children and parents
-slaves and masters
-final greetings
Is about mercy for a runaway slave. the owner being Philemon and the slave being Onesimus
Hebrews 1
-Jesus, God’s son, greater than angels
characteristics of Galatians
-Paul was agitated
-most detail about Pauls early christian life
-teaches new converts to live by faith and be controlled by the Holy Spirit
Ephesas was the big seaport city for change
Philippians 2
Christ humbled himself and was exalted
-have the attitude of Christ
-Paul commends timothy
-Paul commends Epaphroditus
Colossians 1
-Christ is supreme over everything
-pauls work for the church
I Thessalonians 4
Being “caught up” to meet the Lord
-live to please God
-The hope in the ressurectoin
II Thessalonians 2
-The man of lawlessness
-The Lords second coming, adn believers should stand firm
I Tim 3
-Qualities of church leaders
-the truth in our faith
I Tim 5
Caring for the widows of the church
-widows elders and slaves
I Tim 6
-The tragedy of loving money
Hebrews 3
Jesus greater than Moses
Hebrews 4
Entering Gods rest
-Christ is our High Priest
Hebrews 5-8
Jesus our High Priest
Hebrews 5
-high priest
-call to spiritual growth
hebrews 6
Gods promise brings hope
Hebrews 7
-Melchizideck greater tha moses
-Jesus like him
Hebrews 8
Christ is our high priest
hebrews 11
-The hall of faith
James 1
The Word is like a mirror
-faith and endurance
-listening and doing
James 2
Salvation not my faith alone
-warning against prejudice
-Faith without good deeds is dead
James 3
The great power of the tiny tongue
-controlling the tongue
James 5
Elders praying for the sick
-warning to the rich
-patience and endurance
-The power of prayer
-restore wandering believers
I Peter 2
Living stones for God’s house
-a call to holy living
-respecting peoples authority
II Peter 1
Scripture is God speaking
-growing in faith
-paying attention to scipture
II Peter 2
The danger of false teachers
II Peter 3
The day of the Lord will be like the flood
-the day of the Lord is coming
-Pauls final words
I John 1
God is light (pure) but He can forgive
-living in the light
I John 4
God is love
-discerning false prophets
-loving others
All about how to recognize false teachers
Revelation 1
A vision of Jesus
Seven churches revelation was written to
Revelation 2 and 3
letters to the seven churches
Revelation 5
Worshipping the resurrected Lamb
-the lamb opens the scroll
Revelation 12
Satans response to the birth of Jesus
-The woman and the dragon
Revelation 18
The fall of Babylon
Revelation 20
Final judgement
-the thousand years
-the defeat of Satan
Revelation 21
The beauty of the church
-New Jerusalem
is like the new testament proverbs
-sermon on the Mount
What did the letter Titus accomplish
establishing the church in Crete
Hebrews theme
dont go back to your old life
I Peter theme
You must be willing to suffer for Jesus
II Peter theme
False teachers will arise within the church
1,2,3, John
Love and truth
What is the most popular verse from OT in the NT
-Psalm 110:1 is the most popular verse from the OT quoted in the NT
-The Lord said to my Lord,110:1 Or my lord.
“Sit in the place of honor at my right hand
until I humble your enemies,
making them a footstool under your feet.”
John mark is the cousin of
Where was Luke from
Who was James and Johns Father
Where was John exiled to
Which chapter of acts records pauls two year missionary journey
Acts 18
What is the ideas of the letters in revelation
you have turned away, repent and do what you were doing before!
What is the theme of II Corinthians?
The Beauty and Hardship of Ministry
What is the theme of I Corinthians
Disunity and other church problems
What is the theme of Romans
The Gospel is the Best News in Human History
What is the theme of John
Believe in Jesus the Son of God
What is the theme of Luke
The hist1orical certainty of the gospel
What is the theme of Mark
Jesus came to serve not be served
What is the theme of Matthew
Jesus the Messiah, King of the Jews
What is the theme of Galatians
Christians have no obligation to obey the Laws of Moses
What churches were Galatians written to
Iconium, Lysrta, Derbe
What chapters of acts talk about Ephasus
19 and 20
What chapters of Acts talk about the mission in Philippi
Acts 16
Where did Timothy join Paul and Silas
Lystra (secondary missionary journey)
What is the theme of James
Authentic faith
What is the theme of I peter
You must be willing to suffer for Jesus
Hebrews 5-8
Jesus our high priest