Julio9//2n22/23/jan6//24//feb22, Flashcards
I want to open a bank account.
Quisiera abrir una cuenta bancaria.
Mike could count on me and I could count on him.
Mike podía contar conmigo y yo podía contar con él.
to weave
to tile
to sew
The women were weaving in front of their house.
Las mujeres estaban tejiendo delante de su casa.
The town of Comalapa is very famous for its weaving.
El pueblo de Comalapa es muy famoso por su tejido.
Reina and her sisters are weavers and Angelina sells weavings. The loom
They weave fabric on looms.
To tile
Reina y sus hermanas son tejedoras y Angelina vende tejidos. El telar
Tejen telas/tejidos en telares.
Telas from telares
Los telares de cintura
Venderse - to sell out
I am not used to managing an account in Google Drive.
No estoy acostumbrada a gestionar/manejar una cuenta en Google.
In the challenge, I can´t understand Lorena at all.
En el reto/desafío, no puedo entender a Lorena para nada.
He made it for me.
El me lo hizo para mí. the “me” is for emphasis, he made it for ME.
El lo hizo para mí.
both are correct, per Julio.
DeepL doesn´t always translate sentences entirely correctly.
DeepL no siempre traduce las frases de forma/manera totalmente correcta.
No puede traducirlas.
No pudo traducirlo correctamente.
He cannot translate it.
He could not translate it correctly.
No puede traducirlo.
No pudo traducirlo correctamente.
Julio was not able to explain it to me.
Julio couldn’t explain it to me.
Julio no pudo explicármelo. (He didn´t succeed in explaining it, he tried and failed. We know the result.)
Julio no podía explicármelo. (Don´t know whether he managed to or not but at that moment he couldn{t.=
Carlos could not talk to her because he was nervous.
Carlos no pudo/podía hablar con ella porque estaba nervioso.
Can you use no Carlos no pudo:podia hablarle? YES you can
dif between pudo and podía, per Julio,, it you say pudo he was never able to talk to her, if you use podía it is more of a description and emphasis of the incident. Why iopn not do pn, because hablar (hablarle above) is a verb of communication that always takes an IOPN even tho in English it is a DO. some verbs of communication (also verbs giving something to someone): hablar, decir, preguntar, escribir, avisar, advertir, pedir, dar, prestar, mostrar
I couldn’t / didn’t manage to talk to her yesterday because the signal in my house was poor.
No pude hablar con ella ayer porque la señal en mi casa era débil.
Hi, are you calling about the sofa ad/announcement?
Hola, ¿llamas por el anuncio del sofá?